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What's the Endgame for World Politics?
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Tim Moore Archimedes said, "Give me a place to stand, and a lever long enough, and I will move the world."

What he postulated as a mathematical law of physics has become the megalomaniacal dream of mankind: Give me enough power — concentrated in time and place — and I will rule the world. Kings and rulers have ranged from the relatively benevolent to the utterly despotic. Even today, that spectrum is manifest among the nations of the world.

To the Greeks, "politics" described the affairs of the cities. The Old Testament speaks of kings who ruled over individual cities in Canaan. Later, God gave the Israelites a king following their clamor to "be like all the other nations." He warned that even the most benign rulers would still take some of their bounty and some of their freedoms.

Today there is a renewed demand for ever-expanding governmental power. The cry, "there ought to be a law!" leads to an insidious expectation for government solutions to every problem — real or perceived. This, of course, plays into the machinations of our great adversary, who fashions himself a ruler preferable to Almighty God.

That is not to say that government in and of itself is evil. Just as God instituted the family as the basic building block of society, He ordained government to uphold order, encourage societal goods, and punish inevitable wrongs. Within its proper boundary, government is an agent for good.

But Satan has incited mankind to pursue powers and policies that reject God's laws and usurp His authority. Since Babel, the result has been disappointment, failure, and heartbreak.

God's Word tells us that the nations of the world will align in a particular way in the End Times. Aspiring global elitists will try to manipulate the nations like pieces on a chessboard. The swirl of world politics is yet another sign that we are living in the season of the Lord's return.

But the King of kings has the final move!

As we Christians observe the Signs of World Politics playing out around us, take comfort in knowing that neither the elephant or the donkey will prevail in the end. The Lamb who was slain will return as a roaring Lion to set up His own righteous Kingdom on the earth.

I am looking forward to that glorious benevolent Monarchy!

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