Barger on Questions from Non-Believers

What are some of the most asked spiritual questions by unbelievers? Find out with guest Eric Barger on the show Christ in Prophecy.

Last aired on October 28, 2012.

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The Man of Lawlessness

The Man of Lawlessness Book
by Dr. David R. Reagan


Dr. Reagan: What are the most frequently asked questions by non-Christians about the Bible and Christianity? Stay tuned as an expert in Apologetics reveals the questions and responds to them.

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Part 1

Dr. Reagan: Greetings in the name of Jesus our blessed hope and welcome to Christ in Prophecy. I am delighted to have Eric Barger back with us for the third week. Eric is a specialist in Christian Apologetics, which is a technical way of saying he is an expert in defending the faith. And I’m also glad to have my colleague Nathan Jones here with me once again to help me interview Eric. Nathan is our Web Minister and also serves with me as an associate evangelist. Eric welcome back to Christ in Prophecy.

Eric Barger: Great, thank you David glad to be here.

Dr. Reagan: We really are blessed to have you with us and appreciate you taking the time out from your schedule to be here. Nathan you are in a role that’s very similar to Eric’s here at Lamb & Lion as our Web Minister you are bombarded with questions all day long, everyday. And I assume that due to the nature of our ministry most of them relate to Bible prophecy.

Nathan Jones: They do.

Dr. Reagan: But I’m sure you receive others as well. So what would you say are the most frequent questions that you receive from unbelievers, or most frequent questions?

Nathan Jones: Well for unbelievers there are two groups there are those who come across something we put out and they really want to know our position. And then this tends to be a bigger group the second group they just want to attack. They want to attack what we believe. For those who really want to know the Bible they want to understand the biblical supports. They want to know: How you can trust the Bible as God’s Word? The second one is they want to know about the Creation. How can we believe that God created the universe? And for unbelievers that are attacking usually it, “Isn’t God all so bloody what’s with all those sacrifices? What’s all that blood about? And the fourth one is you can’t use the Bible to defend it, what are some extra biblical references to the Bible that proves the Bible is God’s Word?

Dr. Reagan: Ok well that’s a pretty good list right there.

Nathan Jones: Yeah, it is about four.

Eric Barger: Well how about you?

Eric Barger: Well there are several of them. And I appreciate the one Nathan brought up there at the end because you know the idea of using the Bible to you know quoting sections of the Bible and then quoting another section is not circular reasoning because it is different authors and different time periods.

Nathan Jones: Sixty-six books right.

Eric Barger: That’s right and we’ve said this before on other programs. A couple of questions that I came up with were, “How can you believe the Bible it has errors and it’s been doctored, it’s been added to incrementally.” We hear all those kinds of questions. And a lot of people want to argue with you. I don’t have a lot of time for that. But somebody who really wants the truth I will go the extra mile to try to give them the answers you know.

Nathan Jones: Amen brother, amen.

Eric Barger: Another one would be Christianity is way too narrow, you know, Jesus claims to be the only way to Heaven, or you claim that about him. Aren’t all religions equal? And so I get the question about universalism a lot. You know people want to put Jesus on par with Mohammed, Buddha, and the rest. Another one would be bad things happen to good people, you say God is a God of love, well how could that be? We get that one often.

Nathan Jones: Definitely is true.

Eric Barger: And shouldn’t science be the way we decide what’s truth? I hear that a lot. Of course that always comes back to the idea that Evolution would trump Creationism or Christianity and the story that we have. I think from Christians the thing I get is, “Wait a second do I have to believe all those doctrines to be a Christian?” You know I had a gentleman come up to me one time not long ago and say, “You know I’m a Christian but I don’t believe in that virgin birth business.” And I said to him, I said, “You know it is a free country and you can believe what you want to believe but I can’t call you my brother in the Lord if you don’t think Jesus was born of a virgin. Because if He wasn’t we’re still lost and why are bothering to go to church? We need to be figuring out who the Messiah is because I guess it wasn’t Jesus if He wasn’t born of a virgin.” So there are something’s that are non-negotiables, things I can’t budge on. And there are a lot of things we can agree to disagree on. But the essentials of the faith that are shown to us in the great creeds of the faith, those are the things that are the essentials. And a lot of people just don’t want to believe those things.

Nathan Jones: I’d also add and this is probably one of the biggest one from Christians is must I worship God on Saturday? They are really confused about should they be dropping Christmas and Easter and having to worship on Jewish holidays and Saturdays.

Eric Barger: Interesting I almost used that one too.

Nathan Jones: Ok, yeah.

Eric Barger: And a minute ago I thought about me just bringing it up you know extraneously.

Nathan Jones: Then you can answer it man.

Eric Barger: I get that all the time. No I think I’m out of time actually.

Dr. Reagan: Well I tell you what fellows I’ve been making notes while you all were talking and we’ve got quite a list here. So we’re going to just pause here for a moment and we’re going to talk about one of the materials, resources that we’ve produced by this ministry. And then we’ll come back and I’m going to put your feet to the fire and we’re going to start talking about these questions and see what kind of answers you can come up.

Part 2

Dr. Reagan: Welcome back to Christ in Prophecy! I am in the process of interviewing our special guest, Eric Barger who is a specialist in the field of apologetics, which refers to the defense of the faith. And I’m also interviewing our Web Minister Nathan Jones because he is constantly involved in answering questions both about Bible prophecy and the Christian faith in general. Ok fellows let’s get to the questions. The first one I want to throw out you is one that you raised Eric, and that is about doctrine. You said people were always asking you, “Do I really have to believe what the church teaches about this, or that, or whatever? Do I really have to believe in the virgin birth, or the resurrection?” How important is doctrine? And what is the problem with doctrine in the church today?

Eric Barger: Well the church in general especially here in American has switched to preaching a self-help, here and now Gospel or a self-improvement Gospel. And you know we’ve substituted marriage seminars, nothing wrong with that; or financial seminars, nothing wrong with that. But we slap a Scripture on top and call it the Gospel something is wrong with that. Our people need to hear the doctrines of the faith. It will be those doctrines that will see them through tough times. And it was those doctrines that the apostle taught again, and again, and again, and again so the whole church knew what they believed. They weren’t dependent necessarily going to say to the pastor, “What do we believe about this?” They knew what they believed because they had heard it over and over. We need to return to sound doctrinal preaching that prepares the church to understand the bases of Christianity. Too often I’ve heard pastors succumb to the idea that the latest, greatest, newest book with a workbook that we’ve all got to buy for everybody in the church to go through, to spend the next six months working on a workbook rather than working on The Book. Let’s come back and look at what the Scripture says. And you know there are non-negotiables. And there are things in there like I said earlier that are negotiable that we don’t all have to agree on the same way.

Dr. Reagan: Right.

Eric Barger: And it doesn’t mean that peripheral doctrines I call them aren’t important, but there are Heaven and Hell issues that we can’t budge on. And they of course would be outlined in Creeds of the Faith.

Dr. Reagan: How about it Nathan, what are your ideas about doctrine and the importance of doctrine?

Nathan Jones: Well we’ve taken this word doctrine and made it to be a bad word and it’s not. I mean it is what we believe. I mean how would we understand sin unless we study hamartiology? How do we understand salvation unless we study soteriology? You know how do we understand how churches work and function without ecclesiology? I mean all these are big words that can be kind of scary, but this is categorizing what we believe. And we need to understand what we believe so we can defend against the attacks that come from Satan and unbelievers all the time.

Dr. Reagan: Well the public opinion polls of Christians, even born-again people who say I am a born-again Christian, a Bible believing fundamental type Christian the polls are showing incredible ignorance concerning doctrine. People who claim to be born-again saying that they believe Jesus sinned. That they don’t see why it is so important to believe in the resurrection. Or to believe in the virgin birth. The fundamentals of the faith we aren’t talking about peripherals here. But they don’t understand why that’s important.

Eric Barger: Yeah they think the Holy Spirit is an it, rather than a third person of the Trinity you know.

Dr. Reagan: And if you ask them to defend the virgin birth, or defend the resurrection what would they say?

Eric Barger: Yeah, and the resurrection of Christ if He didn’t raise from the grave physical, and this is one that is attacked all the time. If He didn’t raise physically we are still lost, He wasn’t the Savior if He didn’t come out of the grave physically.

Dr. Reagan: I was in a conversation recently were somebody mentioned so and so, and I said yeah, but he said that, and I said, “Yeah, but he’s not a Christian.” They said, “What do you mean he’s not a Christian? He’s a Bishop of Church who are you to judge him?” I said, “I have every right to judge him by what he believes and how he lives, and so forth. And I’m telling you right now he’s not a Christian.” They said, “Well how can you say that?” I said, “Because he denies the resurrection.” I said, “You can stand in a garage and say you’re a car, but that doesn’t make you a car.”

Eric Barger: That’s right.

Dr. Reagan: And this guy says he’s a Christian and denies the resurrection, he is not a Christian. You cannot be a Christian and deny the resurrection.

Eric Barger: But we have this being taught in seminaries and Bible schools. We have the spiritual resurrection of Christ being taught, all over and over again. This is the kind of stuff that our new seminarians and perspective pastors for the future are being taught.

Dr. Reagan: And yet the Apostle Paul said, “If Jesus was not resurrected from the dead we have no hope.”

Eric Barger: That’s right we of all men most miserable, exactly. First Corinthians 15 is a great resurrection chapter. We have 500 eye witnesses that saw Him alive after He was dead. We have better proof that He’s a live then the fact that we are in this building today.

Dr. Reagan: And that raises another question I hear so often today even from Christian, particularly from Christians, “Well the Apostle Paul said that. I only believe what Jesus said. I’m a red letter Christian. Jesus never spoke out against homosexuality and condemn it, only Paul did that, it was Paul’s personal opinion.” How do you deal with that?

Eric Barger: Well the Apostle Paul, obviously they want to take just the four Gospels and only parts of them, they wouldn’t want to take Matthew 24 and Luke 21, you wouldn’t want to look at Mark 13 the prophetic parts. You know you wouldn’t want that. And you wouldn’t want what Jesus said in the Book of Revelation. So they discount Acts, all the Epistles the Book of Revelation, take only those four Gospels. And we see who they are. We see the people who are advocating this. They are right dead smack right in the middle of the Emergent Church Movement. They come out of the liberal background that they can pick and choose from the Bible what they want out of it, instead of taking it all as God’s revelation to us. You know a liberal theologian once said that he believed the Bible was a divine mailbox where you could receive messages from God. No, it is the message and it ain’t no pick and choose. It’s all or nothing.

Dr. Reagan: W.A. Criswell who was pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas for many, many years before he went home to be with the Lord used to talk about leopard theologists, leopard theology. And I said, “What does that mean?” He said, “Well a leopard theologian is one who believes the Bible is only inspired in spots, and he knows what spots.”

Nathan Jones: Which ones.

Eric Barger: Yeah, exactly.

Dr. Reagan: The spots he agrees with.

Eric Barger: That’s right. That’s it. We take up what we like and discount what we don’t.

Nathan Jones: Plus Jesus talked about marriage and sexual purity, so that covers homosexuality right there.

Eric Barger: It really does. Whether Jesus mentions it or not the Scriptures are clear from the Old and New Testament, this has nothing to do with how much we love and have compassion for every person no matter what their sin might be. But God wants to set people free. And thank God He is setting people free of all kinds of sin, just not pet sins that people say oh, murder that is terrible so certainly that person needs God.

Dr. Reagan: Ok how about the attack that Christians are just too narrow minded. They are not tolerant enough. This is an age of tolerance we should embrace everybody, love everybody. Your opinion is just as good as my opinion, even among so called evangelicals today there are some of this of saying, “Well there’s not really any absolute truth. You’re truth is as good as my truth.” What about that?

Eric Barger: Did you call me narrow minded? If you did praise the Lord, brother. You have got it. You know I am pretty polarizing.

Dr. Reagan: Well Jesus must have been pretty narrow minded He said there is no other road to God except through Him.

Eric Barger: I guess so. He didn’t say me and Buddha, and Confucius were the way, the truth and the life. He said, “I am the only way.” And that’s the key; that we want to be conciliatory, we want to be loving, we want to reach out to people. In the process we can’t let the values that the Scriptures teaches us, the doctrinal beliefs we can’t let those things go by the by. And that’s what’s happened to us. It is happening in evangelical circles exactly like it did 100 to 150 years ago in who used to be the Evangelicals and who now today we could call them the Liberals. And Liberals we are not talking politics, we’re talking about those who claim to be Christians but don’t believe the Gospel like the Bishop you mentioned a minute ago.

Dr. Reagan: Well you know of the fastest growing beliefs in Christendom today all across the board in all denominations is the idea that there are many different roads to God. What about it?

Nathan Jones: Well you’ve got to look at the people who are claiming tolerance and are saying all roads lead to God. Usually they don’t believe in anything. They are the most tolerant because they don’t have any true faith that they believe in so they are just kind of hoping that it all leads to somewhere. They don’t have an agnostic view that there is a God, and that hopefully they’ll be going to heaven one day and they’ve got their bases covered.

Dr. Reagan: It seems to me like when they’re saying that though and they are claiming to be Christians, what they’re basically doing is loving Mormons, and Hindus and Muslims right into Hell.

Nathan Jones: And it shows they’re very confused about their belief in Christ too, maybe they really don’t believe it so they have to say well all these other groups. And you’re right by not saying what the truth is. When you say we are narrow minded that’s a compliment like Eric said is because what we are saying is this isn’t us, this isn’t us this is God. And God says that He sent His Son to die for our sins, and if we believe in Him we will be saved. God is giving us a life preserver; He is throwing a life preserver out. Praise the Lord we’ve got a life preserver. We need to grab it and pull it, and be rescued. But we can’t be swimming out in the ocean and God throws us a life preserver and push it away, “Oh, no, no send us a green one.” Or, “Send us a square one.” Or, “I’ll just swim forever.” It doesn’t work. Praise the Lord we’ve got a God who wants us to be saved and He gives us a means of being saved.

Dr. Reagan: Eric what about this many roads to God?

Eric Barger: Well, David in the Church today we have something called Reconciling Universalism which believes or teaches that when Jesus went to the cross He died for the sins of the whole world, which the Bible says, but that everybody is now saved without faith. And the Bible says you’ve got to have faith to please God. So they take parts of Scriptures, pet Scriptures out of context and they teach that everybody is going to be saved in the end.

Dr. Reagan: They sort of ignore that Jesus said the road to Hell is very wide, and the one that’s proper is very narrow.

Eric Barger: Forget Matthew 7:13-15 right on the spot. Exactly where Jesus said there was a narrow gate, and a wide gate. You know this is what is going on and that’s the kind of universalism that I see Christians exposing more often than not. And we need to be aware you know when Jesus said He was the only way that was because He loved people. Not just because He wanted to give us something to buttress an argument so we could beat somebody up with it.

Nathan Jones: Exactly.

Eric Barger: This isn’t about us being right, or winning an argument with an Atheist or a New Ager or whatever. This is about trying to tell them, trying to explain to them what the Bible says so that then they can consider the claims of who Jesus is and what He did and consider Him as Savior and Lord.

Dr. Reagan: I always think about the Ten Commandments and how God gave those for the purpose of helping us to have a very fulfilled life. And yet people tend to look upon those as some arbitrary God who is just trying to keep me from having fun. I want to be free I want to do what I want to do.

Eric Barger: Right.

Dr. Reagan: So what do they do? They go out and get hooked on drugs. How free are they?

Eric Barger: Not at all. I for one remember. I know yeah, yeah.

Nathan Jones: Isn’t it sad that the heart is desperately wicked? And really I think the basis of all this view that oh, you know we need to tolerate and embrace everyone’s sin and we’re all going to Heaven. There is no judgment is because we want to be sinful, we want to live out our desires. So we come up with all these philosophies that will support our desire to rebel against God.

Eric Barger: If there is anything I’d say to someone who is watching who is examining Christianity trying to figure out if it’s the way, is to go and examine the claims of Jesus Christ. Not based on the teachings of any particular church. Examine who He said He was. Examine what happened to the disciples especially the despair they showed. And the way Peter coward the night before the crucifixion and then look at resurrection power that was visited upon them afterwards. That’s what Jesus does for people. He changes lives. He changed us sitting here. We weren’t born Christians. We might have come from Christian homes or homes that had other Christians in it. But we weren’t born that way, we came to Christ based on what He did and His claims. And that’s what we’re trying to get people to see, just not that we’re so right, and they’re so wrong.

Dr. Reagan: OK, let’s come back in just a moment with the question you just raised. Who was Jesus Christ? Who is Jesus Christ today?

Part 3

Dr. Reagan: Welcome back to Christ in Prophecy. We’re talking about questions that both Christians and non-Christians most frequently ask about Christianity and about the Bible. Eric I want to go back to the point that you raised right before our break there and that is who is Jesus? This is a question that both Christians and non-Christians struggle with. Was He just a man? Was He a great prophet? Who was Jesus and who is He?

Eric Barger: Scriptures teach He was fully God, and fully man.

Dr. Reagan: God in the flesh.

Eric Barger: That’s right. And He came and fulfilled the many, many prophecies that the Messiah had to fulfill to have been called Messiah. He is the one that the Jews are looking for. He’s the one that the Gentiles were looking for. He is the Savior of all men who would come to Him. And He said the same He said, “For God so loved the world He sent His only begotten Son.” This is what we have in Scripture. This is what the Scriptures speak about Him, “That whosoever believeth in Him would never perish or have eternal life.” That’s the Jesus we serve. He is God incarnate and the one who fulfilled all those passages.

Dr. Reagan: Who lived a perfect life; who never sinned, therefore when He died He did not die for His sins, He died for our sins. Our sins were place upon Him. His righteousness was transferred to those who believe. But He had to die for the sins of mankind to reconcile us with God. Now that raises another question that people always throw at Christians: Why do you have a belief in such a bloody religion? In fact there was a woman in New York City just recently, who is the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in New York City who called a press conference and said, “I’m fed up with the bloody religion of Christianity.” She’s a graduate of Baylor University as a matter of fact. She said, “I’m fed up with this religion.” And she said, “I have decided we’re just going to take all the songs out of the song book that refer to blood. I’m not going to preach about blood.” Well I thought you’re going to have to change the name of your church you know Calvary it refers to it.

Eric Barger: That’s right.

Dr. Reagan: But here is a Christian leader saying this. What is it about the blood?

Eric Barger: Well the blood is the offense to the Devil. I believe that it is the most feared, weapon in the arsenal of the Christian. I really do. I believe the blood because it’s the demarcation line between death and life. It’s where our sins were paid for. And it’s the difference between Satan having control over each and every human, and those who will follow Jesus being saved because of His precious blood sacrifice. And by the way the Emergent Church hates the blood. They want a relationship with God but no bloody cross between us and God.

Dr. Reagan: I noticed in the Mormon religion they will not have a cross anywhere. The cross is offensive.

Eric Barger: Well they believe Jesus sweat blood in Gethsemane.

Dr. Reagan: Oh.

Nathan Jones: Hebrews 9:22 I think tells us it says, “According to the law almost all things are purified with blood. And without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin.” Another words we have to have something sacrificed on our behalf. So like the Old Testament yes they had lots of animal sacrifices but those animals died in the place of the people for a temporary covering until Jesus, the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. And that isn’t a bloody religion that is a religion of love. Where God would give up His own blood so that we could be saved isn’t a religion of death and destruction, but a religion of love and grace.

Dr. Reagan: Amen.

Eric Barger: I said Gethsemane a minute ago and I want to clarify that because somebody will hear that and not get the whole picture. We believe that happened too, but they never talk about the cross in Mormonism. That is the only place that the blood of Jesus is spoken about inside Mormonism where He sweat great drops of blood.

Dr. Reagan: Well I wanted to go back to some of the statements that we run across all the time and get your reactions off the top of your head on these. People are always writing in and saying, “How can a Christian support the death penalty at the same time be opposed to abortion?”

Eric Barger: Great silence. Well we stand for innocent life. And yet in the case of the death penalty this is a completely different deal. This is not about innocent life. In a case of a baby this is innocent life we stand for. It’s a totally, I think it is a moot point and one that the Atheist, Agnostic would love to throw at us.

Nathan Jones: Yeah it is legal jargon.

Eric Barger: They are two different things.

Dr. Reagan: And it’s interesting too from a Christian viewpoint that the death penalty was commanded by God in the covenant He made with Noah which is an everlasting covenant. That covenant is still in effect today. And He said if they take a life there life is to be taken. So this is something that even the Bible. And then people say well that was overridden by the New Testament because the New Testament is all about love. It didn’t override the covenant with Noah, that covenant is still in effect. But you’re right one is we are talking about a completely innocent life. Well here is another one: How could Christianity condemn homosexuality at the same time eat shrimp? People bring these things up all the time.

Nathan Jones: Oh, Atheist love that one because they are saying why aren’t you sacrificing your children if they do this or that. Or why are you eating shrimp, or mixing your threads? But we don’t live under the Mosaic Law anymore.

Dr. Reagan: In fact the Mosaic Law was given only to the Jews.

Nathan Jones: Only to the Jews exactly. And a lot of them is because they were traveling through the desert in very hostile situations and they were slaves, they didn’t know how to live out in the desert. They need to know cleanliness. They need to know how to drink certain waters, eat certain things so they won’t get sick and die, and that applied to them. But when Jesus came the Old Testament law was replaced by, “Love the Lord your God, and love your neighbor.” And we live by that grace today.

Eric Barger: Yeah, that is exactly right. It is a matter of looking at the Old Testament and understanding the reasons for what was happening there, and who it was written to, and then looking at the New Testament and seeing the grace and mercy of God.

Nathan Jones: And that covers the question about people asking if they should be worshipping on Saturday or not Christmas or Easter. Under that grace we no longer have to worship on one particular day, we’re to worship God every moment of every day. So we fulfill the law but we are free from the bondage of that law. We can worship God on Christmas and Easter; we don’t have to worship on the Jewish holidays because God gives us that freedom.

Eric Barger: I say if it is Tuesday morning, or Thursday night, Saturday is fine whatever day you pick but don’t tell us that we have to worship a particular day for us to be saved, because that’s the bottom line of that. It becomes my work that my works have something to do with my salvation. And it’s not about me; it’s about what Jesus did for me. My works can’t save me.

Nathan Jones: And they need to get it right, it’s not Saturday, it’s from Friday sunset, to Saturday sunset if they really want to get legalistic.

Dr. Reagan: I get letters of condemnation all the time primarily from Seven Day Adventists who talk about well you are going straight to Hell because you don’t worship on Saturday and so forth. And my response to them always is the same, go read chapter 14 of Romans, just read the chapter. It says that we have the freedom in Christ, I mean it says this point blank, “The freedom of Christ to give spiritual significance to any day we please or not to, and we’re not to judge one another on that.” So if I want to give spiritual significance to Christmas that’s my business. If you don’t want to that’s your business. But I don’t have any right to condemn you, and you don’t have any right to condemn me.

Nathan Jones: Amen.

Eric Barger: That’s right. This is not a Heaven and Hell issue.

Nathan Jones: Good point.

Eric Barger: And you know Paul elsewhere says that all those old celebrations have been done away with. He makes that very clear. By the way I have read that in a Seven Day Adventist Church where I was preaching one time, many, many years ago.

Nathan Jones: And they didn’t invite you back I’m sure.

Eric Barger: Well they didn’t invite me back but they kind of looked at me funny and shook their heads like well it is the Scripture, you know.

Dr. Reagan: Well we pretty well covered our list here. Boy we had a lot of questions. I guess there are still a few that we could get into in. Anything in particular come to your mind that we didn’t, oh, bad things happen to good people.

Eric Barger: Once again we live behind enemy lines. We live in a fallen creation.

Dr. Reagan: We sure do.

Eric Barger: Bad stuff is going to happen to good people. And good stuff is going to happen to bad people. People say that’s not fair why isn’t God doing anything about this. Well have we forgotten that we still have Satan lose on the earth?

Dr. Reagan: That’s right.

Eric Barger: That is the key right there.

Dr. Reagan: In fact we are pretty well guaranteed in Scripture if we really give our heart to the Lord Jesus Christ we will be persecuted.

Eric Barger: Yeah.

Dr. Reagan: It’s not going to be a bed of roses. There’s going to be trials, there’s going to be tribulations, there’s going to be persecution.

Nathan Jones: But we have to keep the big picture in mind. This lifespan of ours is 100 years of less. All of human history is 6,000 years plus another 1,000 for the Millennial Kingdom. But we have eternity with God in perfection forever. So yeah it is rough at this time, and certainly. I mean they killed Jesus, so it was rough for even Jesus being here. But we have an eternity to look forward to where we do not have to suffer.

Eric Barger: You know guys if someone watching thinks if they come to Christ everything is going to be great a bed of roses, 72 degrees, it is just going to be wonderful everything will be great.

Nathan Jones: In some ways.

Eric Barger: You know too many places in the church we hear that kind of story being taught. You know if you just come to Christ today He has a great plan for your life.

Dr. Reagan: Health and wealth.

Eric Barger: Wait a second you know you might go through lots of trials. And I guarantee you the older I get the more I know that we’re going to see all kinds of stuff happen that is disconcerting to us. We are going to lose loved ones, etcetera. This I know I can handle anything that comes my way if I’ve got Jesus.

Dr. Reagan: It’s called living by faith.

Eric Barger: That’s right.

Nathan Jones: Yes.

Eric Barger: It’s not about what Jesus is going to do for you and the great plan He has for your life. That could very well be true but it’s about my faith and my trust that I put in Him so that I know my eternity has been settled.

Nathan Jones: Oh man I was a decision counselor once and we had guy come down and he wanted to be saved. He was blind and he only wanted to get saved if God could cure him of his sight. And I said, “Well I can’t heal you of your vision. But I can pray that the Lord.” And I explained that salvation isn’t about physical it is about the spiritual walk we’ll have with Jesus, all the benefits of that. He stood up with his cane and walked away. He wouldn’t have God unless He healed him. I don’t know if God ever did heal him again. But to think that was the stumbling block. And for a lot of people the suffering in their life either that’s the stumbling block or they use it to stumble their faith and be mad at God.

Eric Barger: Way too many preachers today preach you know come to Christ everything is going to be fine. We have lied to somebody when we say that.

Nathan Jones: Yes, that’s right.

Eric Barger: And that can never be the reason that somebody comes to Christ. It’s all about eternity.


Dr. Reagan: Well folks that’s our program for this week. I want to thank Eric and Nathan for participating in this program. And I want to thank you for viewing it. I hope you will be back with us next week. Until then this is Dave Reagan speaking for Lamb & Lion Ministries saying, “Look up, be watchful, for our redemption is drawing near.”

End of Program

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