Israel in Crisis with Jonathan Cahn

What spiritual forces are raging behind the war against Israel? Find out with guest Jonathan Cahn along with hosts Tim Moore and Nathan Jones on the television program, Christ in Prophecy!

Air Date: October 19, 2024

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Tim Moore: Shalom, and welcome to Christ in Prophecy! Just over a year ago, Israel experienced a devastating and traumatic blow as terrorists from the Gaza Territory invaded to murder and sow carnage throughout southwestern cities and kibbutzes.

Nathan Jones: We, here at Lamb & Lion Ministries, were as shocked and horrified as the Israelis themselves by the savage hate manifested by Hamas that day, but in hindsight, we realize that Hamas has broadcast its hateful intentions to the world since it was founded in 1987. What has also shocked and horrified us has been the response of most of the world as Israel has tried to remove the cancer that has taken over Gaza and threatens the very existence of the Jewish state.

Tim Moore: Today, we are going to look back at this heartbreaking turn of events from a Biblical and prophetic perspective. And we’re going to pull back the veil to reveal the spiritual forces behind such murderous hate. We promise that there is still great hope in spite of this dark topic. Indeed, the Light of God’s truth is shining brighter than ever in the midst of this present darkness.

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Part 1

Tim Moore: Well, Nathan, we can all remember, most of us, where we were on 9/11. I know former generations could recount where they were on December 7th, 1941. I am sure every Israeli knows where they were when they heard about the attack last October 7th.

Nathan Jones: Oh, absolutely. I remember turning on the news, I think it was just a weekend, I was probably mowing the lawn or something like that. It was just a do nothing day. But later when I got on the news and saw all that was going on and how much I had missed, the scene that really stuck in my mind was a picture of, looked like a front loader that was ramming the fence and trying to break through.

And it then, once it broke through, reminded me of cockroaches when you turn on the light and they start crawling out from underneath the porch, they just poured in like cockroaches. And it also was interesting to me that something different than their generation than ours is that the killers were carrying around cameras filming everything, and the Israelis were carrying cameras and filming it, too. So it was a Gen Z battle, a whole new generation.

Tim Moore: It really was. As a matter of fact, some of those Hamas terrorists and even average Gazan Palestinians who came over to participate in the carnage were celebrating gleefully their murder. In other words, we have record of one young man who called his mother on the cell phone to tell her how many Israelis he had just murdered. And that’s a level of hate and really satanic rage that we can hardly comprehend, and yet, it should come as no surprise.
You mentioned that Hamas was founded in 1987. Even I forgot how recent this particular group came about. And they came into existence because they rejected the uneven application of hate that was happening by the current Palestinian leaders, including Yasser Arafat. And they were motivated to murder Jews and to destroy Israel. That’s their single fixated focus to this day. And they’ve made it very clear throughout their history.

Nathan Jones: Oh yeah, because they’re really an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood that came out of Egypt. And the Muslim Brotherhood was an offshoot, if you go back to World War II, where Hitler was working with the Grand Mufti in Jerusalem to try to bring about the destruction of the Jewish people in the Middle East. So what we’re really seeing through Hamas is the same satanic hatred that goes back to World War II.

Tim Moore: We certainly are. And of course, what the Nazis tried to accomplish in Europe, the Grand Mufti there in Jerusalem invited Hitler to come to Palestine as it was then known and complete the task against the Jews that were already gathering, regathering, I should say, in the Promised Land. So Hamas came about in the late 1980s, and they quickly began to grow in their influence throughout the Palestinian territories, amongst the Arab population and beyond.

But they then seize control in Gaza when the United States forced Israel to relinquish that territory and turn it back over to the Palestinians. So famously, they were elected by a democratic election to seize power in Gaza, and immediately they consolidated their power by literally murdering many of the former Palestinian authority officials who they thought were not militant enough against Israel.

Nathan Jones: Well, it’s hard to imagine that a group of people, a society would elect a terrorist organization to run their country. And that’s exactly what the people in Gaza did. Now, we’ve got to remember, too, that the Gazans, a lot of them, were settlers that came out of Egypt, or they considered them Syrians, they were Ottomans. They weren’t the actual Philistines or Canaanites, which many are claiming today that they’re the descendants that predate the Jewish people being in the land of Israel.

But that would be like America choosing, I don’t know, ISIS, to be in charge of the country. And once they did get in charge, they basically put their own people under the boot. And so really the Jewish people going in and destroying Hamas is also to free the Gazan people.

Tim Moore: It really is. You know, the Hamas terrorists have actually infiltrated, even the UN organization that has been in existence trying to bring relief to the Palestinian people. It’s the most misguided agency, of many misguided agencies at the UN. That’s the UNWRA, the UNWRA that works there in Gaza, but infiltrated by the terrorists in their schools.

They would teach young people that their greatest aspiration would be to murder Jews and to become a martyr, to the point that even little children would clamor to say, “I want to be the martyr celebrated today,” as the other children would carry them around in a mock funeral celebrating a martyr who had murdered Jews. This level of indoctrination and propaganda has permeated that portion of the Palestinian people.

But again, we saw a terrible attack that Israel had to respond to. I think Israel had become, dare I say, complacent about the threat right at its doorstep. It thought all of its technology and its outposts would preserve and protect its people. But the Hamas terrorist used technology to overcome, even the walls, even the sensors. And they were able to launch an attack that took Israel by surprise.

Nathan Jones: And it was, it was incredibly bold when you think that Hamas was using balloons and gliders and occasionally a missile without a guidance system. They were a nuisance to be sure. But this was very well-coordinated, very well-funded by Iran.

Tim Moore: Yes.

Nathan Jones: The weapons came from Sudan and Libya and all that. Most of the Islamic world was behind this. And when you think that the UN has been working to indoctrinate the Hamas children, the Gazan children to also fight Israel. Tim, I remember 20 years ago, Hamas used to, they had made a TV show with a Mickey Mouse-type character. And the Mickey Mouse character was teaching these little, you know, kindergarten kids to hate and kill Jews.
And in the last episode, they reenacted, they made an enactment of the story of a Jew killing Farfour the Mouse, and you know how much that would traumatize a child? And you think, man, these people are nuts 20 years ago. Those same kids are now the grownups that went in and attacked and killed. They had been indoctrinated since they were basically in diapers.

Tim Moore: Well, we know that Israel responded with force as it had to to eliminate, as I said, that cancer from the territory of Gaza, but immediately, the other bad actors in the region, so Hezbollah up in the region of Lebanon, and even the Houthis rebels, we call them rebels, even though they’re a large portion of the society there in Yemen on the south part of the Saudi Peninsula, they started launching missiles into Israel, all supported by Iran. And really that’s the head of the snake, if you will.

So Israel has addressed Iran, but most recently, even as we’re talking today, Israel has come after Hezbollah. So we have the incident of the famous exploding pagers, and then the exploding walkie talkies. I think Hezbollah is now afraid when the toaster oven rings. So they don’t want any technology because the Israelis have been very astute at creating mayhem amongst their command and control there in Lebanon.

Nathan Jones: Yeah, and the UN never misses an opportunity to make a resolution against Israel. But this, back in September, they even made a resolution against Israel saying that the Jewish people have to get out of Judea, Samaria, Gaza, and the Golan Heights by the end of 2025. And nobody’s to sell arms to them. So not only the Jewish people fighting pretty much the Islamic world, they’ve got two-faced friends, like the Biden administration, and now we’ve got the UN actively fighting.

I have a relative who’s in the Coast Guard, and when he was boarding a ship, he found a whole container of water. And on the water was a picture of–it looked like Israel, but it says on it, “Palestine.” There’s no recognition from the UN organization of really Israel as a nation, even though Israel legally is back in the land, according to the UN resolution 181, made back in 1947.

Tim Moore: So we talk about the satanic hatred that is impacting Israel there with militancy from Hamas, from Hezbollah, but really this satanic hatred, this propaganda is beginning to permeate the world. So the reaction, even here in our own country, we’ve watched as college campuses have erupted, especially the so-called elite colleges, and they have been given over to the propaganda of Hamas to the point that they are celebrating the murder of Jews.
They are celebrating terrorist organizations, and they’re even threatening Jewish citizens, Americans living here, because this satanic hatred is, as I would say, metastasizing all around the world. It’s a growing cancer.

Nathan Jones: It must be what the world felt like, Tim, back in the 1930s leading up to World War II. That growing antisemitism, that is now, they’re finding ways to justify it. Well, Israel went in and attacked Hamas. Well, they’re the ones their colonialism caused Hamas to respond. So the Jews are at fault for the, what was it, 1300 Jews that were murdered and 300 brought in as hostages? And the world is saying, “Well, it’s okay to hate the Jews and to destroy the Jews.” And it sounds like Nazism all over again.

Tim Moore: It sounds like Nazism. I remember just recently when the Israeli Defense Force had located a place where they thought several hostages were being held. And so they rushed into that location. Of course, Hamas knowing that they were coming, had murdered those hostages. And so Israel got there just in time to find their bodies.

But many in the world, the UN leadership and others, blamed Israel for the murder of the hostages without holding accountable Hamas who took them hostage in the first place. What nation takes hostages in a time of non-war or even war, that is a war crime by any measure. And yet, nobody condemns Hamas at the same rate that they condemn Israel.

And yet, Nathan, you and I know that this was lined out in Scripture. I’m reminded how in the Book of Judges, it’s recorded that Israel did not drive the people out of the land as God had commanded. So those original Canaanites were left there to be a thorn in the side of the Jewish people. And yet God had very clear warning against those who would come against Israel.

Nathan Jones: Oh, absolutely. I remember 4th of July of 2024. I went to downtown Colorado Springs. And even though the semester was off, there were college students there protesting Israel, let’s defund Israel and all. And then, you wonder, “Do they even know where Israel is? Do they know Hamas?”

Tim Moore: No.

Nathan Jones: And the argument is that, well, it’s a David and Goliath thing. All this big powerful Israel is picking on tiny little Hamas. But you know, there are 22 nations in the Arab League, there’s one Jewish state. There’s 481 million Arab Muslims in the world, there is 7.2 million Jews living in Israel. The landmass is over 5 million miles squared of Arab land. Jewish people 0.00855 million. So who is the David and who’s the Goliath in this?

Tim Moore: You know, even those college students have been asked when they’re chanting, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” And they’ve been asked, what river are you talking about? What sea are you referring to? And they don’t know the know. They don’t know what they’re even talking about.

The Word of God gave all that land to Israel. We know that in recent history, the United States and others have tried to pressure Israel into giving back land. The Israelis have been willing to trade land for peace. We don’t agree with that policy. Scripture does not support that policy. But tellingly, the Arabs, the so-called Palestinians have rejected every offer, even to get the land they claim they need and want, because that’s really not their goal. Their goal is to destroy Israel.

And yet, I’m reminded, Nathan, in Scripture, I’ll go to Ezekiel 25, where the Lord says to Amon that there was going to be a pronouncement of judgment. Why, because you said, “Aha” against my sanctuary when it was profane and against the land of Israel when it was made desolate and against the house of Judah when he had executed discipline upon them.

Same thing is true again in Ezekiel 36, where the Lord said to other nations, I’m going to hold you accountable because you have said aha. And because you have tried to take my people’s land. This is the verse 6 in chapter 25 again. “For thus says the Lord, because you have clapped your hands and stamped your feet and rejoice with all the scorn of your soul against the land of Israel.”

And that’s exactly what Hamas does. That’s what Hezbollah does. And there is an exuberant rage, that’s what Hamas means, against Israel. And quite frankly, Nathan, that is a spiritual dynamic, who’s behind all of this hatred that’s manifest in the ways that we can see outright?

Nathan Jones: Oh, it’s obviously Satan. When we think about it, God gave the Jews the Abrahamic Covenant, a land that’s promised them, it’s unconditional, it’s eternal. The Jewish people own that land, but Satan can’t have that. So he continually fires up the enemies of Israel and they, as you said, they have a hatred that’s beyond any kind of reason. And it’s a hatred that the Bible says is eternal. It seems to never end. It goes from generation to generation.

Tim Moore: And it’s even a self-destructive hatred. Their hatred creates destruction upon their own people. And they don’t care.

Nathan Jones: The Iranians, if they’re building nuclear weapons, and they definitely are, are threatening to use them on Israel, and the Palestinians are cheering it on. Well, wouldn’t that be the annihilation of them, too? It’s very satanic. But we know that the Lord also made what’s called the Land Covenant. It was a provision that the Jewish people, if they stayed in faith, they could enjoy the land. But if they rebelled, then they would be exiled for a time. But the land would always be theirs.

And of course, we have the Davidic Covenant, where the Jewish people are promised that they will have a ruler on the throne of David for all eternity. And now we know that is Jesus Christ. So Satan has been trying everything he can to negate those three covenants.

Tim Moore: He certainly has. I think it’s telling. And a good friend of ours brought this to light that about the time that the sign of Israel came back into existence just in this last century, Satan also inspired others to come back into existence, claiming to be a rebirth of the Palestinian or the Philistine people.

Until World War II, Palestinians included Jews, because that was the name given to the land by the Romans in their hatred for the Jews. And yet the Palestinians today, all Arab, would tie themselves back to the Philistines. As you already said, the Philistines are not part of their genetic heritage. And yet, this hatred of the Jews, which goes all the way back, was reborn because Satan said, “Alright, if you’re going to bring a sign into existence, I’m going to bring alongside Israel, another people group to be a thorn in their sides, just as they were in the days of the Judges.”

And so you and I know that Jonathan Cahn has recently released a book called “The Dragon’s Prophecy.” And it contains a powerful description of this satanic hatred and really the spiritual forces at play.

Nathan Jones: Yeah, what I really found interesting about that book is the point that he made is that while the Lord brought back Israel, a nation that’s been dead for 1,900 years and brought it back to life, then Satan needed to do a counterfeit miracle. And so he brought the Philistines back as the Syrian or Arab Palestinians. And they are basically, Tim, when you read the Bible, the Old Testament, we’re watching the Old Testament again. The same enemies of Israel from the Old Testament are there in the land, different ethnicities, but they’re there. Islam, of course, is there now. But it’s all moving towards God’s prophetic purposes to bring a remnant of Israel to salvation.

Tim Moore: It surely is. And Jesus himself said that the devil is a murderer and the father of lies. And so those who participate in murder and in part lies to the world who believe the lies that are being perpetrated by Hamas, Hezbollah, they are descendants and followers of Satan. So this is the dynamic at play, folks. We have to recognize that there’s more than just meets the eye. And Satan is alive and well. He is raging because he knows his time is short, and therefore he is trying to thwart God’s will. But God is still on the throne.

Nathan, I had a chance actually to connect with Jonathan Cahn. So let’s hear a few of his comments about why he wrote The Dragon’s Prophecy, and some of the insights he has to share about what’s going on right before our eyes today.

Part 2: Jonathan Cahn Video Clip

Jonathan Cahn: In Revelation 12, it gives a vision of one who is called the dragon, or a red dragon that wars against a woman with 12 stars, and the woman who gives birth to Messiah. The dragon is the enemy, or the one who’s called in Hebrew, Hassatan, the opponent, the opposer. And from the word Hassatan in Hebrew, we get the word Satan. And so he is the fallen angel, who turns against God, against Creation, against existence. He nullifies, he seeks to destroy the purposes of God.

But then on the other hand, you have the woman, and God creates a people, a nation, Israel, that is created to bring forth the purposes of God. So you have one force seeking to destroy the purpose of God, the other seeking, existing to bring forth the purpose of God. So what are you going to have? You’re going to have a war.

That’s why the Jewish people are the most fought against warred against, hated, persecuted, slandered, vilified people in world history. It’s the evidence their existence bears witness to the existence of God, but also to the existence of the enemy, the devil or the dragon. He knows if he can destroy the Jewish people, he can destroy the purpose of God, but he can’t. But that is why we watch this war from generation to generation. Ancient times against the Jewish people, medieval times, modern times, October 7th, everything. It never ends because the enemy does not die. The father of all antisemites is not flesh and blood, but is an angel, a fallen angel.

The Bible says that the enemy knows his time is limited. And so evil is like that. He always lives in the shadow of what is limited. So in the End Times, we expect to see the enemy’s fury increase. And that first fury is going to be against Israel because that’s his first war. But it’s also against, it says against the rest of her children in Revelation 12, the woman’s children. So it’s against all believers, those who follow Messiah. So we can expect that to happen.

So we saw it happen, October 7th. That was the fury of the dragon. You know, in Revelation 12, there’s a Greek word used about his anger, his hatred of the woman. It’s the Greek word, orgizo. I write about this in the book. And that this is what happened. It’s the rage of the dragon that you saw on October 7th. It’s the rage of the dragon that spoke through Adolf Hitler. It’s the rage of the dragon in every generation. And it wasn’t just what happened in Israel, but then what happened all over the world where this hatred, this rage spread against Israel all around the world. Well, you know what the Bible says it’s going to happen in the last days. And we are watching it now.

Yeah, behind the enemies of Israel is the enemy, the dragon. And that’s one of the things I bring out in the book, there’s all sorts of mysteries, you know. Behind the Gaza, behind the Palestinians or those who are against Israel, there’s an ancient mystery that goes back to the Philistines. Behind Hamas, the word Hamas is actually not only Arabic, it’s Hebrew. In Hebrew, it means evil, death, destruction. And so it’s actually found in the Bible. That’s one of the things I bring out. There’s all sorts of mentions of Hamas in the Bible, which are amazing.

And then Iran. The Bible…one of the mysteries I bring out in the book has to do with an entity called the Sar Paras. And the Sar Paras is an entity from ancient times that wars against Israel, particularly, is going to war against Israel in the End Times when Israel comes back. Well, the word Sar Paras means the master ruler or general of Iran, of the nation of Iran. So it’s behind Iran. So that you have an entity, a principality, that is seeking to destroy Israel. That is why Iran has become this darkened nation or government that’s obsessed with destroying Israel.

It’s all–and once you see, one of the things that I seek to do in The Dragon’s Prophecy is remove this, the veil. So you see everything that’s happening, there’s a mystery, there’s a prophecy or there’s a spiritual realm behind it. Why is the world watching, just sitting back or siding with it, because they don’t know any better. And without God, the only thing…you’re going to be influenced by the dragon.

What awaits the enemy, the Bible says, is judgment, is ultimate judgment, is the Lake of Fire. It’s destruction, you know? And that is for the Antichrist, that is for the beast, that is for the false prophet, that is for all who follow him, and those who do not follow God, and thus they’re against. If you’re not following God, you’re following, without even knowing it, the enemy. And so, you know, evil can only be destroyed. Evil will even destroy itself. You know, evil cannot last.

In the book of Revelation, you have evil represented by the dragon and good represented by the Lamb, Messiah. And so it’s interesting because a dragon is reptilian, and reptiles are cold-blooded. That means they cannot last. They can’t endure, they can go fast, but they can’t– they can go crazy, but they can’t endure. Evil cannot endure. It will not last because it cannot last. But good cannot end. That’s why it says His love endures forever.

You know, you got a lamb and you got a dragon in the book of Revelation. Most people, with odds like that, with a fight like that, they put their bets on the dragon. But the cool thing is the lamb wins and good will win. The good will all win in the end. And if you and me and we are of the Lamb, we’re going to win. The last part of The Dragon’s Prophecy is about how, not just the mysteries that are happening all around us, but how it affects us. We’re in this war, how do we fight it? How do we overcome, how do we know it, and how do we have victory?

Okay, again, the last part of The Dragon’s Prophecy is the war we are all fighting. The dragon wars against Israel (the Jewish people), wars against the rest of her children who follow Messiah’s ways. Those are believers. And wars against everyone in the image of God. So when you’re watching this, no matter what, you’re in this war, he’s been warring against your life from the beginning, trying to destroy your life in one way or the other.

But one of the things I want to bring out is that there’s a verse in that vision of the dragon in Revelation 12. And it says, “But they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, loving not their lives to death.” So the thing is, listen, we are called to overcome. That means we have the power to overcome. If you are living your life in the Lamb, that’s Jesus. If you’re born again, following Him, you’re going to win. And it may not look like it, but you’re going to win in the end.

And the thing is, the word for they overcame is the word nikao, which means victory, triumphing, prevailing, conquering. But a cool thing, it’s talking about the future, but it’s written in the past tense. So we fight the enemy, but we fight him in the past tense. The victory is already won. It’s Messiah’s victory, it’s the Lamb’s victory. But fight a won battle. And so therefore, the thing is, we are bound for victory if you keep fighting. First of all, you can’t have victory if you don’t fight. And the thing is that if you do fight, you are guaranteed victory.

And just remember when you look at the big picture, look at how the enemy has tried to destroy the Jewish people for 4,000 years, you know, through the Pharaohs, and through Assyria, and Babylon, and Rome, and Hitler, and the Soviet Union, and the terrorists. And thousands of years, they shouldn’t exist. They should be like the Hittites. And they should be in museums.

But after all that time, the Pharaohs are gone, Assyria has fallen, Babylon has crumbled, Rome has collapsed, Soviet Union has gone, Hitler’s gone. They’re all going to be gone. But the nation of Israel lives because the God of Israel lives, because the Messiah of Israel lives. And if you follow the Messiah of Israel, you’re going to live, you’re going to prevail. And that’s what this is all about. That’s what the book is all about. And that is what we are to do…overcome the dragon!


Tim Moore: I’ve long appreciated Jonathan Cahn’s insight into the original Hebrew of the Bible and the way he illuminates passages that offer prophetic insights to us today. The great evil metastasizing in the world today can only be understood from a Biblical perspective, which is why so many political leaders are at a loss to grasp the spiritual dynamics.

Throughout our 44 year history, Lamb & Lion Ministries has supported the Jewish people and stood with Israel. We take Christian pilgrims to Israel, not only to bring the Scripture to life regarding the Promised Land, but also because the existence of the modern state of Israel demonstrates that every one of God’s promises is “Yes and Amen.” His faithfulness to preserve and protect His chosen people, even in the face of tremendous satanic hatred, proves that He will preserve and protect all of us who put our trust in Him.

Nathan Jones: And the sign of Israel, the most important of the six categories of signs we point to regularly also demonstrates that we are living on borrowed time. Jesus said that when the cursed fig tree, symbolically referring to the nation of Israel, becomes tender and puts forth its leaves once again, you know that He is near, right at the door.

Tim Moore: We serve the living God and eagerly await our soon coming King, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And because we do, we stand with Israel. We also pray for the deliverance from exuberant rage and satanic hate all those who long for Israel’s destruction. We pray for their eternal salvation and the salvation of the Jewish people. As the great remnant of the Jews will cry out someday, we already proclaim, Baruch haba b’shem Adonai– Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Godspeed!

End of Program

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