Look Out for These Signs of the End Times

How many signs of the end times are being fulfilled in 2024? Find out with guests Olivier Melnick, Don Perkins, JB Hixson, Mondo Gonzales, and Lee Brainard along with hosts Tim Moore and Nathan Jones on the television program, Christ in Prophecy!

Air Date: August 17, 2024

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Tim Moore: Greetings in the name of Jesus, our Blessed Hope and welcome to another episode of Christ in Prophecy! You’ve likely heard the idiom, “Hindsight is 20/20.” According to U.S. Dictionary, the phrase stems from the concept of perfect vision, referring to the visual acuity measured at 20 feet.

Nathan Jones: Concerning the context of this idiom, it doesn’t relate to physical sight, but rather to the clarity, perception, or understanding of past events. It’s easier to analyze and evaluate situations when looking back at them with the benefit of knowing what has happened as opposed to predicting or understanding things in the present moment. As you know, we often understand situations better and more clearly after they’ve happened rather than before or while they are happening.

Tim Moore: And now that we are more than halfway through 2024, Nathan and I were wondering if any of the prophecies Bible prophecy teachers were predicting, purely through the lens of the Bible of course, back in late 2023, have come true or are increasingly coming true. In this effort, we are going to look at the interviews I conducted in December 2023 at the annual Pre-Trib Study Group Conference held here in Dallas, Texas. You’d be hard pressed to find as large a gathering of experts in Bible prophecy than at the Pre-Trib Conference.

Nathan Jones: When it comes to the interpretation of Bible prophecy, let’s see if hindsight is indeed 20/20. As Israel’s war with Iran’s proxies, such as Hamas and Hezbollah are so dominant in the news, we will begin with Olivier Melnick who serves with Chosen People Ministries. As a Jew for Jesus, Olivier offers some unique insights into the signs related to Israel and the return of our Jewish Messiah. We will follow with Don Perkins of According to Prophecy Ministries. And then J.B. Hixson of Not By Works Ministries.

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Olivier Melnick Interview

Tim Moore: So many people look around at the world today and think, oh my goodness, what’s happening in the world? The world seems to be falling apart. And then they run to Scripture to try to find understanding, instead of the other way around being grounded in the Word of God to understand what’s going on from a foundational perspective. So have you seen a dramatic increase in interest in the signs of the times and in God’s prophetic Word?

Olivier Melnick: Yeah, and I think it was Jan Markell who said, “The world is not falling apart. It’s falling into place.”

Tim Moore: Yes.

Olivier Melnick: And I like that. It’s all falling in place and it’s, you know… a lot of people that I’ve talked to in our circles, we all agree on one thing. The events that we’re seeing in front of us are happening faster, and the curve is going this way. It’s like a lot of events…, it’s all falling into place. I don’t think we’re in the tribulation yet. I’m pre-trib, pre-mil, you know, like I always tell people, I don’t even eat Post Cereal. So this is why I’m safe.

Tim Moore: [laughs] Okay.

Olivier Melnick: But I think that people are starting to see what’s falling into place. And I’m hoping that it’s going to attract them to the Bible, and the Bible might lead them to the Lord.

Tim Moore: Amen!

Olivier Melnick: Because you see what’s happening, and a lot of people who don’t have any knowledge of God or don’t believe in Jesus, in Yeshua, they push that stuff back. But when they start to compare what’s happening and all the things falling into place in the Middle East and in the world, and the one world government and the cashless society, and going like, “Wow, I’ve been told about this being discussed in the Bible. Maybe I should pay attention?” That’s my prayer.

Tim Moore: Maybe they should pay attention. You know, we talk about a series of signs that is revealed in the Bible, trying to systematize all that the Bible touches on, signs of nature, signs of society, signs of world politics, of technology, signs that are spiritual in nature. But the greatest of all signs is the sign of Israel. And just in the last number of years, Israel has come back into existence with Jewish people streaming back to Israel. There’s still some who remain living abroad. But just at the end of 2023, we saw a dramatic and horrific attack on Israel. And I think that piqued a lot of people’s interest as being yet another dramatic sign that something is afoot. And maybe I should pay attention to what God’s prophetic Word has to say. We don’t know the final outcome of this war, but we know the promises made to the Jewish people and to Israel that they will not be displaced and that God still has a plan for them.

Olivier Melnick: Well, absolutely, in Jeremiah 31:35-37, God gives a recipe to anybody who wants to completely get rid of the Jews. He says, “If you can measure the sky, the sun, and the moon, and count the stars, then I will forsake Israel for all that they have done to me.” And so it’s God’s way, tongue in cheek to say, it’s not going to happen, it’s not going to happen. Unfortunately, there are always going be some casualties you know, as we go through history, but He’s never going to forsake Israel. But people need to watch what’s happening, you know, in the Middle East, in Israel, because the clock is ticking.

Tim Moore: The clock is ticking.

Olivier Melnick: And you know, coming to, you know, connecting that to what’s happening with antisemitism on October 7th 2023, not only Israel was hit severely by Hamas, like animals, we all understand that, but I think the world, the whole world, turned another corner. And when you see the amount of antisemitism in America and in the world and the boldness that people are experiencing in how they express their antisemitism. There’s always been antisemitism. It was under the carpet, nobody was talking about it. A little bit here, a little bit there. But now it’s like people are out. They are proud of their antisemitism, almost.

Tim Moore: They’re raging, just-

Olivier Melnick: They’re raging, yes-

Tim Moore: I mean, the name Hamas means rage. And of course we’ve seen rage in Scripture, and yet that’s exactly what these satanically inspired people are doing who are anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, and want to do away with the Jewish people. They are raging today like never before. I think Satan realizes his time is short.

Olivier Melnick: Oh yeah.

Tim Moore: And that’s why he’s inspiring all this. You know, scoffers throughout the church age have said, “Oh, come on, where’s the sign of His coming?” To quote 2 Peter 3:3-4, “Things continue as they always have”. And yet today, I think even the scoffers are realizing, wait, something is afoot. And so we are witnessing signs that our great grandparents could not have even dreamed of because they were not being manifest, even a hundred years ago, the way they’re accelerating, as you said, today.

Olivier Melnick: Especially not before 1948.

Tim Moore: Yes, especially not.

Olivier Melnick: The birth of the modern state of Israel. So yeah, absolutely.

Don Perkins Interview

Tim Moore: Well, in late 2023 when we’re recording this conversation, we’ve seen a major uptick in interest around our country, around the world in the signs of the times. The devastation happening in Israel, with the attack by Hamas. But what do you see as being perhaps one of the signs that even Bible teachers overlook that is coming to bear today?

Don Perkins: Well, again, the nation of Israel is one of those major things. As a matter of fact, I taught this week at a church that normally doesn’t even hear anything about Israel. And I taught on Israel in Bible prophecy because a lot of pastors having to deal with end time prophecy because of the events that are transpiring in their world. A lot of pastors don’t have a burden or a desire to study prophecy. But guess what? Prophecy is coming to them regardless because they have sheep that want answers to questions. So a lot of pastors now are beginning to have to deal with the end time message because of all of the current events that are happening. People want to know what’s going on. It seems like the world is falling apart. What is going on? And pastors across the country have to deal with it. Some of them, you know, can answer those questions. Some of them can’t, so they bring in prophecy guys like myself, and you, and other prophecy guys, to try to deal with the uptick of concerns for our times. People need peace.

Tim Moore: They certainly do.

Don Perkins: The book of is Isaiah says this. It says, “Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of our times.” In other words, having God’s wisdom, God’s knowledge about the times, it will give you stability. Again, when people don’t understand where we are based on the Word of God, they go into panic mode. They are fearful because they don’t understand what’s going on. I sleep good every night because a sovereign God is in control.

Tim Moore: Well, it says of some of the folks in the Old Testament, “They understood the times, and therefore they took action.” And we can understand our times if we realize and read and study the Word of God.

Don Perkins: Yes.

Tim Moore: What do you see? Neither one of us is prophets, I make that point, and yet casting your gaze forward into the year 2024 and beyond, what do you think would be the next, kind of, manifestation of a great sign beyond even what we see on the stage today?

Don Perkins: Well, again, I would say one of those things is the apostasy, believe it or not, because I’m seeing that a lot today. People are turning away from the faith. The reason why I say that is because we have a Scripture illiteracy in the churches. And I’m literally seeing this every day. You know, as we go into 2024, I’m really praying that more pastors would really get back to the Word of God. Because of AI. You know, that’s just another whole thing. I was in a session a while ago, and they were talking about these pastors now that are allowing AI to write their messages. To me, those type of things there are so dangerous to move away from the inspired Word. You know what I mean?

Tim Moore: Yes, I do.

Don Perkins: AI is artificial intelligence. So if they are using that to write a Gospel, that’s artificial Gospel.

Tim Moore: Good point.

Don Perkins: As a result of that, sheep, they’re not getting the inspired Word. And therefore, I mean, it is creating the apostacy, it’s creating the Scripture illiteracy that I’m seeing. And my heart’s really concerned about that.

J.B. Hixson Interview

Tim Moore: Here, as we record in late 2023, the signs just seem to be multiplying and accelerating. Obviously, signs coming out of Israel, but also the signs of nature, obviously the signs of society, even in our own country, the signs that are spiritual in nature. What do you see, casting a gaze forward? And neither you or I are prophets, but as you just watch what’s happening relative to what is revealed in the Word of God, what do you think is the next major thing to come upon the world?

J.B. Hixson: Oh boy, I tell you, Tim, you know, there’s so much happening right now. 2024, I think is going to be a very, very significant year. And I don’t say that lightly because I’m aware as you are that, you know, there are always those people saying, you know, Y2K, or 2012 was another big year when things were going to happen. And that’s not what I’m saying. But I’ve studied particularly the rise of the one world system, Satan’s attempt to take over this world, what they call themselves, the Luciferian conspiracy and Satan’s earthly accomplice. I’ve studied that in depth for 20 years. And I really believe we’re seeing a coalescence of a number of things all happening at once. Right now you’ve got an election year, you’ve got the U.S. economy worse than ever. I mean, it’s been on life support for decades, but it’s really bad now. You’ve got the whole Trump theater and drama with all those trials. And then, not to mention, of course, the war in Israel heating up and who knows what’s going to happen with that, where that’s headed. I believe, and I’ve talked to a lot of Bible prophecy experts, I don’t think it’s going to simmer down. I think it’s going to just continue to move right into a lot of the end times wars, like Dave Reagan has talked about. So, yeah, I feel like we just have so many precincts reporting, so to speak, that it’s going to be quite a bombshell year. And I think more than ever before, believers need to be ready, stay in the Word of God, look at everything that happens through the lens of Scripture, and be prepared.

Tim Moore: Well, you know, this year being an election year, I know many of you out there perhaps are thinking, “What implications does that have?” I would just segue to say we are at yet another fork in the road, as a country, let alone the rest of the world. Are we going to choose to adhere to policies and leaders who would guide us in a more godly direction? Or are we going to continue down the path of pursuing ungodliness? You know, our president right now celebrates the murder of unborn children. He has been absolutely fickle in his support for Israel, something we know is very important prophetically. And he is leading people astray into the false promise of gender fluidity and all sorts of ungodliness. And so there a question of where we go as a nation. You and I have grave concerns over that, but I think it also leads into your own latest book.

J.B. Hixson: Yeah, so this just came out late 2023. It’s called “Spirit of the False Prophet, Rise of the Global Technocracy”. Folks can go to spiritofthefalseprophet.org, spiritofthefalseprophet.org to talk about it. But it’s really the third in a series of books that are the culmination, as I mentioned, of about 20 years of study in this. And I think one of the biggest signs, you talk about 2024, that’s changing daily, literally, is artificial intelligence and the role of technology in Satan’s attempt to take over the world. And that’s something to watch. I’ve had some technology experts on our program pretty regularly that are really well connected. And the folks on the inside of big tech, they’re concerned about something.

Tim Moore: Hmm.

J.B. Hixson: They really are. They can’t quite put their finger on it, but they feel like we’re rapidly approaching artificial general intelligence or even artificial super intelligence. And it’s kind of like the genie’s out of the bottle, so to speak, and they’re not quite sure what to do with it. Of course, from our perspective, knowing the Word of God, we see a lot of the things that are talked about in the book of Revelation during the Tribulation period, kind of fit the data of what’s happening today. We can understand, oh, that’s how they’re going to be able to see everybody at once, or control everybody, or control movements and buying and selling. So it’s not that things are falling apart the way secularists might think, they’re falling into place.

Tim Moore: Falling into place-

J.B. Hixson: But technology is going to be a big factor, and we talk a lot about that in the new book.

Tim Moore: You know, I’ve always pointed to people, people to 2 Peter 3 where he says that scoffers in the end times will say, “Where is the promise of His coming?” I dare say that even the scoffers are beginning to wake up to the reality that things are happening that are talked about in the Word of God, and they cannot scoff quite as dismissively. They still don’t have a clear understanding because most of them have ignored the prophetic Word, but I think there is a growing hunger. And so if that describes you, that you’ve thought, “Well, does this really have any relevance?” But you realize something is amiss, our great advocacy is go to the Word, because it will give you understanding for what is happening in the world around us.

J.B. Hixson: Yeah, and you know, that’s another great point that we like to talk about. And in chapter nine of the new book, we give the Gospel very clearly. You’re right, people that don’t know the Lord, there are so many things happening, they recognize things are not as they appear. And they may not be able to explain it. Even a lot of Christians can’t explain it because they’re not in the Word. But it’s a real opportunity now for evangelism because-

Tim Moore: It certainly is-

J.B. Hixson: You can create an opening to talk about the Lord and spiritual matters by just about anything. The election, technology, the economy, the war, Israel, Hamas, all these things. And it’s in the conversation. So you talk about it, you bring it up, and then you bring it back to now, look, if you died today, are you certain you would spend eternity in Heaven? And you give the Gospel.

Tim Moore: And you give the Gospel. And really that’s the bottom line, even of what our goal is, is not just to have knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Because if it doesn’t lead us to a deeper understanding of the Gospel and a relationship with Christ, then we violate the principle spoken of in Revelation 19, where it says, “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”. All prophecy is meant to point to Jesus Christ. And so it’s not just esoteric knowledge for its own sake. It’s to point us and draw us closer to our Lord and Savior.

J.B. Hixson: He’s the hero of all Bible prophecy.

Tim Moore: Amen, brother.


Nathan Jones: Our next interview is with Mondo Gonzales, who serves at Prophecy Watchers. We’ll then conclude with Lee Brainard of the Ministry Soothkeep.

Mondo Gonzales Interview

Tim Moore: We are recording this in the very latter part of 2023. This has been a very busy year with signs of the times multiplying all around. There’s been an uptick, I dare say, in interest in signs of the times and the end times. Why is that? And what do you see perhaps as being one of the most important signs that even some Bible teachers oftentimes overlook?

Mondo Gonzales: I think what.., you know, I have a lot of family and friends that are not saved. And so it’s interesting that what I see now is, with the latest thing happening again, basically in a minor way, but a second Holocaust in Israel, people are asking, “Is this Armageddon? Is this the end?” And so when you see, of course, Israel’s always going to be at the center. There’s going to be continued trouble all the way, as we know, all the way to the end. I don’t expect there to be some massive peace agreement or whatever, until the Lord comes back.

But so in that regard, I think people over the past few years, they have not forgotten what happened with Covid and the tyranny and the lack of,.. and the liberties being taken. And so I think what we’re seeing now is, now we’re talking about the Chinese pneumonia thing. And it’s like being spoon fed. I think one of the challenges, going back to the final thought there, is we need to make sure that we continue to teach discernment.

Tim Moore: Mmm.

Mondo Gonzales: Because that is… Jesus said, the first thing He said, “Let no one deceive you”. So the way that He leads that is reminding us that with AI, you know, even with quantum computing, all these other issues right now, we can fake anything anymore. And that’s, I think, what we’re going to see, the discernment, whether it’s somebody being framed or just any words that are being, you can have anybody say anything now. And with the ability of the technology, discernment’s going to be out the window. We’re going to have to stay so close to the Word.

Tim Moore: There will be no peace, whether it’s in Israel or elsewhere, until the false peace offered by the antichrist, I believe that’ll be after the Rapture, clearly, when the church is taken out of the way, and this megalomaniac emerges to try to consolidate power and has a solution for the Middle East peace problem. Hey, you can even rebuild your temple. But until then, the world’s going to have trouble. And yet the Lord tells Christians, “Let not your heart be troubled”. I always think that that means externally, there’s going to be trouble all around us, sometimes even impacting us in our lives.

Mondo Gonzales: Yep.

Tim Moore: But our hearts should be at peace because our heart is grounded in Christ.

Mondo Gonzales: Absolutely. What I find too is that, again, especially going back to Covid, seeing people, like as a pastor, I was pastoring at the time and watching people in the church become so fearful based on those external things. And it was like, “Hey guys, this is where the rubber meets the road as it relates to our faith and what we’ve internalized.” Jesus’ words in John 16:33. You know, “You’re going to have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I’ve overcome the world. May My peace be with you.” So do we really believe that? I think we believe it, but these are the opportunities we have to implement it. And to say, okay, let me just rest in the Lord, in the truth of Scripture. But yeah, as we get farther and farther along, what you said is so poignant because I think even times as prophecy teachers, we can look and be a little too eager sometimes to interpret something. Like even right now with Israel, oh this is Psalm 83. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on a minute. We don’t necessarily know that. So we have to be careful and not jump the gun because then again, we’ll end up having mud on our face if it doesn’t turn out the way we think, and then… We just have to be super, super careful and cautious.

Tim Moore: We do, and you used the word already, discerning. What do you think, looking forward to 2024, and we don’t claim to be prophets, neither Mondo nor myself nor Nathan Jones, but we study God’s prophetic Word. What do you think is a likely next development in the signs of the times in the year to come?

Mondo Gonzales: You know, as of right now, we can’t take off the table, of course, with the things that’s happening with Israel right now as it relates to, will they then go after Hezbollah, will Syria become involved? We see the trifecta of Iran and Turkey and Russia and they are already making agreements. To me, that is one of the key things because with Erdogan, the president of Turkey, I remember in the 90’s wondering, Turkey was so western. I mean, you didn’t have this, and so-

Tim Moore: And allied with Israel, relatively.

Mondo Gonzales: Exactly, oh yeah. They would do military agreements, because again, they’re a NATO, they’re still a NATO country.

Tim Moore: Yeah, well.

Mondo Gonzales: And so him coming in and, at first he had some solidarity with Israel, after October 7th. And then it was like a switch turned. And so that’s going to be a huge thing of whether this leads into, really, the provocations for Ezekiel 38. So that always has to be there, in a sense. But I think moving forward, what we’re going to see, 2024 is an election year. Will we have a fair election? You know, what will that look like? Will we get another, you know, four years of the Bidenomics, which isn’t working very well.

Tim Moore: Heaven forbid.

Tim Moore: Exactly. So will it be Obama 4.0 in that regard? So there’s no doubt, all the things that we’re seeing in our country, those are heading there. While all these things are going on in Israel, they haven’t stopped with trying to take away our liberties. They haven’t stopped with trying to implement a cashless, you know, digital system. I mean, what we’re going to see there, I think in 2024 is, there’s a new phrase that’s come out, is digital public infrastructure, DPI. And they’re going so fast on trying to get payment exchanges, ID, and just overall control through the digital infrastructure. So 2024 is going to be a major year, because they’re already starting, like with the payment systems, the FedNow and others. So we’re heading into that. I think if when we, Lord willing, we won’t be here. But if we are, a year from now, when we’re sitting here at the Pre-Trib [conference], we’re going to go, “Wow, 2024 was even more crazy than 2023”. So we’re going to keep saying that, I think.

Tim Moore: I think we are too. Every year seems to take us to a new height or perhaps a new depth of degradation, of wickedness in the world, and more manifestation of the signs of the times.

Lee Brainard Interview

Lee Brainard: What I like to encourage people with, we see the world getting darker and darker around us. Dark clouds are gathering for an awful storm. But for the believer with the eye of faith, every dark cloud has a silver lining. And the silver lining here is these are mileposts that tell us the coming of the Lord Jesus is getting nearer.

Tim Moore: The milepost, I like that analogy. In other words, when you see a milepost, you don’t stop and say, “Hey, let’s just stop and hang out at this milepost”. It’s a sign, an indication, that as we go forward, we are nearing our destination.

Lee Brainard: Absolutely.

Tim Moore: All right. Well, I’ve made the point, Lee, you and I are not prophets in our own right.

Lee Brainard: Yep.

Tim Moore: But we can read the Word of God. We can try to understand what is becoming more clear day by day. And so God has revealed things. He wants us to understand. Casting a gaze forward through the lens of Scripture, what do you see as some of the next events or things to come to pass in our world if the Lord tarries calling the church home.

Lee Brainard: Well, on the technology side, we are definitely going to see the digital currency, the digital passports. If the Rapture doesn’t happen, they’re going to be rolled out. We’re going to have to go through that ugliness. Other things that we see, we see the global hegemony, or the attempted global hegemony, of the Russia, Turkey, Iran. They’re trying to not only dominate the Middle East and Europe. They’re trying to bully their way and force China to go their way, force America to go their way, force the world to go their way. This is going to come to a head when they try and invade Israel. And that is going to be a time when God is going to demonstrate that he is the one calling the shots, not Russia, not America, not China.

Tim Moore: You know, it’s funny you mentioned those three nations. Many Americans have such a short memory span. We think back, perhaps all the way to the late 1970s when the Shah was deposed in Iran. And of course our own embassy employees were taken hostage. But prior to the Ayatollah returning to Iran and turning it into just an Islamic state, Iran was one of the few allies of Israel-

Lee Brainard: That’s right.

Tim Moore: In the Middle East. They provided all their oil. Turkey was an ally to Israel until just recent memory. And just a few years ago, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton went to Russia to offer them a great reset button. We talk about the great reset. She wanted to reset a friendly relationship between the United States and Russia. And yet how quickly all three of those nations have turned away from any kind of friendliness to the west, away from any alliance with Israel. And they are coalescing into an axis of evil that the Bible says will be the coalition that forms the Gog Magog. So we’re not saying that war is right on the doorstep, but it is coming.

Lee Brainard: Yep, the geopolitical chess board is being set.


Nathan Jones: Wars and rumors of wars, social upheavals, false teachers and teachings, the church and apostasy, signs of Israel, signs of nature, signs of technology, a convergence of all the end time signs, clearly hindsight is indeed 20/20. These signs are all increasing in frequency and intensity, just as Jesus foretold. Knowing this, we must ask, are you ready for the Lord’s return? You can only become ready by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and so be saved.

Tim Moore: May today be the day of your salvation. And knowing that the time is short before our great God and Savior bursts from the clouds to rapture His Church up to Heaven, join us as you determine to proclaim the Good News and live a holy life. Until next time, look up and be watchful for the signs of the end times indicate that our Lord Jesus Christ is indeed coming soon. Godspeed!

End of Program

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