The Jewish Feasts of Hanukkah and Purim (Updated)

Memories of Hanukkah with Avi Mizrachi Memories of Hanukkah with Olivier Melnick

Memories of Hanukkah with Dan Price

Explore the Jewish Feasts of Hanukkah and Purim and their prophetic significance with guest Richard Hill along with host Tim Moore on the television program, Christ in Prophecy!

Air Date: December 14, 2024

Video References

CJF Ministries

Beth Yeshua Messianic Congregation

Shalom in Messiah Ministries


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Tim Moore: Welcome to Christ in Prophecy. Throughout 2024, we have been reviewing the Jewish Feasts, near to the actual date Jews around the world are commemorating the feasts. One feast remains: Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights. And this year, Hanukkah begins on Christmas Day.
The seven feasts ordained by God in the Old Testament follow the agricultural progression from spring to fall. Starting with Passover, Jews celebrate, in turn, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits, Shavuot, or Pentecost, Yom Teruah, or Trumpets, Yom Kippur, and then Sukkot. All of them are uniquely Jewish in flavor and tradition and commemorated to this day by religious and secular Jews.

And although we’ve shared testimonials from several friends of Lamb & Lion Ministries, our expert witness throughout this series has been Richard Hill, a Messianic pastor and gifted teacher of God’s Word. Richard, thank you for sticking with us for this entire series, for all the different feasts. And now we come to two more that are even extra-biblical, you might say.

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Part 1: Richard Hill Interview

Richard Hill: Yay! I’m just excited to be here and be able to get to this whole series, and now we get to the last two.

Tim Moore: We get to the last two, and as I said, these aren’t even really in the Bible. But before we jump in, tell our viewers one more time how they could get more information from you about the feasts that we’ve already been studying.

Richard Hill: Well, just go to the website that is on the screen. It’s called That’s our congregation at Beth Yeshua Messianic Congregation in Las Vegas. And you can go to our Facebook, you can go to our YouTube page from there. Very easy to do. And just go to all our teachings and all our videos.

Tim Moore: Very good! Well, Dr. Hill, now that we’ve covered the seven feasts ordained by God, we promised that there would be a bonus round, if you will, talking about two more feasts, or holidays, that, of course, being Hanukkah and Purim. Two that Jews to this day celebrate, and I dare say Jesus celebrated even in His day and age. So let’s dive into Hanukkah first. Tell us where this feast or this holiday originated.

Richard Hill: Well, first let’s get to our theme.

Tim Moore: Yeah…

Richard Hill: This is our family theme, right?

Tim Moore: Okay!

Richard Hill: And this is family oriented. And Hanukkah is a big time family oriented celebration.

Tim Moore: Yes, it is!

Richard Hill: And a celebration of eight days in the home as well. But you also celebrate in the congregation too, the Temple or the synagogue. But it’s all about the family getting together, and especially the children love Hanukkah.

Tim Moore: Oh, yeah. I know that!

Richard Hill: You know why?

Tim Moore: Because they exchange gifts.

Richard Hill: They get gifts.

Tim Moore: And they get presents!

Richard Hill: They get presents! And you get at least one present every single day of Hanukkah.

Tim Moore: Well, I think I’m going to have to celebrate Hanukkah too from now on.

Richard Hill: Well, that’s what I tell the churches! I say, “You know what, children? You need to talk to your parents, because Christmas, you get only one day to celebrate, and Hanukkah, you get eight days.”

Tim Moore: Wow! Okay, so why the eight days of celebration around Hanukkah?

Richard Hill: Well, now we’ve got to go back to the history and we get the history from 1 Maccabees.

Tim Moore: Okay. So a book that’s not in our Bible, but still a historical record that the Jews would look to for relevance to why this feast came about.

Richard Hill: And it’s a very good historical written document.

Tim Moore: Yes!

Richard Hill: 1 Maccabees. 2 Maccabees is not, so we can’t trust the information in 2 Maccabees, but we can in 1 Maccabees.

Tim Moore: Okay. All right.

Richard Hill: And it tells us that Antiochus Epiphanes, that’s a Syrian king, came into Israel, and this was after his conquest of Egypt and also his non-conquest of Egypt. He had a couple of wars with Egypt. And he came into Israel because the Romans basically stopped him from attacking Egypt in his last time. And they said, “Nope, you can’t do that anymore. If you do, we’re just going to wipe you out.”

And so with his tail between his legs, he came into Israel because they couldn’t care less about Israel at that time. And in 168, he basically took over Israel and said, “Okay, now all you Jews, you need to become Greeks in all facets of life.”

Tim Moore: So you said, “Syrian king,” but he had a Greek background. So Greek heritage, and so he was trying to turn the Jewish people into Greek citizens, so to speak.

Richard Hill: Yes. Not only citizens, but also their religion.

Tim Moore: Of course!

Richard Hill: So you had the Greco-Roman gods that they worshiped and they wanted all of Israel to turn into these Greeks. And so what happened? Well, some were okay with that and some did. But then you have the Maccabees, and Judah Maccabee, and the fight now begins.

Tim Moore: Okay!

Richard Hill: And so there was a three year guerilla war against the Syrians in the land of Israel. And after three years, the Jews finally won.

Tim Moore: Okay.

Richard Hill: But specifically in 165 BC, they were able to take back the Temple. And that was the key aspect of winning the war.

Tim Moore: Of course!

Richard Hill: Take back the Temple. So now what do we do? Well, the Temple was basically destroyed but not completely destroyed. Just kind of, it needed a remodeling. It needed also a rededication. Now for three years, they were not able to worship in the Temple and it was decimated.

Tim Moore: Dirty, decimated and desecrated, we might say.

Richard Hill: Desecrated!

Tim Moore: Because Antiochus Epiphanes also sacrificed a pig right there in the Temple, totally desecrating the Temple to his Greek god. And so it was a high offense not only to the true and living God, but the Jews living in the land.

Richard Hill: Exactly! And so when they took that Temple back in war and they won Jerusalem back, now they had to rededicate the Temple. But first you had to remodel and get it back into working order.

Tim Moore: So they did that. And how did they go about rededicating?

Richard Hill: Well, here’s the problem. They put together a makeshift sort of menorah, like this kind of menorah here.

Tim Moore: Yes!

Richard Hill: And this is a seven branch menorah, and this is what you would find inside the Temple. And so this would be the kind of menorah that they would’ve re… You know, re-put together. Because they didn’t have their original menorah at that point.

Tim Moore: Okay!

Richard Hill: And so then what you have to have is pure oil, kosher oil, inside of all of the bowls that are on top of this menorah. And so they didn’t have enough menorah to last a long period of time. It only went for one day.

Tim Moore: Yeah, they thought the oil would last for one day. And in order to purify the Temple, to rededicate it, they needed the oil or the light to last for how long?

Richard Hill: Well, a longer, much longer time period.

Tim Moore: Okay!

Richard Hill: They didn’t come up to the eight day feast until this miracle.

Tim Moore: Oh! So the miracle happened and that’s where we got the feast? And what was the miracle?

Richard Hill: The miracle is that the oil that was in those bowls, instead of lasting only one day, which is what they calculated it to be, it lasted eight days.

Tim Moore: Okay! A miracle that they took as a sign that God was blessing their effort to rededicate the Temple, to reconstitute worship of the true and living God.

Richard Hill: Exactly!

Tim Moore: Okay!

Richard Hill: And so now you have an eight day feast. And in their mindset, they were already thinking, “Well, we need to celebrate a feast that is very joyous.” And of course then they were like, “Okay, let’s pick eight days.” Because Tabernacles is the joyous feast, and so they wanted to pattern it after Tabernacles as well. So you have an eight day feast now and giving God glory and just, you know, exhilarated because of what God had been doing. And then they finally, after that, then they went back to finishing out the war and kicking out all the Syrian soldiers out of the land of Israel.

Tim Moore: So that’s why it’s called the Festival of Lights, because the lights lasted throughout the period of purification. And we know that Jesus would have celebrated this festival, or at least participated in it, because it talks about it in the New Testament, right?

Richard Hill: And very similar to the Feast of Tabernacles, the light of God. You see? This light is also reminiscent of God being the Light of the World. And so then now we’re seeing Jesus in John 10.

Tim Moore: Right!

Richard Hill: Celebrating a feast.

Tim Moore: Okay!

Richard Hill: Let’s look at verse 22 through 24.

Tim Moore: Very good!

Richard Hill: “At that time, the Feast of the Dedication took place at Jerusalem. It was winter, and Jesus was walking in the Temple in the portico of Solomon.” And so the timing here says the Feast of Dedication. Well, a lot of believers don’t understand that the word Hanukkah means?

Tim Moore: Dedication!

Richard Hill: Dedication!

Tim Moore: There you go.

Richard Hill: And so it was the dedication of the Temple back to God for worship.

Tim Moore: Gotcha!

Richard Hill: So you have the Feast of Lights, which patterned after the miracle of the lights, and now you’ve got this dedication of the Temple. And I see this as a very prophetic aspect of it as well.

Tim Moore: Of course!

Richard Hill: But let’s move on with this. “So it took place in Jerusalem and then it was wintertime.” Well, we’ve already studied all the other seven feasts. Were there any feasts in the wintertime?

Tim Moore: No! No, they all ended in the fall.

Richard Hill: Yeah! And they started in the spring and they end in the fall.

Tim Moore: Yes!

Richard Hill: There’s nothing in the wintertime except for Hanukkah. Yes, Hanukkah. So, and Jesus was walking in the Temple in the portico of Solomon. So what did Jesus do in all at every single feast? He would go to the Temple and He would teach.

Tim Moore: Teach. Of course.

Richard Hill: So guess what He’s going to do here in verse 24? “The Jews therefore gathered around Him and were saying to Him, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Mashiach, or the Messiah, tell us plainly.” Now during Hanukkah, now can you imagine 165 BC? All right! God has blessed us. Let’s start the… Let’s get the Temple worship going again. And now there’s a great hope that the Messiah is going to come during the Feast of Hanukkah.

Tim Moore: Right!

Richard Hill: They just won a war! That’s great! But in the future, soon future.

Tim Moore: And God has indicated His blessing on us, through the miraculous provision, so we are on the cusp of something great.

Richard Hill: So Messiah’s coming.

Tim Moore: Yes.

Richard Hill: Hopefully coming soon! And the idea is during Hanukkah, He’s going to come.

Tim Moore: They didn’t know it, but He did come soon, relative to the thousands of years we’ve waited. He came shortly after that. But read on, you’re getting me excited now.

Richard Hill: And He missed. They missed it out though, right?

Tim Moore: They missed it.

Richard Hill: Yeah, unfortunately. “So if you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.” And Yeshua answered them, “I told you, you do not believe the works that I do in my Father’s name, these bear witness of me.” And then in verse 30, you jump down there. “I and the Father are one.”

Tim Moore: Yeah, verse. Yep, exactly right. Wow!

Richard Hill: And so now He is proclaiming, “I am God, I am the Messiah.” Now He’s, you know, He’s basically telling them that this is what He is and they’re not necessarily what? Believing! They’re not believing it! And so the expectation was for Messiah to come, and He came and He told them, “Yes, I’m the one!” And they didn’t believe.

Tim Moore: And they didn’t believe. You know, the funny thing is, it’s not funny, it’s sad that they didn’t believe, but some did. Some got it.

Richard Hill: Some did!

Tim Moore: And you were referencing John the Apostle, he clearly got it because in the very opening chapter of his book, and you wonder why he uses certain symbology. I think this points right to it. So in John 1:4-5, the Apostle writes: In Him, Jesus Christ, was life and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. So he’s telling us right there, “Jesus is the light.” He provided not only the miracle of Hanukkah, but light in the darkness of the world itself. And yet so many in that day and age, and still today, don’t get it. They don’t see it.

Richard Hill: And He told them over and over at all the feasts as well.

Tim Moore: Yes, He did.

Richard Hill: Even at Tabernacles, He is the light of the tabernacle.

Tim Moore: So even this feast, which Jews celebrate to this day, giving gifts, it’s also a reminder and a commemoration of God’s miraculous provision for them. I mean, He sustained them through that dark period between the Testaments. He provided the oil to linger and last in the lamps. And He’s always provided for them, which takes us really to our next feast, and that is Purim.

Richard Hill: Well, you want to talk about the prophetic though?

Tim Moore: Oh, I do. Clearly! So go ahead.

Richard Hill: So this is something that the Lord has just touched on my heart.

Tim Moore: Okay!

Richard Hill: Can’t say that this is the actual prophetic fulfillment of Hanukkah, but I believe, I believe this Scripture, and there’s other Scriptures as well, that the fulfillment is going to be the first eight days of the Messianic Millennial Kingdom.

Tim Moore: Okay.

Richard Hill: I believe that’s going to be Hanukkah.

Tim Moore: I’ll be.

Richard Hill: So let’s take a look. We’re going to be in Ezekiel 43.

Tim Moore: Take me there!

Richard Hill: And I’m just going to start in verse 18. It goes all the way to 27 in this section, but this is going to be the consecration of the altar.

Tim Moore: All right!

Richard Hill: And we know from chapter 40 to 48 in Ezekiel it’s talking about the Millennial Kingdom.

Tim Moore: Right!

Richard Hill: The thousand year reign of Jesus, the Messianic Kingdom. So this is talking about the altar that they’re going to use for the sacrifices during that Kingdom.

Tim Moore: All right!

Richard Hill: Okay? Now, before we even get to that, we know that Jesus is going to build a Temple. He’s going to consecrate it. He’s going to anoint it. He also is going to provide Levites and Kohen for this Temple. They’re going to be involved in worshiping Him, of course, and worshiping the Father. And so this is just involved in all of those Scriptures.

Tim Moore: All right!

Richard Hill: Now, like I said, we don’t have the time to do all of that, but let’s just look at this one right here. In verse 18: And He said to me, “Son of man, thus said the Lord God. ‘These are the statutes for the altar on the day it is built, to offer burnt offerings on it and to sprinkle blood on it. And you shall give to the Levitical priests,’ the Levites, right, ‘who are from the offspring of Zadok, who draw near to me to minister to me,’ declares the Lord God. ‘A young bull for a sin offering.'” So there’s going to be offerings performed in the Kingdom and there’s even going to be for sin offerings as well. Now, we can leave that for another show.

Tim Moore: Yeah, because we know Jesus was a sin offering. So we could definitely have to unpack this in another show.

Richard Hill: Yes!

Tim Moore: All right!

Richard Hill: We’ll leave it. We’re just going to leave it for the audience at this time. Yes, there will be sin offerings in the Kingdom.

Tim Moore: You have to come back and explain this again.

Richard Hill: Yes! “And you shall take some of its blood and put it on its four horns, right? Those are the four corners of the altar. And on the four corners of the ledge and on the border around it. Thus you shall cleanse it and make atonement for it.” So they’re getting this altar ready. “You shall also take the bull for the sin offering. It shall be burned in the appointed place of the house, outside the sanctuary. And on the second day.” So that’s all done on the first day. “On the second day, you shall offer a male goat without blemish for a sin offering. And they shall cleanse the altar, as they cleanse it with the bull.”

Well, now jump down to verse 25. “For seven days you shall prepare daily a goat for a sin offering, also a young bull and a ram from the flock without blemish, shall be prepared. For seven days thou shall make atonement for the altar and purify it, so they shall consecrate it.” Look at verse 27. “And when they have completed the days, it shall be on that eighth day and onward, the priest shall offer your burnt offerings on the altar, and your peace offerings. And I will accept you.” You’ll have God’s favor upon you in this Kingdom. Declares the Lord God. So it’s an eight day feast. What feast could it be?

Tim Moore: Mm! Yeah.

Richard Hill: Is it Passover?

Tim Moore: None of the others are eight days.

Richard Hill: What about Tabernacles? Well, Passover and Unleavened Bread would be an eight day total feast.

Tim Moore: Okay.

Richard Hill: Right? Tabernacles is an eight day feast.

Tim Moore: But standing alone, none of them are eight days on their own.

Richard Hill: And the only feast that I see that it could be is Hanukkah.

Tim Moore: All right! So I think that, again, Jesus celebrated this feast. He clearly identified Himself as the Light of the World. So Hanukkah being a festival of lights, I think it hearkens to Jesus Christ. And there is a coming fulfillment. But again, I want to get one more of our feasts in to discuss, and that is Purim because God’s provision for His people was not just demonstrated in oil in a lamp, as important as that was, it was demonstrated in another book of the Bible that critics will scoff and say, “Well, God’s not even mentioned in the Book of Esther.” But God’s provision and providence for His people is woven throughout that account. And we don’t have time to go through the entire narrative, but what’s the big picture of Purim? What are we recognizing?

Richard Hill: Well, that’s what we do on Purim. We go to the congregation, or the synagogue, and we will read the whole book.

Tim Moore: Exactly.

Richard Hill: But what happens is now you have family and fun and friends and the whole congregation, everybody’s dressing up. Pick a character out of the Book of Esther, and that’s who you dress up as. And usually the people that get picked as Haman, well, they have a difficult time that night.

Tim Moore: Now, of course, if you say the word or the name Haman, I’m supposed to boo and yell and cheer.

Richard Hill: Supposed to boo!

Tim Moore: And make noisemakers, because his name is to be wiped out and obliterated, and basically overridden by ridicule.

Richard Hill: Yes!

Tim Moore: Because Haman, like Hitler, like so many others down through the centuries, have tried to destroy the Jewish people. Satanical inspired, but God did not allow that to happen.

Richard Hill: And you wish they would read the Bible.

Tim Moore: You do!

Richard Hill: Before they do that. Because in Jeremiah 31, God says, “You can’t destroy the Jewish people.”

Tim Moore: No!

Richard Hill: Unless you’re going to destroy the Moon first, or the Sun.

Tim Moore: So just from a historic perspective, let’s remind people what the word Purim means, in and of itself.

Richard Hill: Purim means lot.

Tim Moore: Lot, and Purim would be lots because it’s the plural. It’s casting of lots!

Richard Hill: It’s casting of lots. It’s like gambling, throwing dice.

Tim Moore: And so the reason…

Richard Hill: It’s a chance type of game.

Tim Moore: So people would think that this is all just chance, that it just so happened that a king put his queen aside, and then it just so happened that he was looking for a cohort. It just so happens he found Esther. It just so happens her father was involved. All these things just so happened. But nothing just so happened. God’s hand is at work always, not just in the account of Esther, but in our lives as well. If we put our trust in Him, nothing is by chance. We are right in the middle of God’s will, if we determine to live there.

Richard Hill: Especially when God is going to be protecting His people.

Tim Moore: Exactly!

Richard Hill: And we see this in history over and over and over again. And yet our heroes and our heroines are Mordecai and Esther, coming, living really by faith. Faith in God, right? But going before and putting their life on the line. And what happens? A lot of good happens.

Tim Moore: A lot of good.

Richard Hill: God blessed, and now you have the preservation of the people once again.

Tim Moore: Well, I’ve just got to say again. Satan has tried down through the millennium to destroy the Jewish people. I cited some of them already. There are others like Ferdinand and Haj Amin al-Husseini. Today, we got Hezbollah and Hamas, all of them. A lot of Hs, ironically, trying to destroy the Jewish people. But God in His mercy and in His love is always going to protect the Jewish people, because He promised to do so.

Richard Hill: Now there’s going to be one more attack prophetically upon the Jewish people, and of course believers too, Jew and Gentile alike.

Tim Moore: Yes!

Richard Hill: And I believe that this is the future prophetic aspect of Purim. After the thousand year reign of Jesus, what happens? Satan is then released from the pit and he has a short period of time to get everybody together, all the evil ones, and they will then attack the camp. It says, “The camp.”

Tim Moore: Right!

Richard Hill: Right? And He’s talking about the Temple Mount area, where the Jews live, but there’s going to be Gentiles there as well. And what happens? That’s the final Purim War, or the final Purim Feast, where God will then just wipe them out from Heaven, fire comes down from Heaven. It’s found in Revelation 20, and they can read about it. And I think that is the future fulfillment of Purim, the last final attack against the Jewish people thwarted by God in His sovereign will.

Tim Moore: One of the aspects of Purim is that it’s a time to eat, drink, and be merry. But as one of my guides one time said, “Ah, people have been trying to kill us Jews forever. We just say, ‘They didn’t succeed, let’s have a party.'” And really, it’s a celebration of life.

Richard Hill: It’s a celebration!

Tim Moore: And life given by God, life preserved and protected by God. And again, God is going to keep every promise to the Jewish people. We, as Gentile believers, sometimes need to remember that God held liable nations that even dared to say, “Aha,” regarding the Jewish people. It is our responsibility and privilege to bless the Jewish people to this day.

Richard Hill: There’s one more thing, and there’s a food attached to it as well. Hamantaschen, Haman cookies.

Tim Moore: Haman cookies. All right! Well, we’ll have to have some Haman cookies next time we’re together to celebrate Purim. But we hope that this has been a blessing to you discussing the Feasts of Israel, and really all the feasts that we’ve been discussing, finishing out with these two extra-biblical feasts that still have prophetic significance to us today. We hope that you, again, have been drawn to see our Lord in every aspect of Scripture. And to use the feast analogy, we hope that this appetizer has whet your appetite to want to learn even more about our great God and Savior in the Feasts of Israel and throughout His Word. Dive in deep and be filled with what the Lord has to offer you.

Part 2: Olivier Melnick Interview

Tim Moore: I’ve never met a Jew who did not have fond memories of Hanukkah. Even if their family was relatively non-committal on other feasts, they tended to celebrate the Festival of Lights. Many of them also celebrated Purim, almost as an emphatic statement that in spite of pogroms and persecution, the Jewish people have persevered. A wonderful friend of Lamb & Lion Ministries, Olivier Melnick, will now share his testimony of what these two holidays meant to him.

Olivier Melnick: The one that I have grown to like particularly, that actually is not part of the Levitical Feast, is the Feast of Hanukkah. I did not grow up celebrating the Feast of Hanukkah, but I learned to appreciate it over the years, since I’ve been a believer for the last 40 years, a Jewish believer, for the last 40 years. And Hanukkah means dedication. This is a Feast of dedication, or the Festival of Lights, that started about the Second Century BC as a result of the revolt, the Maccabean Revolt, against Antiochus Epiphanes, which actually is a type of the antichrist.

We read about him in Daniel 8, Daniel 11, and we get the idea of the Feast of Hanukkah from the Book of Daniel, the Book of Maccabees and Josephus. And there’s one more source that I will tell you about in a couple of minutes. But what I like about Hanukkah is that as the Jewish people rededicated the Temple, the story goes that there was only enough oil to restart the menorah, the seven branch menorah, that’s in the Temple, for one day. And they had to make more oil. And because they didn’t have enough, they only had enough for one day.

So they put the oil for one day, and the story tells us that it lasted for eight days. And this is why we have an eight branch menorah known as the Chanukiah. And this eight branch menorah is one higher than the others or set aside, and eight others. And those candles are quite interesting because what we do is we take the middle candle at Hanukkah on the first night, we light it. This is known as the shammash, the servant candle. And with the servant candle, we bring light to the others. First night of Hanukkah. Then we put two, we light, the next night, we light the shammash again. We light the two candles for the two nights, then we put them again, new candles. We let them all go all the way down, and then we light each candle each night of the eight nights, always starting with the one that’s either in the center or in the front or on the side, more prominent than the others, known as the shammash, the servant.

So I don’t want you to miss the symbolism is the servant comes to light and bring light in the darkness to all the others. And I find a parallel with Yeshua who came to serve and to take us all out of darkness. Now, this is a beautiful parallel here. And what I really like about Hanukkah is, most people don’t know that is, the fact that actually Yeshua, believe it or not, Yeshua celebrated the Feast of Dedication in John 10:22-23. At that time, the Feast of Dedication took place at Jerusalem. It was winter and Yeshua was walking in the Temple in the portico of Solomon. So there you have Jesus, Yeshua, celebrating Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights.


Tim Moore: We are so grateful for Olivier Melnick and all of our other guests who shared testimonies from afar during our Jewish Feast series. Richard, we’re also very grateful to you for spending so much time with us, helping us dive into the feasts of Israel.

Richard Hill: Such a blessing for me personally to be able to be here and to teach.

Tim Moore: Well, you know, you’ve really blessed us. You’ve blessed our viewers. I think you’ve glorified the Lord. I grew up learning to love God’s Word and to worship and honor Jesus Christ. But only later in my life did I come to appreciate the Jewish roots, the historic background, of what the Scripture has to reveal to me, even as a Gentile. I now realize as the one who testified to John the Apostle in Revelation 19:10, that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

Richard Hill: That’s one of my favorite verses when we talk about prophecy as well. Because Jesus is the essence and the nature of prophecy.

Tim Moore: And so everything we talk about, everything in Scripture, should focus and point to Him. And that’s exactly what we’ve tried to do throughout this series.

Richard Hill: Amen!

Tim Moore: Amen! Well, thank you again. You will be back with us, I hope at some point, for another episode of Christ in Prophecy. We’ll explore another dimension of our Jewish heritage, even as Christians, whether Jew or Gentile.

Richard Hill: I look forward to it. Kadima!

Tim Moore: Kadima!

Richard Hill: Is the word.

Tim Moore: All right! Meaning? Looking forward!

Tim Moore: Looking forward! Well, there you have it, folks. We hope that our series on the Jewish Feasts this year has been a true blessing to you, invigorating your faith, encouraging your heart, and emboldening your testimony. I also hope that it has motivated you to seek a Jew to bless. We don’t have to wait to act out the prophecy of Zechariah 8:23. Despite the Satanic hate of Haman, Herod, Hitler, Hamas, and Hezbollah, God has preserved the Jewish people. Why? Because He chose them to bear witness to His faithfulness and love.

I’m eternally grateful that He has also chosen to love me, unworthy and unlovable as I am. And He loved you enough to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on a cross at Calvary. Embrace our Jewish Messiah today and let His light fill your heart, driving out the darkness of this world. Then join me in crying out, “Maranatha! Godspeed! Come quickly, Lord Jesus.” Until He comes, we will look up and be watchful, for the Lord of Light, who protects and preserves His people, is coming soon!

End of Program

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