What can we expect next prophetically for 2025? Find out with hosts Tim Moore and Nathan Jones on the television program, Christ in Prophecy!
Air Date: January 4, 2025
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Tim Moore: The Christmas decorations are beginning to come down and New Year’s is over. The confetti’s being swept up and noisemakers are being put away, and most of the country is entering into that long period we know of as winter. When dark and cold seem to permeate everything, when it’s not even comfortable for most people to go outside. You know, there’s a reason psychologists call January the most discouraging or depressing month of the year. They even have a word for it. They call it seasonal affective disorder, or simply SAD. What an apt description for a time of year when gloominess seems to fall upon the earth.
I remember back when I was a young cadet at the Air Force Academy coming back to school after a Christmas break, time with family and friends, and returning to the dark and cold of Colorado. As a matter of fact, there at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, the weak winter sun seemed to set by mid-afternoon and the nights were very long and very cold. All of us were eager for the coming of spring. I think that describes the time of the world that we’re living in right now when dark and cold seemed to be falling in around us and we are looking forward to the coming of the sun.
You know, the writer of Ecclesiastes could have added a stanza to his famous passage referring to a time for everything. He could have said, “A time to proceed in the sun, and a time to rest or wait in the dark.” Most of us, we’re told, spend a quarter to a third of our time sleeping or resting in the dark. The Lord knows that in spite of the fact that we were made to be creatures full of activity and there are seasons of our life when we are very busy raising children, pursuing a vocation, pursuing the calling He’s laid upon our hearts, that we also need rest.
Jesus Himself had to get away from the crowds and from the activity and the ministry He was about to rest, to recuperate, to rejuvenate, by re-communing with the Father, something He never failed to do. I think it’s appropriate for us to reflect, and just this past week on Christ in Prophecy, we did that, rejuvenating and recovering, recharging our batteries for what lies ahead. You know, as I think back for the four decades that Lamb & Lion Ministries has been proclaiming the soon return of Jesus Christ, I realize that there’s been a cycle, if you will, even in the psyche of our nation here in America.
When Dr. David Reagan launched this ministry in 1980, Ronald Reagan was running to be the president of the United States. At that time, 52 Americans were being held hostage in Iran. They languished for 444 days and, as a matter of fact, were not released from captivity until the following January, the very day that Ronald Reagan was sworn into office. Over the next four to eight years, America seemed to recover its sense of optimism and hope. As a matter of fact, in 1984, Ronald Reagan’s theme was morning in America.
[Narrator] It’s morning again in America. Today, more men and women will go to work than ever before in our country’s history.
Tim Moore: And yet there would be other challenges ahead. Other wars and rumors of wars, other times of great angst. And in recent months and years, we’ve even seen a repeat of some of the sad cycle of America even ending wars and conflicts with great ambivalence and great uncertainty. We’ve seen a failure of American leadership. Are we poised to yet again seize another period of optimism and hope? Well, as we say, I hope so. But regardless, my hope is not in what is occurring on this earth but in Who is coming soon. So even as darkness seems to reign upon the world and there’s a frigidity, we know that the sun will soon rise. As a matter of fact, as Adrian Rogers says, we know that it’s getting “gloriously dark” because all of Bible prophecy points to the coming of our great God and Savior, the Son Jesus Christ. But we’re excited here at Lamb & Lion Ministries about what lies ahead in 2025 and we know there’s no reason to be discouraged and no time to waste because this could be the year.
Nathan Jones: That was well said, Tim. I like that.
Tim Moore: Yes.
Nathan Jones: Well, folks, welcome back to Christ in Prophecy!
Tim Moore: Thank you very much, Nathan. You know, last week we reviewed the signs of the times that seemed to multiply in 2024. I think many of us were ready to turn the page on that chaotic year, but now we’re eager to jump out of the blocks into 2025 because we are excited about what the Lord has in store for us. By most people’s math, we are a quarter of a century into the third millennium. And that could be argued since purists will argue that the 21st century, and therefore the third millennium, did not begin until January 1st of 2001. But it certainly feels like time is slipping past at an accelerating rate.
Nathan Jones: Well, many of you watching today can remember the angst that technology experts and the media were stoking as the year 2000 approached. We were told the traffic lights would go berserk, computers would shut down, and our toaster ovens would stop working. In hindsight, those alarmists’ warnings seem absolutely ridiculous, but people did express concern as the clock ticked down to midnight on December 31st, 1999. I think we all breathed a sigh of relief when none of the predicted catastrophes manifested themselves.
Tim Moore: The year 2000 shared one more thing in common with 2024. It was also a presidential election year. Unlike our recent election, as election day 2000 passed into history, the American people still did not know who had been elected president. It took over a month before George W. Bush was declared the President-elect. Many people expected that kind of narrow, contentious outcome in the 2024 election. But thankfully both the popular vote and the electoral college result were decisive, an outcome that minimized the expected protests and unrest.
Nathan Jones: So as we begin 2025, we’re still awaiting the installation of Donald Trump as the 47th president, the second president to serve two non-consecutive terms, such as Grover Cleveland was the first in the late 1800s. And we’re hoping to see war in Israel and Europe wind down. We are certainly hoping that the remaining hostages held by the terrorists in Gaza will be released and that Hamas and Hezbollah and the Houthi rebels will be dealt a crushing blow.
Tim Moore: And although we are a prophetic ministry, Nathan and I do not claim to be prophets ourselves. We simply read and heed, in other words, believe God’s prophetic Word. So having said that, Nathan, let’s do a little prognostication and put our mind into Bible prophecy to I guess foresee what the Lord has told us will be the trend lines throughout history and what we can expect in 2025.
Nathan Jones: Okay, well, I think we need to go to Luke 21 and Matthew 24.
Tim Moore: Sounds good to me.
Nathan Jones: When the apostles asked Jesus, “What will be the signs of the destruction of the temple? What will be the signs of the end of the age? And what will be the signs of Christ’s return, the Second Coming?” And Jesus answered all three of those questions…
Tim Moore: Yes, He did.
Nathan Jones: Which we know is 70 AD, the end of the Church Age and the end of Tribulation, with the same 10 signs. And so I think we’re going to see those signs increase, as He said, in frequency and intensity like birth pains leading up to a birth. And so when we cover the six categories of End Time signs, we know that those unfortunately in 2025 are going to get worse and worse.
Tim Moore: They certainly will. Last week we talked about the signs looking back. So let’s do the same thing as we gaze forward. We can anticipate, for instance, in the category of signs of nature, that there will be more storms, there’ll be more earthquakes, there’ll be more natural disasters that increase in magnitude, in frequency as well, and, very sadly, in destructiveness.
Nathan Jones: Yeah, natural disasters are definitely going to keep getting worse. And we’ll also see the secular world continue to point to manmade global warming, or climate change, or some other natural explanation for what God is clearly doing. The signs of the End Times are meant to wake us up, shake us up, get us on our knees and pray. Tim, I don’t know how many times I’ve seen a natural disaster, especially like say a twister come through Texas or Oklahoma. They interview the people on the ground, and what are they all saying? “God protected me. Oh, praise God,” you know? They might have not have been saying God’s name before that, but natural disasters, as terrible as they are, shake us up and wake us up. And unfortunately, sometimes that’s what God’s got to do to shake us out of our lethargy.
Tim Moore: You know, we are told that Jonah was swallowed up by a great fish and people say, “Was that a miracle or supernatural?” No, there are other instances of sailors falling overboard and being swallowed by whales or great fish. And so this has happened in the natural realm. God uses nature to call people to Himself. He says, “Just go outside and look up at the night sky and the heavens are testifying to the glory of God.” Now, when I walk outside and see the stars and see a beautiful sunset, I praise the Lord God who created all these things. Some whose hearts are darkened only think that this is a cosmic accident and that we are only here by accident. So really we have to have our minds and our hearts right. But if we are led to give praise and glory to God, then even these signs can call us out of our lethargy and back into a right relationship with Him.
Nathan Jones: Absolutely. So I hate to say it, but 2025, just because the Lord said in prophecy, as we’re getting closer to His rapturing the Church to Heaven and then on into the Tribulation, that we’re going to see probably more destructive hurricanes, more tornadoes, more floods, more droughts, and the resulting famines and other problems that those cause.
Tim Moore: Now, people would say, “Oh, you’re just a prophet of doom and gloom.” And we’re not. We’re a prophet of great hope and expectation and excitement about the Lord’s coming. But again, Jesus told us in this world, we will have trouble, even as Christians, and certainly we will have trouble because we live in a sin-soaked world and some of these are just the natural outpouring of the sinfulness of man throughout history. Well, speaking of the sinfulness of man, Nathan, we come to our second category, signs of society. There seems to have been a calm that descended upon the country following the election. Do you think it’s a calm between storms or what do you expect to happen this coming year?
Nathan Jones: Well, the Bible teaches us that all the political things that go on in the world, there’s a spiritual war behind it. The demons versus the angels, God versus Satan. And so we know that — I think that what we’re seeing is that the left or the leftists or the secular humanists were so slapped, so surprised by the result of this election that we are experiencing a time leading up to the end of 2024 as kind of a time of peace, but we know the enemy’s not going to give up. He’s just regrouping, replanning, and then starting the battle here in the United States and still ongoing in other countries for the control and the destruction. Satan is an agent of chaos. He’s a sower of chaos.
And so we might see the election of Donald Trump hold back the tide of evil per se, but really that’s up to the individual Christians, you and me. Every believer in Christ needs to stand up and be salt and light and hold evil back. And I think in 2025, we’re going to be doing that more than ever.
Tim Moore: I had a dear friend recently who said he is actually more concerned about the state of affairs because without realizing the battle that is raging, he’s afraid that Christians and churches will be lulled into complacency. Instead of standing united and standing firm on the truth, that they’ll think, “Ah, we’ve won the battle.” Well, we may have won a short battle, but the war continues to rage. Now, we know who wins in the end, but we also know that we have to be salt and light now.
And clearly there’s some dramatic warning signs, some cracks in the foundations of our society because we continue to move away from our Judeo-Christian roots. We continue to flaunt our sinfulness in the face of God. I mean, as we’ve talked about, Americans embraced abortion by overwhelming majorities and every place that that was on the ballot, even this last fall. And so we see signs that things are not good.
We also know that those same leftists and progressives who had hoped to gain power and seize power these four years, they are fully entrenched in academia, in the media, and they are the ones that are pouring their agenda and their ideology into young American minds. So I’d say, parents, grandparents, be very mindful of what you’re allowing your children to be indoctrinated with because some of those folks are playing the long game.
Nathan Jones: The third category is the spiritual signs. Tim, what do you see as the spiritual war continues going on into 2025? What are you anticipating?
Tim Moore: I think there will be growing confusion. I do think some will kind of lay down because they think we’ve won this battle. And yet the enemy always comes back. You know, Nathan, when I was in a political role, I’ll never forget a wet-dry vote in a particular county that had been dry and some forces wanted to go wet and they came back again and again and again and again, and over time, they wore down the resistance to where eventually the county went wet and it’ll never go back. And so I think that those forces will continue to attack, attack, attack. And eventually if people are not stalwart in their faith, then they will finally just resign themselves to, well, this is the way things are going to be. I think now is the time that we need to be even more committed in our faithfulness, but realize that yes, churches are going to continue to go wayward, pastors and Christian leaders are still going to fall if they are not held accountable. And so we need to encourage and hold accountable one another. That’s exactly what we do here at this ministry.
Nathan Jones: I remember back during COVID when they were having all the lockdowns, we really saw some of the main preachers and pastors such as Jack Hibbs and John MacArthur shine because they stood against the face of evil. They inspired Christians to stand against evil. I think you’re right. I think whenever the conservatives are in control, again, we tie politics and spirituality quite a lot, but when conservatives are in control, Christians will think, “Ah, everything’s under control.” They then start eroding our foundations of freedom and liberty more than when we’re persecuted. And when we stand up, we have the opportunity to share the Gospel with people and we’re missing that opportunity, too. So, I totally agree with you. I think spiritual apathy might be the most dangerous thing in 2025.
Tim Moore: It certainly is. I think that’s why again and again, even in Jesus’ letters to the churches at Revelation, He would say, “Wake up. Strengthen that which remains because it’s about to go out. You’ve become lukewarm.” This theme of complacency is one that we have to fight against.
Nathan Jones: Absolutely.
Tim Moore: Well, we know on an international scale, we also have great upheavals going on in the realm of world politics. What do you see there?
Nathan Jones: Well, there’s hope that Donald Trump before the end of the year was already calling Putin and they’re talking and they’re making plans. And we hope that Donald Trump and Putin, who have a mutual respect I think for each other as powerful men, will stop the nonsense, the insanity that’s going. I mean, Russia’s losing — close to a thousand troops a day are dying. They’re bringing troops up from North Korea. This could escalate, this war in Ukraine, to become a world war if we keep adding more countries to it. So my hope is that now that the Trump administration’s in for 2025, instead of the Harris administration would certainly ratchet up the fighting, hopefully Trump will make it more peaceful. They’ll come to some kind of settlement and conclusion and both sides will put that war to rest.
Tim Moore: I actually agree with you. I think that Putin was looking for an opportunity to have a shift, an inflection point. And the election of Donald Trump gives him an excuse to say, “All right, with this new leader, I’m willing to be open to a peace accord.” Now he will want to keep some of the gains that he realized in Ukraine. That’s tragic in and of itself, but there might be an end to this conflict. I think that there will be a foreseeable end to the conflict in Israel in terms of world politics. But here again, I think that the enemy who is Satan himself will not just slink away. He will just re-manipulate his agenda because we still know that the nations are going to align against Israel. There still will be a rise in antisemitism. And so even the things that we witnessed this year will put more pieces into place for that final alignment.
Nathan Jones: I had to speak on the signs of the times recently and I had to look up for the sign of wars, how many wars are going on in the world. Tim, there’s 10 wars currently going on in the world. Israel’s involved in three of them. There’s 145 conflicts throughout the world. So even if Ukraine becomes peaceful, there’s still all those other wars being raged. And I’m sure there’ll be many new ones occurring in 2025.
Tim Moore: Well, war has always been a generator of new technology. It happened in the last century. It’s been happening of late. Russia and Ukraine have used AI technology, they’ve used drones. We’ve seen Iran and others. So technology is going to increase. You and I have talked about the doubling of technological prowess about every 18 months. Some people call that Moore’s law, no relation to me, but the man who coined the phrase, and we’re going to see that continue.
Nathan Jones: Yes, the push to AI, there’s no end to this. I think we’re going to see continuing countries led by politicians who could barely turn on their, you know, they’re still using flip phones, they’re trying to figure out how to control AI. That’s not going to happen. It’s a genie out of the bottle. It’s a race, which country and which company can have the best AI. We know that AI technology will obviously lead into the antichrist’s ability to watch everybody, control everybody. There’s not enough people in the world to watch everybody, but a supercomputer with that kind of intelligence will. So we know that the technology will increase. Our privacies and freedoms in 2025 will continue to erode as surveillance technology.
You know, just in the last year as I’ve been checking into the airport, they’ve been using facial recognition technology. First they said it was optional. The last time I flew, it wasn’t optional. Soon it’ll be used on everybody.
Tim Moore: It certainly will. Well, we also leave for last, the greatest sign of all, that is the sign of Israel. Folks, we actually believe there will be a period of calm that begins to come into the Middle East. With the election of Donald Trump, some of those nefarious actors realize that they are warned and they will start to withdraw some of their aggression, but they will just be biding their time. And so I see a resurgence of calm in Israel. I think that will lead to us having the opportunity to take two pilgrimage trips…
Nathan Jones: Finally.
Tim Moore: Yes, sir, finally in 2025. So praise the Lord. We are planning to go back to Israel on June 14th-25th and again on October 11th-22nd. I hope you’ll consider going with us. But even as calm seems to permeate, I think Jews around the world have had their eyes opened to the latent antisemitism that just scratched the surface and it comes spewing forth. That will probably change some of their attitude no matter where they live.
Nathan Jones: I think the antisemitism genie is out of the bottle just like it was before World War II. It’s only going to get worse as, you know, Muslims have been migrating all over the world and they’re a lot of the ones behind the instigations of attacks upon the Jewish people. But the Lord has always allowed antisemitism to drive the Jewish people back to their homeland. So I think 2025 is going to be a banner year for Jews to make Aliyah to Israel. And we know prophetically there’s got to be a time of peace before the Gog-Magog war. I hope that window comes, Tim, so you can lead those tours to Israel. It’s wonderful to go to Israel. It makes the Bible come alive. But I’m hoping that 2025 will be that calm before the storm.
Tim Moore: The calm before the storm. Well, you know, folks, we know that history is instructive and clearly we believe that it should be instructive because some of the greatest developments that will arise are probably unexpected. Nobody expected the great war of World War I to ensue after a political assassination in Sarajevo, Bosnia, but the conniving of a Serbian military intelligence colonel unleashed a war of unprecedented destruction. So even that war to end all wars, it finally gasped to a conclusion, but there was no expectation that Europe would descend into another war less than 20 years later. And yet World War II brought even greater death and carnage.
You know, here at home, we can look back over the past 50 years and see our natural, our national, I should say, unity kind of ebb and flow going from division to optimism to discouragement and even despair at times. So right now we’re on an upswing, but this, too, is cyclical.
Nathan Jones: Yeah, we could never take the time when it’s in peace to not prepare for war. And I think this is going to be a good opportunity for the country to put its guard back up and prepare for what comes ahead. There’s always trying times ahead, but I don’t know, man, I think after all these years of turmoil and craziness and all, the American people want peace. But we know it’ll only happen when the Prince of Peace comes and sets up His kingdom. Then I want to sit under that vine and that tree and just be at peace.
Tim Moore: Well, you know, I always think of a line from Earnest Hemingway’s book, The Sun Also Rises, when one of his characters was asked how he went bankrupt and he said, “Well, gradually, and then suddenly,” and I think the decline of society as we know it is happening gradually, but then it will happen very suddenly. We see the signs increasing gradually by all rights, but also increasing in intensity and frequency, and then suddenly Jesus will burst from the heavens. Well, Nathan, obviously we do have some plans and expectations for 2025. We’re going to continue to proclaim the Lord’s soon return, but what are some of the ways that we will continue to do just that?
Nathan Jones: Well, we’ll continue to be on Christ in Prophecy, and we hope you’ll join us in watching it. Let the Lord be proclaimed through television and radio. The Lord granted us almost a thousand stations the first year that Christ in Prophecy Radio came on. And so we’re going to continue to be on the internet airwaves and reach the six billion plus people accessible over internet with the soon return message of Jesus Christ. And we’re going to try publications, speaking engagements, conferences, you name it. We want to get the Gospel out while the time is short.
Tim Moore: We sure do. And speaking of visiting churches and being at conferences, if you would like us to come to your area, call. Nathan and I would be delighted to come, either together or individually depending upon the size of the events you have in mind, because we will go anywhere we are able to proclaim the soon return of Jesus Christ.
We have an exciting series of magazines waiting for you. Our acclaimed Lamplighter magazine, which is full of insightful articles and full-color graphics that will illuminate your understanding and encourage your spirit. We have books and other publications planned, and Nathan and I were just talking today about an upcoming Bible study that we plan to launch. Folks, this is an exciting time to be serving the Lord. We will continue to do so here at Lamb & Lion Ministries and we know that many of you are also excited about what lies ahead.
Well, I opened this episode speaking of the discouragement some people feel at the beginning of a New Year. Following the warmth of Christmas and the festivity of the New Year, the winter doldrums and the uncertainty of what lies ahead weighs heavily on them.
Nathan Jones: By contrast, Christians have no reason to be overwhelmed by the here and now or uncertain about what lies ahead. We know what our future holds because God has told us what awaits us in eternity. He has promised to never leave us or forsake us and that He is coming again to receive us to Himself, that where He is we will also be.
Tim Moore: We also look forward to celebrating 45 years of God’s faithfulness to Lamb & Lion Ministries. As our anniversary on April 1st approaches, you can expect more information on our celebration of God’s goodness and calling.
Nathan Jones: We hope you’ll continue to join us each week on Christ in Prophecy. We also want to invite you to visit our website and access the thousands of pages of content that is available at your fingertips. You can watch or listen to our TV and radio programs and you can interact with me personally.
Tim Moore: Finally, if you find Christ in Prophecy to be a blessing to you and recognize its potential to bless other viewers, we want to invite you to partner with us. All of our outreach by television, radio, magazine, and book publishing and our expansive internet evangelism would be impossible without the faithful support of our prophecy partners. Their prayers uplift and sustain us and their generous giving provides the financial wherewithal necessary for us to proclaim the Lord’s soon return.
Nathan Jones: We often offer resources related to a particular topic or episode because we know that many of you want to dive deeper once we’ve whet your appetite here on Christ in Prophecy. But unlike some ministries that constantly make fundraising appeals to their television audience, we are a faith-based ministry. That means we rely on the faithfulness of God as His Holy Spirit leads people to support Lamb & Lion Ministries.
Tim Moore: We will continue to trust in the Lord, confident that He will be faithful to enable us to continue serving and glorifying Him. And we trust that many of you will want to pay it forward, ensuring that others come to share in your excitement for Jesus’ soon return. Nathan and I look forward to receiving the crown of righteousness promised to all who long for Jesus appearing. Our hearts rejoice when others grow excited to anticipate Jesus’ soon return. I pray that describes you today. If it does, I’m sure that you want others to join us in eager expectation of that great promise. Here’s how you can co-labor alongside us.
For over 42 years, Lamb & Lion Ministries has proclaimed the soon return of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. Our entire staff is dedicated to that Gospel-centered message, which we get out through the Christ in Prophecy television program, our bi-monthly magazine, the Lamplighter, a huge library of books, pamphlets, DVDs, and, of course, our dynamic and interactive website. We point new generations and new audiences to our blessed hope and I hope that you’ve found it to be encouraging to you because we can’t do it alone.
This faith-based ministry is supported by thousands of Prophecy Partners, which enable our outreach through their faithful prayer and financial support. Prophecy Partners commit to contributing $25 a month, less than a dollar a day, and in return, they receive a print edition of our Lamplighter magazine and updates on the impact this ministry is having around the world. If you’ve been blessed by Lamb & Lion Ministries, join with us. Partner to share the exciting message that Jesus is coming soon. Godspeed.
Tim Moore: We spent last week looking back. As the Lord said to Isaiah, “We remembered the former things.” This week, we affirmed our faith in the rest of that passage, confident that the Lord will bring to pass all that He has spoken. As He declared, “Truly I have spoken. Truly I will bring it to pass. I have formed it. Surely I will do it.”
Nathan Jones: If you’re watching this program today and do not know whether you are saved or not, then do not delay. Heed John the Baptist’s words and flee from the wrath to come. You’re not promised another day or even another hour. Cry out to Jesus right now, confessing your sinfulness and asking Him to forgive you. He has promised that He will forgive all who come to Him, granting those who are His eternal life with God the Father. The urgency of this Gospel message cannot be overstated. Here is what Jesus Himself said, “Hear me you stubborn of heart who are far from righteousness. I bring near my righteousness. It is not far off, and my salvation will not delay.”
Tim Moore: Certainly He will not delay. Can you tell that we are excited about what lies ahead in 2025? Our excitement and anticipation of serving the Lord this year pales in comparison to our excitement over the Rapture and His gathering us to Himself. Soon, very soon, those who are His will be swept up to Heaven, and those who have rejected Him or sadly chosen not to decide will be left behind. Let this be the day that you settled your eternal destination. This may be the year when Jesus calls you home. We are hopeful that we’ll all go up together. Until He comes, and while we wait, we will cry out, “Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!” Godspeed!
End of Program