God’s Prophetic Voices: Jan Markell

Learn how to understand these end times with guest Jan Markell on television’s “Christ in Prophecy”!

Air Date: August 8, 2021

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Olive Tree Ministries


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Tim Moore: A number of prophetic voices have proclaimed truth to our culture, but one is unique. As both a woman and a Christian with a Jewish heritage, Jan Markell represents a modern-day watchman, or watchwoman.

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Jan began following Yeshua when she was 11 years old. As a young woman, she traveled to Israel, studied Bible Prophecy, and served with Jews for Jesus. In 1982 Jan launched Olive Tree Ministries, “to help people understand the times according to the Bible, contend for the faith in Jesus Christ, and help the Church stand against deception as watchmen on the wall in these last days!”

I can’t think of a more significant or timely calling. Today, we’ll hear from this giant in the Bible Prophecy realm, who the Lord has disguised as a wonderfully petite woman.

Part 1: Interview with Jan Markell at Olive Tree Ministries

Tim Moore: Jan, thank you very much for welcoming me and for being a part of this broadcast of Christ in Prophecy.

Jan Markell: Tim, welcome to Minneapolis. So glad you can be here.

Tim Moore: Well, thank you very much. Obviously, we are here at not only her hometown, but actually her home, and the headquarters of Olive Tree Ministries and it is a beautiful day in Minneapolis. It was a little foggy this morning, but the fog has cleared, and that is kind of symbolic that the fog is clearing even as we are able to understand more and more of Bible prophecy.

Jan Markell: That is very well put.

Tim Moore: Well, I don’t know about that, but I know that the Lord has given you insight, Jan. So, what has He laid on your heart that you have been sharing through Olive Tree Ministries these many years?

Jan Markell: Tim, I think that we are in the most profound times when it comes to the topics that we cover on a daily basis, the most profound, stunning times. Perhaps with the least amount of interest in the Church. And I think perhaps this last year that might have changed a little bit, and that is because this last year has been so significant with incredible happenings around the world with what this pandemic has done to the world and the Church, and setting the stage for global government, etcetera. I think now, there is a little more interest in the Church, but it has been tough to get the Church to get really interested in these important issues.

Tim Moore: Well, I know that your ministry focuses on sharing truth from a biblical perspective and calling the Church away from apostasy. But just to quote your purpose here at Olive Tree Ministries, “Is to help people understand the times according to the Bible, contend for the faith in Jesus Christ,” I love that phrase, “and help the Church stand against deception as a watchman on the wall in these last days.” And again, as a watchwoman you have most assuredly fulfilled that mission statement.

Jan Markell: Well, I would like everyone to be watchman on the wall, every Christian.

Tim Moore: Yes.

Jan Markell: And I don’t want them running away from our times. And I was just watching some clips this morning on YouTube, and it was the media talking about how people indeed are running away from reality, because reality is getting scary. For the Christian that shouldn’t be the case. I mean the Bible laid all of this out for us, everything. There is not even any uncertainty for the believer, we know what is going to happen. We don’t know the timing exactly. So, it is exciting times.

Tim Moore: It certainly is. One of the things I was excited, even in studying your ministry and doing some research, you named it Olive Tree Ministry. And I have to tell you Miss Jan that when I go to Israel it is amazing to me to see the number of olive trees represented, not just literally with the trees that are growing naturally and having been planted, but it has become a symbol of modern Israel; it is like the stump that was cut down is springing forth new life. And even as we visit Yad Vashem on our pilgrimage groups, the Holocaust Museum there in Israel, they have a pin that they sell, a lapel pin that has an olive branch intertwined on a strand of barbed wire; symbolizing that out of the Holocaust of this last century there is yet new life being sprung forth in the Jewish people and the Lord is not done with them. He still has a purpose and a plan to bring a number of them. So, you are a living witness of God’s goodness, and His graciousness in bringing Jewish believers, Gentile believers into His Church here in the United States and indeed even in Israel.

Jan Markell: Well, I think one thing you said that is interesting that I am just going to build on for a moment, and that is out of the terrible evil of the Holocaust, God used, God brought good out of it creating the nation of Israel. The nation of Israel came because the Jewish people had been so persecuted that the world came together in 1948 and said, “Yes, they should become a nation.” The United Nations agreed because they’d seen the wreckage of the Holocaust.

Tim Moore: Right.

Jan Markell: And so, God allowed that to happen. And the primary result was the rebirth of the nation of Israel in their own land.

Tim Moore: Growing up, and as a young woman did you ever see yourself becoming a prophetic voice to America, or to the world as Dr. Reagan has declared?

Jan Markell: No, I didn’t. And as a matter of a fact the first couple of decades of my ministry were very difficult. I had a very serious illness for the first couple decades I was in ministry and it kind of held me back. I don’t need to go into details. But I just started radio some 20 years ago because I kind of started late, a ministry in radio, in 2000, 2001. So, but the first couple decades of ministry were a great struggle for me. So, the fact that God has been able to use me in anyway I find miraculous. And again, I’m just trying to wake people up as to the tide of our times, because you know it says in Ezekiel 33 that we really are all called to be watchman.

Tim Moore: Yes.

Jan Markell: And if we don’t sound the alarm, whatever God has put on our heart and made us aware of, then the blood is on our hands. And so, I am just encouraging people, particularly as the hour now is so late, to speak up, to not hold back to give forth the truth as they see it, as it concerns the lateness of the hour. And winning the lost while there is still time because I don’t know that we have a lot of time left.

Tim Moore: I love the point that you make, it is not just learning about what is going on the events swirling around us, but really the motivation is to save a few, to save as many as are called, and to win the lost.

Jan Markell: We are on a rescue mission.

Tim Moore: Yes, ma’am. Well, we are not just yelling fire in a crowded theater. We are trying to give people an understanding of the threat that exists and call them to the greater hope. Jan, you’ve actually coined a phrase, and Dr. Reagan has used many times and I’ve come to borrow, I give you credit for it because even as our society and the world in general descends into chaos, you like to say, “Things aren’t falling apart, they are falling in place.” What do you mean by that?

Jan Markell: Well, I think as, and I’ve already referenced the tide of our times beings tumultuous, and they are. And they are troubling. If you look at headlines as often as I do, and I was looking at them early this morning, and I had to look away because they were troubling. But the Bible outlines everything that is to happen, in detail. And so, we are just watching things line up as the Bible said they would line up in the last days. Unfortunately, the Bible says the last days will be perilous. Says that the last days will have mankind slipping into reprobate mind thinking.

Tim Moore: Yes.

Jan Markell: Therefore, the last days are going to be troubling. And yet, they are falling into place just as outlined scripturally. And my question is, and we can get into this in our interview here, are the pulpits talking about these things?

Tim Moore: That’s a good question.

Jan Markell: And if not why not? And there is still time. And we’ve had a year, 2020, unbelievable year. And my hope is that pastors are building on what happened in this past year. And that there are lessons for the Church in this past year. My goodness. There are testings for the Church in this past year. The Church was closed for much of 2020. At least in certain states, they were fighting governors to even allow 10 people, or 30 people in their building, and they may have been a megachurch. So, there were tremendous challenges upon the Church in the last year. But I am hoping that has been a great opportunity for them too.

Tim Moore: I pray that it will be. I think you are exactly right; do we seize this opportunity? Listening to you I am reminded as you say it took a season for your ministry really to take off, but the Lord was preparing you for such a time as this, much like another lady of Scripture, Miss Esther, who obviously the Lord put in a particular, in a particular time so she could be a voice to save some of her people. And so, on that note I have to observe, Jan that as a Jew you’ve provided many times very poignant and heart wrenching accounts of the Anti-Semitism that has plagued the West in general, and the Church itself for 2,000 years. In your book and DVD chronically Anita Dittman’s testimony called, “Trapped in Hitler’s Hell” you convict hearts that are receptive to truth, and that are not satanically hardened. So, tell us about your passion for the Jewish people in particular, and for all people who need to hear this message of salvation.

Jan Markell: Well, I met Anita Dittman in 1978, and wrote her book in 1979, and miraculously it is still circulating which is incredible, because books have a shelf life quite frankly.

Tim Moore: Yes.

Jan Markell: They generally die after two years or so, and we just keep writing more books. But her story has lived on for over 40 years. And I’m so grateful because referring to Anti-Semitism and my burden on that topic. I mean it is a huge topic. It’s taking off as we speak, it is speaking off, my goodness the whole Black Lives Matter Movement is built around Anti-Semitism.

Tim Moore: Yes.

Jan Markell: People don’t know that. And churches are signing onto it, the Black Lives Matter, and they don’t realize that it is rooted in Anti-Semitism. But my burden is more the Anti-Semitism in the Church. Now, you might say, you mean literal Anti-Semitism? In some cases, yes. You’ve got the BDS Movement; Boycott, Divest, Sanction. You’ve got whole denominations. You’ve got the National Council of Churches behind that, World Council of Churches. You’ve got certain denominations cheering the BDS Movement on. To me that is Anti-Semitism in the Church.

Tim Moore: Yes, ma’am.

Jan Markell: You’ve got Replacement Theology in the Church. And that is the teaching that the Church has replaced Israel, and Israel is set aside so the Church can be the prominent player of our time. Not so. But again, I see that as Anti-Semitism. Now, is that particular church teaching that, are they blatantly Anti-Semitic? Maybe not, but the theology they are embracing is, and they need to be called out on it.

Tim Moore: Too many times they are being deceived.

Jan Markell: Yes.

Tim Moore: And sometimes either through ignorance or occasionally through willful agreement with deception and so, either way I appreciate your voice calling them out. I’ve witnessed also a tremendous rise in Anti-Semitism, and it is something that should be eradicated from the church of Jesus Christ because it certainly does not reflect Christian values and beliefs.

Jan Markell: Well, my question is: How can these people worship a Jewish Messiah? And have Anti-Semitic sentiment in their heart. I can’t make that compute. That does not compute, two and two does not make four.

Tim Moore: Well, you already referenced the Lord giving over so many people in this world to a reprobate mind, that’s Romans 1, but in Romans 9-11 Paul also says, “He has not cast aside the Jewish people.” And there are still promises held out to them.

Jan Markell: That’s right.

Tim Moore: Jan, your prophetic voice is widely respected because you speak out truth even in our culture to any who are followers of Jesus Christ, Yeshua obviously in Hebrew. And yet, you are also recognized as one of the few women who is fulfilling this role. You are in that essence a modern day Deborah, and from that unique perspective what kind of challenges and opportunities have you experienced as a leader here at Olive Tree Ministries?

Jan Markell: Tim, I have had the distinct privilege of 40 years filling a pulpit in every denomination imaginable, even in a Catholic church, giving the truth of the Gospel. Giving the truth of the issues we are talking about right now. Seeing people come to faith in Jesus Christ for the first time. It has been, I could break down in tears just thinking about the times that I have had with wonderful people, some of them believers, some of them about to become believers as a result of a message that might have been given. Some of them not believers but going home and thinking about eternity. I remember one day in a denomination, I will not name, you would not expect them to be believers, or to be enthused about this message, things we are sharing. As I left the parking lot they were walking alongside my car asking questions, they were so hungry for the truth. They did not want me to go. And it was an auditorium filled primarily of unsaved people, but they heard something that day that registered with them. And I don’t think they’ll ever be the same. And I’ve had the privilege of seeing that for all these years. And again, all the more, is it more significant now in these last not days, these last hours that we keep this message alive.

Tim Moore: Yes, ma’am. Well, obviously over the years the Lord has blessed your ability to reach people through new mediums.

Jan Markell: Yes.

Tim Moore: I know one of your major outreaches is through radio, but you also have newsletters, and of course an internet presence as well.

Jan Markell: Yes. And you have to today because today’s generation is electronically connected. And you’ve got to register with them, or they’ll be left behind.

Tim Moore: Well, one of the things I appreciate so much is our connectivity between our ministries Lamb & Lion and Olive Tree to make sure that we are mutually supportive and sharing the same message. And as we talked earlier even holding each other accountable. Well, I noticed even in reading your newsletters from the year 2020 a couple of topics jumped out at me because they were so timely given all the unrest of that year. You talked about globalism’s perfect storm, and an article entitled, “Everyone is Doing What is Right in Their Own Foolish Eyes.” Oh, that is very timely. So, what other lessons did 2020 teach us as we witnessed a rise of lawlessness even here at home in the United States?

Jan Markell: Well, and I am glad we are talking about it, Tim. We are in Minneapolis. I’m in ground zero for the past year. The turmoil that was sparked in 2020 started 20 minutes from my home in Minneapolis when George Floyd was pinned down by a policeman. And that sparked unrest in the country that I frankly question will ever settle down. I mean that it could be ongoing forever. And that’s the racial strife that was stirred up. But I don’t want to go down that path. The path I want to go down is that there is an agenda by the global cabal the globalist system, and they needed a crisis, and they used 2020 as their crisis. Be it the pandemic. Be it the racial strife. They used all of that as the global crisis. Remember it wasn’t an American crisis, it wasn’t a North American crisis, it was a global crisis.

Tim Moore: Yes.

Jan Markell: They used that crisis to help get their global government launched a little bit more. Obviously it is not in play, the Antichrist has to be here, and the Church has to be gone. So, but again if we are in the last hours, that’s exciting.

Tim Moore: It is exciting. I think one of the blessings we talked about earlier is the way that those bent on globalism are on taking over in a dictatorial manner will use every opportunity. We used the reference of Kristallnacht, the Nazi German Night of Glass where German thugs, Nazi thugs went around breaking glass and persecuting Jews in particular. But then Adolf Hitler said, “Well you see all this unrest, if you just put me in power I can tamp down the unlawfulness that has taken place.” Well, he was spurring it on, and today many of those who are claiming to want to get power to quell the unrest are the ones that are fomenting it all along.

Jan Markell: That is true. I am concerned about stooking the flames, and literally, yeah, and we see that going on. And the Church needs to come and put out these fires, but I am seeing the Church sign onto the racial unrest all in the name of social justice. And then signing onto the agenda of Black Lives Matter, it is a terrible mistake they are making because in the name of social justice. I mean they are signing onto a movement that is very unhealthy, the whole Black Lives Matter Movement.

Tim Moore: Well, obviously Black Lives Matter in some of their manifestos as an organization are not only tremendously Anti-Semitic but they are pushing a very radical agenda of LGBTQ+ meaning that they are totally renouncing any Judeo Christian values, even the family as a basic unit that was God ordained.

Jan Markell: Exactly.

Tim Moore: So, it is very problematic. But what do you see in some of the other trends even from recent months and years, 2020 being a prime example of demonstrating and foreshadowing the way that the Antichrist will rise to power? Do you see anything that we should be alarmed about?

Jan Markell: Yes, I think we should be alarmed when we see unmitigated lawlessness. And I don’t know, and I don’t think we know where that is going, but we’ve seen in the last year we have seen lawlessness take over our country. As a matter of fact, it took over parts of Australia, and parts of Europe as well. And anything that is lawless is not of God; it is obviously the rise of the antichrist spirit. And I think Tim, that is what I saw most in the year behind us, I think the thing I saw the strongest, the most impactful in a bad way, in a negative way is the spirit of the antichrist raise its ugly head in the world and trying to influence the Church. I don’t know if it was successful, but they tried. And again, is the believer, are your listeners pushing back with the truth? And that is all we can do is give the truth, give the truth of what is happening in our world, and give the truth of the Gospel. And get people in this rescue mission we have, get them into the lifeboat so to speak of salvation.

Tim Moore: Well, I am prayerful that over time, just as you said earlier, the Lord could take a great horrific calamity like the Holocaust and make something good and beautiful come out of it, that is the rebirth of Israel. Which He foretold and prophesied would occur. And so, even out of this darkness we can see rays of light because as the world grows darker, the light shines all the brighter. And some people I believe are very hungry, just like the folks you shared a moment ago who were wanting to follow after you, we hear you have words of truth, share more of that with us.

Jan Markell: Yeah. So, these are exciting times. I’m not the least bit discouraged. I mean again, I am right here in ground zero Minneapolis, parts of it, huge segments were burned down last year and will never come back. And in the natural that is very discouraging, but I’m not discouraged. I see it as a sign of the times. It’s a reminder to the Church, look up I am coming soon.

Tim Moore: Amen and amen. Well, just like Deborah herself, you’ve never been shy about proclaiming truth to power, whether it is people in the Church or in the secular world, kings and rulers, and you’ve denounced the slide to the left in our society and sadly in so many of our churches. What do you see as the greatest threat to the Church worldwide, or here in America and the opportunity that they must seize, that we as believers must seize right now in such a time as this?

Jan Markell: Well, I think just discerning that the times, how late we are, and again is the Church doing that? I don’t think so. I think a deeper problem, Tim is just the growing apostasy which is predicted in the Bible. There are more Bible references about the Last Day’s apostasy then almost anything else, other than maybe the rebirth of Israel. And then you go out Paul, and Peter and all those verses in 1 and 2 Timothy, all the warnings about the wolves that are going to come and devour the flock with false teaching, and horrible theology, and doctrines of demons. And that’s what is happening in our churches today. And again, there are watchman, just good pew sitters who are watchman trying to warn. And in many cases they are brushed off, and nobody is listening to them, and they are trying to tell the church leadership, you know we are going down the wrong path, we are just simply, this church is going to–you know whether it is New Apostolic Reformation, or Replacement Theology, all of these things that we could talk about if we had three hours, and we would fill them quickly. So many things, and they have come along in the last 100 years, no, in the last really 10 years. Even Christian Palestinianism, whoever would have thought of that. Jesus was a Palestinian. That’s just in the last 10 years or so.

Tim Moore: Yeah, the Palestinian, I guess ideology that has been sprouted forth in the last number of years is a lie in terms of trying to distract us from the truth revealed in Scripture.

Jan Markell: But it has distracted the Church from a great calling, and that is to get their folks focused on winning the Jews to Jesus, and our message on the end times, that the King is coming.

Tim Moore: The King is coming.

Jan Markell: And Israel is the key.

Tim Moore: Amen, amen. Well, I appreciate what you said even about Ezekiel earlier, and being a watchman, a watchwomen because the Lord said to Ezekiel, “They will not listen to you, but I hold you responsible to declare the truth even though they won’t or if they don’t listen to you.” And so, Miss Jan you have obviously been a watchman who has been faithful. And regardless of the great numbers of folks who are groping in darkness and whether or not they come to that light you have been faithful in proclaiming it. I’ve got to say this, in spite of all of the gloom that we see descending on the world today, ours is a message of joyful hope. So, tell us about your unfailing confidence in our Blessed Hope.

Jan Markell: Well, I have watched for the Lord Jesus to return, quite frankly, I think I started watching as a young adult in the 1970’s. I went to Israel in the 70’s, late 70’s. And Hal Lindsey’s book, “Late Great Planet Earth” and that so inspired me. I just want to encourage your listeners we are not in dark times; I know the headlines appear that way, but we are a privileged generation to see all these things coming to pass. Whoever thought we would be part of the generation to see Israel become a nation? Just to see so many things that are transpiring before our eyes on a daily basis, including the lawlessness, unfortunately. You’ve got to see the good and the bad.

Tim Moore: Yes, ma’am.

Jan Markell: And then translate the bad into good news that the King is coming, and these are signs heralding His coming. I’m excited. I’m thrilled to be a part of this generation. It’s been a tremendous experience, and I’ve been privileged to work with you, and Dave Reagan, and Nathan, and to have partners in this kind of a ministry is needed because shots are coming at us every day.

Tim Moore: Yes they are. Well, as Adrian Rogers would say, “It’s getting gloriously dark.”

Jan Markell: Yes.

Tim Moore: And you just hit the nail on the head, the King is indeed coming.

Part 2: Sign of the Times- Rise in Anti-Semitism

Tim Moore: Jan Markell touched on the rise in Anti-Semitism we are seeing around the world today. This is a particular heinous sin for two reasons, not only because Scripture warns that anyone who abuses the Jewish people touches the apple of God’s eye, but also because we know that God has not cast the Jewish people aside. His promise of blessing on the offspring of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob holds true because He is faithful. The biblical truth is that anyone who professes, or inspires to have a Christlike heart will have a supernatural love for the Jewish people, not a satanically inspired hatred toward them.

And yet, for the past 1,900 years it has been self-proclaimed Christians and purportedly Christian nations that has persecuted Jews the most. That is why the marked rise in Anti-Semitism throughout the West in recent years is so alarming. Whether overt harassment of Jews, or an indoctrinated embrace of Anti-Israeli Boycott, Divest and Sanction propaganda, or our current administrations appeasement of Islamic terrorists in Iran or Gaza, and insistence on giving away the Promise Land for an illusive two state solution. We are provoking God’s righteous anger. No individual or nation can please God by disparaging and persecuting His chosen people, but that is exactly what Scripture says will happen in the end times when every nation comes against Israel.

What about you? Do you endeavor to bless the Jewish people and Israel? Have you prayed earnestly to God to lead you to one specific Jew that you can tell about Jesus Christ, our Jewish Messiah? Do you pray for the peace of Jerusalem as you look forward to the coronation of our Prince of Peace who will reign from Mount Zion. I’d encourage you to intentionally seek opportunities to bless the Jewish people in general, and an individual Jew in particular. Don’t wait until Jesus reigns from Mount Zion to say to a Jew, “We have heard that God is with you.”


Tim Moore: What a joy it was to spend time with Jan Markell in Minneapolis.

For a gift of only $20, we’d love to send you a copy of “Lawless” a book featuring chapters from Jan, as well as Dave Reagan, and Nathan Jones. Just call the number on the screen or visit our online store.

Well folks, that’s all the time we have today. We pray that each episode of Christ in Prophecy leaves you longing for, and loving, Jesus’ soon return.

Until next time, this is Tim Moore for Lamb & Lion Ministries. Godspeed!!

End of Program

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