Finding Jesus During an Age of Fleeting Wisdom (1 Chronicles)

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Can Jesus Christ be found in the book of 1 Chronicles? Find out with guest Steve Howell and hosts Tim Moore and Nathan Jones on the television program, Christ in Prophecy!

Air Date: March 13, 2022

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Tonganoxie Christian Church


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Key Verse Commentary

Key Verse

1 Chronicles “Wisdom that is Fleeting”

First and Second Chronicles are separated in our canon of Scripture in our Bible, but in the Hebrew tradition, they were combined in a single narrative. The word “canon” comes from a Greek word that means “rule” or “measuring stick.” Chronicles could collectively be said to reflect that same analysis: a measuring stick to evaluate the rule of Israel and Judah’s kings.

In Hebrew, the book we call Chronicles has a title that means “the events (or the annals) of the days or years.” It was meant as an addendum to the book of Kings. And, it was written to carefully document the national heritage of the Jewish nation—which is why so much attention is given to various genealogies—including David’s, Saul’s, multiple tribes, and even the priests.

The author’s other goal is to explain God’s covenant relationship with His chosen nation and with specific kings like David and Solomon. The blessing such a covenant offered was beyond measure, yet the sons of Israel squandered it by straying away from God. Both David and Solomon were in close communion with God and made proclamations steeped in wisdom, but their wisdom was fleeting. Collectively, the sons of Israel had also been in a covenant relationship with God. But their descendants lacked the wisdom to remain close to Him.

First Chronicles offers a cautionary tale of the downfall that awaits any person or nation that strays from God. Paul echoed this same principle and seemed to be describing our own wayward nation when he wrote: “Even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1:21-22).

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Key Verse: 1 Chronicles 16:11, 23-25 Seek the LORD and His strength; seek His face continually… Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day. Tell of His glory among the nations, His wonderful deeds among all the peoples. For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; He also is to be feared above all gods.

Explanation: This represents a portion of the psalm (song) of thanksgiving David wrote and gave to Asaph to sing once the ark was brought up to Jerusalem. The clarity of praise and worship in this passage is unmistakable. David is not suggesting that the LORD is worthy only of the Jewish people’s praise; he invites all the peoples of all the nations to join in this chorus of praise.

God’s intention for His chosen nation, Israel, was that they become a conduit of revelation and understanding, pointing other people toward the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They received a special portion, but God’s goodness and grace extend to all who will call on His great Name.

We often wonder what aspect of David’s character led him to be called a man after God’s heart (1 Samuel 13:14). It could be his contrition and penitent heart when confronted with his own sin. But I also believe it is the consistent praise that flowed out of that heart. David’s joy at simply worshipping the Lord was so great that he danced before Him with all his might as the ark was carried up to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6:14-15). That childlike exuberance was not unbecoming, as Michal (Saul’s daughter) thought; it was the manifestation of a deep and abiding love.

David’s song is also messianic in that he affirms that salvation comes only from the Lord. That good news (or Gospel) is so compelling that it should be retold day by day and throughout the earth.

The last phrase in this passage strikes a discordant note to our modern ear. If we are to seek the LORD and His face, telling of His salvation and His wonderful deeds, why are we also instructed to fear Him? First, as David explains, He is above all other so-called gods. They are mere idols, but the LORD our God made the heavens and the earth (v. 26). Second, Jesus also explained that while many entities can subject our bodies to harm (including death), only God can destroy both soul and body in hell (Matthew 10:28).

We should never forget that God does not reside in a box (something the Israelites had to learn relative to the ark). Our fear of—and respect for—Him is the beginning of wisdom.

Key Verse: 1 Chronicles 22:13 Then you will prosper, if you are careful to observe the statutes and the ordinances which the LORD commanded Moses concerning Israel. Be strong and courageous, do not fear or be dismayed.

Explanation: David’s charge to his son Solomon summed up the wisdom of his years. All of Solomon’s gifts and potential would amount to nothing if he did not heed the Word of the Lord and obey Him.

As a benevolent Father, God did not impose an arbitrary list of dos and don’ts on His people. The laws He handed down to Moses were meant to ensure human flourishing. The Law itself was also provided to demonstrate that mankind is incapable of achieving perfection—either in its obedience or in its attitude. So, being careful to “observe the statutes and ordinances which the LORD commanded” would be a continual exercise in humility and dependence on the mercy and grace of God.

The Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus’ day did not understand that balance of obedience and humility. So, they did not see themselves in need of a Savior. David certainly did, as we explained above.

David also recognized the daunting challenge his son faced, following in the footsteps of a father who had unified and expanded the nation. So, he echoed the words God spoke to Joshua in a similar circumstance and told Solomon to be strong and courageous.

We live in an era when the challenges that lie before us also seem daunting. Some Christians wonder if they have sufficient faith to rise to those challenges. They fear that the giants of the faith are all in the past. The enemy would love to distract us with such doubts, which leads us to another important verse in 1 Chronicles…

1 Chronicles 12:32 Of the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their kinsmen were at their command.

Explanation: This important verse was suggested to me by Josh McDowell. Amidst a recitation of the various tribes gathered at Hebron to celebrate David’s consolidation of the kingdom of Israel, the author describes the sons of Issachar in this noble manner. They were clearly not given over to hand-wringing or cowardice.

Much has been written about the band of mighty men who served alongside David in battle. But every leader needs to be surrounded by men who understand the times and know what to do. Our nation is in desperate need of the same thing.

I’m reminded of the “ABCs of Leadership” I’ve shared with many people over the years. Boiling down countless hours of leadership training in the military and other venues, here is what is absolutely required:

A – A willingness to serve

B – Boldness when boldness is called for

C – Clarity of vision (Proverbs 29:18)

The sons of Issachar had the vision to perceive and wisdom to understand the times. Their presence at Mount Horeb demonstrated a willingness to serve. Their knowledge of what Israel should do motivated their kinsmen to act boldly.

America—and every other nation—needs men and women of God who understand our times, are willing to serve, know what we should do, and motivate others to join with us and defend what is true and holy.

In the words of the great hymn by William Merrill (1911):

Rise up, O men of God!

Have done with lesser things.

Give heart and mind and soul and strength

To serve the King of kings.

That is a rallying call worthy of every Christian man, woman, and child!


Tim Moore: Welcome to Christ in Prophecy and our “Jesus in the Old Testament” series. I’m Tim Moore, the Senior Evangelist for Lamb & Lion Ministries.

Nathan Jones: And I’m Nathan Jones, Internet Evangelist here at Lamb & Lion.

Tim Moore: Our next couple of episodes may seem like re-runs, because we’re going to focus on 1 and 2 Chronicles, two books that follow 1 and 2 Kings. They offer a re-telling of the history of Israel and still focus on the kings that reigned in both Israel and Judah.

First Chronicles opens with an extended recounting of the genealogies from Adam, through Abraham, the 12 sons of Jacob or Israel, and David and Saul. It also reviews the lineage of priests that descended from Levi. It’s as if the writer of Chronicles, thought by many to be Ezra, a highly regarded scribe and in the priestly line himself, wanted to emphasize Israel’s national heritage.

Nathan Jones: Re-telling the history of the Jewish people from 850-600 BC, but written after that timeframe, 1 and 2 Chronicles is a heartbreaking commentary on what could have been but was not. Chosen by God and set apart to be both a reservoir and conduit of His blessing, the Jewish people were the apple of His eye, covenanted to be with Him. Their special calling is summed up in one of our key verse passages for today which is 1 Chronicles 16:11, 23-25.

Tim Moore: The promise of that song of thanksgiving that David wrote for Asaph the Seer to sing as he brought the Ark of the Covenant up to Jerusalem is echoed in our other Key Verse today: 1 Chronicles 22:13. David’s admonition to Solomon reflected the blessing that would continue to flow if he and all Israel was careful to observe the Lord’s statutes and ordinances. Sadly, neither David nor his son Solomon, let alone the nation itself, could uphold that standard. They all demonstrate the tragic reality that wisdom is fleeting.

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Part 1- Interview with Steve Howell

Tim Moore: Our guest today is someone followers of Lamb & Lion Ministries will be familiar with. Along with our own Nathan Jones, Steve Howell coauthored 12 Faith Journeys of the Minor Prophets. An exciting book that we’ll be featuring even more as we get to the Minor Prophets within this series. For the last several years he has been the education pastor at Tonganoxie Christian Church near Kansas City. And he is well-versed in the Old Testament, pun intended, Nathan. We are so delighted, Steve, that you could join us today on this episode of Christ in Prophecy!

Steve Howell: Thanks, Tim, I really appreciate the invitation to be back here. It’s good to be here with you and Nathan and talking about God’s Word.

Tim Moore: We are glad you are here.

Nathan Jones: Well, Brother 20 years now that we have been ministering together and it was such a joy writing 12 Faith Journeys of the Minor Prophets with you. Brother, I don’t think people take the fact that there is so much relevance to the Minor Prophets, all the faith challenges they had to endure and the lessons they learned. And some people not only discount the Minor Prophets, but they go so far as discounting the entire Old Testament. They say it is not relevant anymore. I’m hearing more and more pastors, big names, saying “I’m a New Testament Church.” Well, Steve are these pastors right? I mean after all you are a teaching pastor yourself. How would you argue for the significance of the entirety of God’s Word?

Steve Howell: Yes, I think the entirety of God’s Word is super important for us to discuss. There are certainly great things about the New Testament, Jesus being one of them. But when we talk about the entire story that God has presented it’s not limited just to the New Testament. It’s not like we have some false contrast between law and grace, that is sometimes what we hear people discuss. But there is certainly enough law in the New Testament, and there is enough grace in the Old Testament that we see those two things fitting together. And there is a continuity of that story that goes from the beginning, from Creation all the way through the cross, all the way until Jesus’ return. We need to hear the entire thing, if we miss part of the Old Testament we miss back story, we miss context, we miss some of the things that make the New Testament experience so rich. So, we need to teach the entire thing.

Tim Moore: That is beautifully said, Steve and that fact that there is grace and law in both the Old Testament and the New. And I know that you’ve made it one of your missions as a minister to shine light on what you would consider to be some of the neglected books of the Bible, that’s why you and Nathan wrote the wonderful book, “12 Faith Journeys of the Minor Prophets.” But it is also why you, I’m told, wrote an entire study guide focusing on 1 & 2 Chronicles. And so, why do you feel that we need to really dive into some of these books that are oftentimes neglected even by Christians today?

Steve Howell: Well, as a teaching pastor the reason I get into some of these books is just because I’m trying to be nice to my volunteers. When we ask people to teach classes you don’t want to just throw them into some of these difficult matters, and I offer some options, they choose the easy ones, that sticks me with the hard ones. So, by default I often get 1 Chronicles, I get the Minor Prophets, I get some of these sections that often get overlooked. But in the course of teaching those things you spend time, and you start to realize how important they are, and you realize the value that they have.

And so, over time teaching those neglected passages it just really kind of put it on my heart that I want to help others be able to teach those well, and kind of reclaim that for themselves. When it comes to 1 & 2 Chronicles, yeah I developed a teaching guide to go through with my students here at Tonganoxie. And it’s not an easy book, if we’re just being honest. It is boring at parts, if you are reading through just as a normal reader. There is a lot of material here that seems repetitive because if you’ve just gone through say a reading plan you’ve read through 1 & 2 Kings and now you get to Chronicles and you feel like you’ve already covered this material why go through it again? And so there is certainly a lot of good reasons why people overlook this book, but again once you start to dig into it you see the value that is there.

Nathan Jones: Interesting. Well, Steve we’ve been going through this series “Jesus in the Old Testament” we are seeking through the Bible trying to find all of the appearances of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament, Christophanies were actual physical preincarnate occurrences of Jesus, also types and symbols. So, in 1 Chronicles do you see any of these Christophanies or types? Do you find the Messiah in 1 Chronicles?

Steve Howell: Yes.

Nathan Jones: Good answer.

Tim Moore: Good answer.

Nathan Jones: Can you tell us where?

Steve Howell: Yeah, you probably want a little more than that. No, I think it is really great to take a look here and see where we can find Jesus in this book. I think the entire Old Testament, the entire Bible, sometimes when I am teaching a class on an overview of Scripture we just use a simple breakdown, the Bible can be summed up in three sentences: That Jesus is Coming. Jesus has come. Jesus is coming again. So, when we look at the Old Testament there are certainly this focus on Jesus even if its not spelled our explicitly, it is still there.

And I think probably one of the key types here. The key symbols here of Jesus that we find is David. Certainly, you probably talked about this when you did your lesson on Samuel, I assume you had some conversations there. I don’t want to get into some of those specifics, instead I want to take a little broader look at how 1 Chronicles points towards Jesus. And it really it starts off the book in an unlikely way because we get into the first nine chapters here and we have genealogy, 1 Chronicles it is a great way to start. I don’t know if you guys have any favorite names as you go through there, mine comes in chapter 4:3, Hazzelelponi it is a great name. More parents should go with that one.

Nathan Jones: Yeah, spell that for us.

Steve Howell: But as you start looking at the content a lot of times we just start reading and in that reading its hard, those names are difficult, we stumble over them.

So, I have broken it down a little bit differently, instead of just reading through them I want to understand it by looking at a bar graph. So, all those different names that are there, you figure you have different tribes that are explained, and you have all the names that are there. When you start looking at what the author of 1 Chronicles did, he doesn’t just break them down evenly, he has a huge amount of material on this first tribe, and it is the tribe of Judah. And the other part that gets a lot of information comes later on when we talk about the tribe of Levi. And those two tribes, the fact that he spends so much time on those two parts of the genealogy really clue us in to his emphasis as he is going through the book of Chronicles. He is talking about the tribe of Judah which leads to King David, and he is talking about the tribe of Levi which leads to the service in the Temple, those two elements are a huge part of this book.

And when we talk about Jesus Himself coming from the tribe of Judah, Him being the fulfillment of the prophecy that we find in 1 Chronicles 17. God has given David a promise 1 Chronicles 17:11-14, “‘When your days are fulfilled to walk with your fathers, I will raise up your offspring after you, one of your own sons, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build a house for me, and I will establish his throne forever. I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son. I will not take my steadfast love from him, as I took it from him who was before you, but I will confirm him in my house and in my kingdom forever, and his throne shall be established forever.'”

And that promise is so important because the people who are receiving 1 Chronicles they have been in exile. They have come back from that journey into Babylon, they are coming back, they are trying to figure out who they are and they are trying to remember God’s promises. Does He still care for them? Does He still plan to do all the things that He promised all the way back to Abraham, to Moses, to David? Is He still planning to fulfill those? And the author of Chronicles is saying, yes, He is going to fulfill those promises and it comes through Jesus.

Tim Moore: I think there is so much wisdom authored in Chronicles if you can wade through the genealogies, because you are right, sometimes figuring out even how to pronounce all the various names is difficult enough, let alone get through nine chapters of genealogy, unless you step back and look at the big picture, which you’ve just shared with us.

We also pull out key verses from the books that we’ve been reviewing. So, for instance today our key verses are going to be from 1 Chronicles 16:11, which says, “Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His face continually.”

And then David also giving wisdom to his son says later in the same portion as he has actually written a hymn, that is what this chapter is. He says, this is verse 23-25, “Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim good news of His salvation from day to day. Tell of His glory among the nations, His wonderful deeds among all the peoples. For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; He also is to be feared above all gods.”

And the advice, the wisdom that he later shares with Solomon in particular in chapter 22:13 is, “Then you will prosper, if you are careful to follow the statutes and the ordinances which the Lord commanded Moses concerning Israel. Be strong and courageous, do not fear nor be dismayed.” And that is great wisdom from a king to his people, from a father to his son. And yet, as both David in the book of Chronicles demonstrates, and Solomon we know later, that wisdom is so fleeting because both of those great kings, the greatest kings in Israel failed to maintain their own wisdom, and the nation who understood these kind of truths, this wisdom also wavered on it. And so, it is great I guess instruction for us even today to stay focused on the Lord and His Son Jesus Christ.

Steve Howell: Yeah. I think when we keep that focus. It is not just a check list of doing the right things, it is about loving God. It’s having that be your identity. It is a desire that overtakes everything else. You can obey something, but when it comes out of love it is a different kind of thing.

You know I was thinking about this with my wife. She hates mayonnaise. She hates mayonnaise. Even if I love mayonnaise I would not bring it to her because it is not what matters most to her. I choose to do things because I love her. And just like that with God. I’m not obeying because I have to, there is a law, but it’s not that I have to do all of these things because the law is the only way that I get to Him, it’s that I get to do these things because I love Him.

Nathan Jones: Interesting. Well, Steve some people mistakenly think that the Christian faith is just a passive activity, and time and time again in 1 Chronicles and of course across the entire Old Testament people are called by God to be strong and courageous, I’m thinking particular verse 28:10. What would you call Christians to do today to be strong and courageous?

Steve Howell: Man, I’m going to go back to 1 Chronicles and just say that whole idea that they have trying to remember who they were, knowing their identity is the key to for us being strong and courageous. Even with the identities as you go through the genealogy, so many of the different names have those endings like “iah” or “el” that actually come from the name of God Himself, it is part of their identity, it is part of who they are. And for us we have to remember that is who we are, we are part of God’s family. The Church is where we need to find that strength because we are together with our brothers and our sisters in Christ. And I think it has been one of the challenges of COVID is that so many of us have been spread out, so many Christians have been separated from their brothers and sisters. It has made it harder for us to be strong and courageous together. But if we can bond together, remember our identity and have that love for one another that is going to help us be strong, courageous and active in these times.

Tim Moore: I think that is well said sentiment. Because I know a lot of people like to look up their family genealogy, you know what ethnic background they are, and where they came from in their forebearers. I’ve never had too much interest in that, personally, quite frankly, because I figure I’m just an all American mutt, quite frankly, but my identity is in Christ. And so, when I know brothers and sisters in Christ, yes, I’m interested in some of their human heritage but what connects us is our common love for our Savior, and our identity as children of God. And so, it gives us a completely new and an eternal identity.

And of course, I would submit this, that when we look forward to the return of Jesus Christ a lot of people say, “Ah, you Christians you are all looking forward.” No, we are actually we are looking to manifest that love, that calling, that unifying spirit of the Holy Spirit bringing us into joint co-laboring for Christ here in this world. And so it is not that we are so heavenly minded we are no earthly good, it is that we are focused on Jesus Christ, and our love for Him is manifest in how we act, in what we do and how we treat others right here and now.

Steve Howell: Yeah, I think there is an urgency, not just for the return of Christ, but there is an urgency for right now. None of us know when He is going to call us home. I could have a heart attack right now. Okay I didn’t. But He could call us home at any minute. And its not that I have to be urgent because He’s going to come back soon, but it is urgent because His love is right now. The kingdom of God is right now, as well as then. So, we have that imperative to love Him with everything that we have right now.

Nathan Jones: Well, Steve I am curious because we are looking at wisdom that is fleeting in this book of 1 Chronicles and we see that David near the end of his career calls a census on the people, and Joab and all the others saying, “This is a bad idea.” Can you first tell me why was it a bad idea? Why did God respond with such force? And is there is a Christophany there when the angel puts his sword away and it is called the Angel of the Lord, could that be Jesus Christ?

Steve Howell: Well, I think it is such a bad thing when you start to trust yourself instead of God. It is always a bad decision when you are starting to look to your own strength trying to figure out your own ability to do things instead of leaning completely on Him. And I think God has certainly gotten Himself involved in that situation trying to steer David onto the right path. Yes, you point out some of those instances where Jesus shows up, and it is a constant love that God has for His people, He wants to steer them on the right path. So, it’s amazing to see how He has continued to do that throughout the entire Old Testament including here in Chronicles.

Tim Moore: I think Nathan’s example is a good one because it shows that even as David was a type of the Messiah he interceded for his people. In this particular instance he was also not the messiah, in other words he was merely human because his own failure is what led to that incident and the Lord Himself said, “You choose between three catastrophes.” And David here, again, showing wisdom he said, “I don’t want to fall into the hands of man, at least I will put myself forward to fall into the hands of God because God is merciful.” And there was pestilence that was unleashed upon the people, but David offered sacrifice, again, being an intercessor for his people. And so, he was both the instrument of their catastrophe, but he also became in a messianic type the instrument of interceding for His people, and bringing deliverance through God’s mercy.

Steve Howell: Yeah.

Nathan Jones: Yeah, it is a fantastic story that people ought to read because here the Angel of the Lord has killed 70,000 people and David is desperate, he’s saying, “Well, Lord it is my fault, I’m the one who took the census, bring it down upon me.” He goes up, he buys that threshing floor and that’s going to be the future site of the Temple, it is going to be the future site where Jesus would be persecuted, and by His stripes we are healed. You think threshing is where people are threshed. So, there are just so many different Christophanies, so many different typologies in 1 Chronicles 21.

Tim Moore: And I love the fact that he will not allow the threshing floor to be given to him. He said, “No, I have to have skin in the game. It has to cost me something.” And here again that is a picture of Christ. He doesn’t just say, we’ll I’ll just wave my hands and forgive. No, Jesus was invested, I mean He had literally skin in the game of giving Himself to purchase that huge debt on our behalf.

Nathan Jones: Oh, that is an excellent point. Well, Steve you are a lifelong Bible teacher, you were my teacher for many years. You are also the father of two teenagers. Can you give us any hopeful signs that our youth today in the churches are properly being equipped to grow up and stay in the faith? I know I have two college age students, their faith is their own, but we are reading in so many books, Ken Ham and other books they are releasing terrible statistics that kids are leaving, they are going to college and leaving the church in droves. Is there any hope? And if not what can be done?

Steve Howell: Well, I think there is hope and that is the fact that the Holy Spirit is still around. He is still active in our lives. He is still active in the lives of our kids who love Him as well. So, even though things are kind of bleak. Right? This culture is certainly not one that honors Jesus in most of the choices that are made. It is difficult. Our sons are both at college, and we’ve had conversations about some of the challenges they face as the mindset of the world is coming right up against the mindset that they have been raised with. It’s tough. It is not going to be easy.

So, I don’t think there is a lot of hope in the world, but there is hope in what God is doing. And for the Holy Spirit to be active in their lives that is something that we can trust and hope in. For us just to be honest to goodness lovers of Jesus, that is what is most important. These kids need that role model. They need us to care about them. It’s not so much that we are putting it all on them, they need us to be that rock for them. They need us to be the ones who have the spiritual wisdom to guide them. As long as we are being the kind of person that they need, if we are being the role model that they need, if we are praying for them then that is where there is hope.

Tim Moore: Well, I think that David also models a willingness to pour into his son, especially as his life grew to a close, as Nathan said. And so, we have to be intentional about pouring wisdom into our children, into our grandchildren. I’ve said that oftentimes even on this show. And making sure that we share the wisdom we’ve gained sometimes through trial, and through our own missteps but we share that with our children and we tell them about the goodness and the providence of God. Steve, how can our viewers get a hold of your own study on 1 & 2 Chronicles? Is it available on-line?

Steve Howell: I have a website called where I am going to be posting some of these lessons and making curriculum available to people so that they can study these neglected sections of Scripture themselves.

Nathan Jones: Thank you so much, Steve. Folks, I highly recommend check out, Steve has quite a variety of studies to help you grow in your faith in Jesus Christ. God bless.

Part 2- How Then Shall We Live? Rise Up, O Men of God.

Tim Moore: The world seems to be descending into social, political, and spiritual chaos. The West in particular is abandoning its Christian foundations to embrace socialism, woke-ism, and humanism. David Reagan’s book, “America’s Suicide,” points to the willful rejection of God we’re witnessing before our eyes—and the inevitable consequence of such foolish rebellion.

Canada’s Prime Minister has tossed religious and civic liberty overboard altogether as he seeks to exert his will—and too many elected leaders in America have demonstrated a willingness to embrace that same approach to governing.

Our friend Josh McDowell recently told me that 1 Chronicles 12:32 is his favorite in that book. The writer recognized the sons of Issachar for being “men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do.”

The world today seems to lack leaders who understand our times—and know how to lead with godly wisdom. We hear from Christians all the time who express frustration that they’re living out the famine God spoke to Amos: “not a famine for bread or a thirst for water, but rather for hearing the Word of the LORD.”

Looking at the chaos plaguing our political process and the violence being perpetrated throughout our own nation, the tragic consequence of a famine of God’s Word is manifest before our very eyes: “People…stagger from sea to sea and from the north even to the east; they…go to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, but they do not find it.”

Thankfully, there are faithful proclaimers of the full counsel of God’s Word scattered throughout our land. Here at Lamb & Lion Ministries, we endeavor to faithfully declare that Word—from the glorious Gospel to the powerful prophetic Word. But, we agree that finding a local church that is faithful to that Word and unashamed in preaching the full counsel is increasingly hard.

Even when you do find a preacher or teacher who is committed to being faithful to God’s Word, we urge you to be like the Bereans—believers Paul recognized as noble-minded because they examined the Scriptures daily to see whether his teaching was faithful and true. And I’d note that the Scriptures the Bereans were consulting were contained in what we call the Old Testament—meaning that everything in the New Testament fits seamlessly with what is in the Old, and that we should be well-versed in the entire Bible.

Instead of wringing our hands over the degradation of faith evident all around us, let’s anchor ourselves in the Word of God—and hide its wisdom in the hearts of our children and grandchildren.

You know, David was surrounded by a band of mighty men who served alongside him in battle. The sons of Issachar had vision to perceive and wisdom to understand the times. Their presence at Mount Horeb demonstrated a willingness to serve, and with their knowledge of what Israel should do their kinsmen were ready to act boldly. Our nation is in desperate need of men and women who understand the times and know what to do.

In the words of the great hymn by William Merrill: Rise up, O men of God! Have done with lesser things. Give heart and mind and soul and strength, to serve the King of kings.

Now that is a rallying call worthy of every Christian man, woman, and child!


Tim Moore: Well, Nathan, I appreciate you recommending Steve Howell as our guest today. His passion for God’s Word is obvious.

Nathan Jones: Oh, many years I found him so insightful. You know I knew he would have keen insights, and what he shared on the significance of the genealogies early in 1 Chronicles was really compelling. And I’m sure his study guides on 1 and 2 Chronicles will be a blessing to anyone who visits his website to download a copy.

Tim Moore: You know, every portion of God’s Word is powerful—and worthy of study. That’s why the resource we’re offering today—David’ Reagan’s book “Israel in Bible Prophecy“—is so timely. It is a go-to overview of God’s promises to the Jewish people—and documents that the fulfillment of Bible prophecy is evident even today. For a gift of only $20, we’ll be glad to ship it to you. Just call the number on the screen and be ready to have your eyes opened to the protection and providence of God as manifest through the nation of Israel.

Nathan Jones: Our theme for today is “Wisdom that is Fleeting.” We can gain godly wisdom by studying the Bible. And the only way to keep it from fleeting is to hide it in our hearts. Better yet—since our minds are fallen—we need to stay in the Word of God throughout our lives, letting it fill us and illuminating our hearts as the Holy Spirit gives us understanding—just like the sons of Issachar that you mentioned.

Tim Moore: You know that is such a great testimony of faithfulness just like Paul’s statement about the Bereans. You know, much of 1 Chronicles deals with David. That man after God’s own heart tried to pour wisdom into his own son. He urged him to “know the God of your father, and serve Him with a whole heart and a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hearts and understands every intent of the thoughts.” If only Solomon had heeded that wise advice all the days of his life.

Nathan Jones: Right. David had fallen short in a dramatic way, but he tried to steer Solomon onto the narrow path. Similarly, if we could pour that kind of wisdom into younger generations, we could have higher hopes for our nation—or at least for the remnant who will be faithful to the end.

Tim Moore: Folks, while we await the appearing of our great God and Savior, we pray that you are committed to seeking, and sharing the wisdom that comes from His Word. Until next week, this is Tim Moore,

Nathan Jones: And Nathan Jones, saying, “Look up, be watchful, for the Lord who gives wisdom to those who seek Him is drawing near.”

End of Program

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