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What anti-type of Jesus Christ can be found in the book of Deuteronomy? Find out with guests Dan and Meg Price and hosts Tim Moore and Nathan Jones on television’s “Christ in Prophecy”!
Air Date: December 12, 2021
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Key Verse Commentary
Deuteronomy means “repetition of the law.” It has more narrative than Leviticus and culminates with Moses recounting God’s providence and provision to Israel.
The book sets the stage for the 12 tribes to move into the land of Canaan under the leadership of Joshua and finally possess what God had promised. Even with God’s covenant to bless the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, their realization of that blessing would be dependent on their faithful obedience to honor and obey the living God—individually and collectively.
In God’s eyes, every person lives under either His blessing or His curse. There is no middle ground, no half-measure.
Deuteronomy — “The Blessing or the Curse”
Key Verse: Deuteronomy 30:19 — I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants…
Explanation: God’s revelation to Moses was quite clear: he was to communicate His ordinances and promises to the children of Israel. The alternatives were stark: “life and prosperity, and death and adversity” (Deuteronomy 30:15). You might ask, who in their right mind would choose death and adversity? And yet, we see people make tragically bad choices that lead to destruction each day.
Israel also chose poorly time and time again. After committing themselves to a covenant with God (Exodus 24:7), they almost immediately strayed grievously as they demanded a golden calf to worship (Exodus 32). Upon arriving in the Promised Land, they would enter a cycle of obedience and rebellion.
In our sinful nature, all of us are prone to that same sad pattern. Robert Robinson captured the sentiment in the great hymn Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing: “Prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the Lord I love!” But in the power of the Holy Spirit, sin’s power over us can be overcome. The key to being in a right relationship with God is to choose to believe and trust in His Son, Jesus Christ.
Tim Challies captures the miracle of God’s blessing in our lives when we choose life in Christ:
There are many areas in my life where I was once prone to wander, but am now prone to obey. There was a time when a certain sin was almost irresistible to me, where it called and drew me and where I felt almost powerless before it. It drew me in and dominated me far more often than I fled from it. But today that same sin has little hold on me. When I encounter that temptation today, it barely stirs my heart. I am now prone to obey; obedience to God is now my default response. This is not my work! I know myself well enough to know that I could never have loosened this sin’s power over me. This is not some act of the will that has hardened me against it. Rather, this is the work of the Holy Spirit, loosening the grip of that sin, and taking it far down the path of putting it to death completely. I realize that the temptation to give in to this sin will never be gone in this life, but there is no doubt that its power has been reduced dramatically and that my default reaction is no longer toward this sin but away from it. That is a powerful testimony to the grace of God.
By the power of the Holy Spirit, we do gain a new inclination away from disobedience and toward sin. Within us is this constant competition, this constant battle, between two “prones.” We are being renewed, we are being made holy, and over the course of a life, sin’s power is fading as the greater inclination toward holiness overwhelms and overcomes the dying inclination to sin.
Other Important Verses:
Deuteronomy 7:9-10 — Know therefore that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments, but repays those who hate Him to their faces, to destroy them, He will not delay with him who hates Him, He will repay him to his face.
Explanation: This verse is important because it highlights the theme of this lesson: a blessing or a curse from God Himself based on our willingness to heed His Word. Moses recitation of God’s name and attributes echoes the pronouncement the LORD shared with him in Exodus 34:5-7 (the second Key Verse from our Exodus A episode).
Regarding our willingness to heed His Word, realize that His blessings do not flow based on our ability to perfectly obey or achieve righteousness. Only Christ was able to model such perfection. Instead, it is the contrite heart that God honors. It is the determination to believe His Word—placing our faith in the One John referred to as the Word of God, Jesus Christ—that we are credited with righteousness and receive God’s blessing that flows forward for “a thousand generations”.
Finally, although it sometimes appears that God is patient to an extreme instead of repaying “without delay” those who hate Him, I would only point out how His patience is a reflection of His desire that none should perish without every opportunity to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). What a blessing it is that He was patient with me!
In the fullness of time, He will indeed repay those who have rejected Him—when the stand before His throne and He condemns them to their face. How horrible will that eternal curse leading to everlasting destruction be.
Do not wait another day. Chose life. Chose blessing. Chose to put your trust in Jesus Christ!
Deuteronomy 29:29 — The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law.
Explanation: This wonderful verse explains how we can be satisfied with the revelation of God. People often ask us to comment on speculative aspects of God’s prophetic Word. Certainly, there is much to be sure about, but there are other aspects that He simply has not told us.
I take great solace in this verse. At times my own understanding falls short of my aspiration. We’d all like to know and understand more than we sometimes do. But human understanding can be prone to error. Consider Ezekiel. When shown a valley of dry bones, he was asked, “Can these bones live?” Had the Lord asked me that question, my understanding as an engineer and student of science would probably have been, “Of course not! They are dried up and dusty. There is no way such a thing could happen.” Ezekiel was wiser than that. He responded, “Oh Lord God, You know” (Ezekiel 37:3). Obviously, God did know. And, in spite of natural laws to the contrary, those bones did live again—brought back to life by the power of God.
I’m also reminded of the testimony of a great Christian exemplar we highlighted in our Nov/Dec 2021 edition of the Lamplighter. George Washington Carver explained his incredible discoveries about the peanut this way:
Years ago I went into my laboratory and said, “Dear Mr. Creator, please tell me what the universe was made for?” The Great Creator answered, “You want to know too much for that little mind of yours. Ask for something more your size, little man.”
Then I asked, ‘”Please, Mr. Creator, tell me what man was made for.” Again the Great Creator replied, “You are still asking too much. Cut down on the extent and improve the intent.” So then I asked, “Please, Mr. Creator, will you tell me why the peanut was made?” “That’s better, but even then it’s infinite. What do you want to know about the peanut?”
Carver described how he asked God to show him to use the peanut to bless mankind. He testified, “And then the Great Creator taught me to take the peanut apart and put it together again. And out of the process have come forth all these products!”
It’s not what we don’t know that is problematic to us. It’s what we do with the revelation God has already given us. We’ve all known people who cannot overcome their own misgivings and uncertainty to accept Jesus Christ as He has been revealed. Others refuse to embrace God’s prophetic Word because there are things they simply cannot understand. In the end, we have to deal with the same quandary Pontius Pilate faced: “Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” (Matthew 27:22).
Tim Moore: Welcome to Christ in Prophecy! I’m Tim Moore.
Nathan Jones: And I’m Nathan Jones. Today we’ll continue our series focusing on Jesus in the Old Testament.
Tim Moore: As we pick up speed on our way through the Old Testament, we come to the last book in the Torah, Deuteronomy.
The title of the book comes from a word that simply means “repetition of the law.” But there is much to gain from Moses’ review of Israel’s experience in the Wilderness. From God’s handing down of the Law itself on Mount Sinai to lessons about obeying God, and warning about straying from Him, Deuteronomy is a must read for anyone who wants to understand God’s interaction with His people.
Nathan Jones: At the foundation of that interaction is God’s faithfulness to His promise to Abraham. He vowed to bless those who would bless Abraham, and curse those who would curse him and his descendants. Israel also was given a choice: a blessing or a curse.
Tim Moore: Today we’re going to speak with a wonderful couple who have dedicated their lives to being a blessing in the Land of Israel. At an age when most people are enjoying their new role as grandparents and beginning to anticipate retirement, Dan and Meg Price followed God’s calling and set off for the Middle East.
Part 1
Tim Moore: Dan and Meg, thank you for joining us today from Israel, and the beautiful overlook there, seeing the Sea of Galilee in the background.
Meg Price: Thank you, Tim. Thank you, Nathan. It is great to be with you.
Dan Price: Yes, the Lord has given us a wonderful day here with great temperatures, and an almost clear view.
Tim Moore: Almost clear view. Yes, sir. Well, I wish we were there with you quiet frankly. You know the two of you all both hail from Kentucky, and people would think perhaps that is where we first interacted. But the fact of the matter is I did not meet you until you were already missionaries in Israel, and I met you during a pilgrimage trip.
Meg Price: That is exactly right, Tim. And you know if someone had told us before 2009, if you had said to us that we would be talking like this, and that we would be serving as missionaries in Israel, I think we would have thought you were talking about different people. Had us confused with someone else.
Nathan Jones: Now, you all started in Jordan right? Working with displaced people. And then the Lord burdened you to help the Druze people. Until I went to Israel I didn’t really know anything about the Druze people. So, maybe you can tell us how you came to work with the Druze people, and what do they believe? What is their faith belief?
Dan Price: Yeah, that is right, Nathan. We did actually start in Jordan. But the Lord brought us over to Israel in a surprising way, to a people that are really not very well known throughout the world. Whenever we say that we minister to the Druze, most of time people think Druids, or something like that.
Meg Price: Or Jews because we’re in Israel.
Dan Price: Or Jews, yeah, that’s true. One of the interesting things that was told to us before we got into this work, was that the two most resistant people groups to the Gospel in the whole world are Jews and Druze. And it just so happens that we are actually in the place where both of them are. But the Druze come from an offshoot of Shiite Islam from about 1,000 years ago. And they’re religion is both a religion and a people group, so you cannot be a Druze unless you are born of two Druze parents. And so, they don’t go out and ask anyone to become Druze. And if you leave the Druze religion then you are cut off from the people. But I like to term them as the Free Masons of the Middle East. It is a very strange, but secretive religion and you’ll find them very closely aligned in that way.
Tim Moore: Wow. I wanted to have you on today because you all are there in Israel ministering, so on this episode of “Christ in Prophecy” as we focus on those who would bless Israel, and those who unfortunately would curse Israel. I know that your blessing not just the Druze people but the focus that you are living amongst, the Jews there in Israel. And you are observing the culture and discerning the spiritual condition of that land in this day and age. So, how is Moses warning of either a blessing or a curse evident in the work that you do day in and day out?
Dan Price: Well, we see it with the two groups of Druze that are in Israel. There are those that are here in that actual Galilee where we are sitting right now, and those in the Golan. Those in the Galilee are full participants in the society here in Israel. But those in the Golan consider themselves Syrian. They have never identified as Israeli in anyway, and only about 10% have actually taken Israeli citizenship. So, when you go up to the Golan and you see the Druze villages there you will find that they’re really focused more on Syria, then they are in Israel. But whereas those here in the Galilee they actually love being here in Israel, and they are full participants, and you can see the blessing that is to them, and their communities here.
Nathan Jones: That is interesting. Well, if the Druze actually participate in Israeli government, and the IDF unlike the Palestinians, does the Lord bless them for their participation? Do you see the Druze as a growing community?
Dan Price: Yeah, I think so, In fact just in the last week or so the Israeli government formally acknowledged one of the towns that is not far from here as a Druze town. And that kind of recognition is very difficult to obtain here in Israel, because most towns are obviously Jewish, but to actually become a Druze town is a very big deal. So, we see that Israel really wants to work with the Druze community to enable them in ways that other communities which are very much against Israel are not receiving. So, for instance they have an excellent education system here in Israel, and the Druze are actually at the very top of that.
Tim Moore: Wow. And they do participate in the IDF, as we’ve said, most of the time.
Dan Price: Yeah.
Meg Price: In very high ranks.
Dan Price: Yeah, in very high ranks. And not just in the IDF, but in all of the security establishments here in Israel you will find a Druze person.
Meg Price: But again, that is the Druze in the Galilee, not the Druze in the Golan. And the Druze in the Golan are the ones the Lord has called us to.
Dan Price: Yeah.
Tim Moore: Very good.
Nathan Jones: Are you in the Golan? Or are you in the Galilee? I’m a little confused. What side of the Sea of Galilee or Lake Knesset are we looking at?
Dan Price: We are actually just a little bit above Magdala, so where Mary Magdalene is from. So, actually if you could zoom in enough you would actually see her village right there.
Tim Moore: One of the things that Moses was very candid about was these two options that we talked about available to the Children of Israel. He foretold that they would eventually disobey and that would provoke God’s anger leading Him to scatter them all over the world. So, obviously now I’m talking about the Jewish people. But then in Deuteronomy 4:30 Moses prophesied, “When you are in distress and all these things,” the scattering and serving false gods, “have come upon you, in the latter days you will return to the LORD your God and listen to His voice.” And Moses went on to declare that God is compassionate, and He will forgive, and not forget the covenant that He swore with their fathers. So, as we approach what the Bible calls the latter days, how do you see evidence that all of those things are coming to pass? If not yet, the recognition of Him as Lord, at least obviously the Lord being faithful to His promise in bringing back the Jewish people?
Meg Price: Well, Tim as you have said the Lord has promised, and He is faithful. But what we see, because while we minister to the Druze in the Golan, we live among Jews on a moshav, and so, we have Jews all around us. But what we see is the not yet, they have not yet turned to Jesus as Savior. But we know that what we see is that they turn to anything else, any other religion, any other thing is optional for them. But because of what they have been taught historically, Jesus is just not an option. But again, that word, yet is very important because we know that as times get harder and harder they will seek the truth, and that will lead them to Jesus.
Nathan Jones: It’s interesting when I read through the Bible and read the Old Testament and you see again, and again, especially in Deuteronomy that the Jewish people were meant to be a set apart people, a people that were different from the pagans around them. As you get into Joshua you’ll see that they don’t connect with God’s command to get rid of the people, but they don’t remain set apart. I look at Deuteronomy 7:4, “For they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods, and then the anger of the Lord will be kindled against you, and it will quickly destroy us.” So, here in Deuteronomy God warns the Jewish people again, hey you’ve got to stay separate from the people around you. It’s kind of a lesson for me, you look at Christians today, you know we are supposed to be the set apart people. The Church is supposed to be different, but we fall into the same trap, I guess that is human nature, that the Jewish people did, that we are continuing to just fall into the world and let pagan society influence the Church instead of vice versa. What can be done about that? How can Christians stay separate? What can we learn from the Jewish people?
Meg Price: Well, I think what we can learn is that we must stand firm for biblical truth. You know this as Christian parents. And we have three grown children, and six grandchildren, we have been very blessed. And we see that the culture has such a strong pull on them. But we as parents have to take responsibility for our children, they know whether we are actually living what we say we are, whether our walk matches our talk. So, as parents, we’ve seen in Virginia just recently in the gubernatorial election about how parents want to have a say in their children’s education, and that is crucial because the culture does have such a pull on them.
Tim Moore: Very true. And do you see that in Israel even as people today are not set apart, per say are they grafted into the rest of the world instead of being grafted into the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?
Meg Price: Very much so. A very secular culture. You know our first trip to Israel was with Dave, and as we came I was expecting to see very religious people, but the Israeli people are very secular for the most part. So, that is what we see, is that they are extremely secular and not following, even the Word of God at all.
Dan Price: It is very common to have a conversation with an Israeli Jew, and we know much more about the Bible than they do. So, even though they study the Tanakh, which is what they call the Old Testament. Even though they study that in high school, we actually as Christians know a whole lot more about their Hebrew Scriptures then they do. And so it is a very interesting dichotomy where we are coming in as the foreigners into the land that was given to them originally, and yet, they don’t even know the Scriptures that are behind it.
Meg Price: They know their commentaries. And a friend of mine a couple of years ago said to me, “Well you know in the Torah we are taught that we must teach our kids how to swim.” And I said, “That’s not there.” But because it is commentaries is what they know more than anything else.
Tim Moore: Yeah I’ll never forget telling about the account of God’s provision to bring the Jewish people back, and how it is a fulfillment of those ancient prophetic promise and a Jewish person at a museum was listening and they said, “I’ve never heard that before.” And I thought, you are the museum curator, and you don’t even know the promises that are being demonstrated by all the artifacts around you. It was shocking to me. But the various ordinances in Deuteronomy the second repetition of the Law as given by God were there to allow the Jewish people to flourish in that day and age, and to remain in faithful relationship with God if they were obedient to Him. And they would have enjoyed not only his outpouring our blessing, but the possession of the land itself. And yet, they strayed. And so, Moses captured the eternal choice that was set before them in that day and age when he said, “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse.” That is the theme of our program today. “So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants.” And that word of choice between blessing and curse echoes all the way down even into John 3:36, the blessing of God, or the wrath of God, the curse.
Dan Price: Yes, and one of the sad things that you find out about living here in Israel, is that they have a culture very much like in America where abortion is not only accepted, but it is encouraged in certain situations. And although theoretically it is supposed to be harder to get an abortion here, what we have found is that the actuality is that many people have abortions. So, Israel is a country that has joined in with that type of way of thinking and we can see just like in America that you are losing whole generations of people because of abortion. But it is not only that, the sins of the nation are affecting things like the weather. Today it was 88 degrees, and we are in November here, so it shouldn’t be that hot still here in this time frame. So, we are seeing drought, we are seeing heat, and we are seeing other things that are playing out because of that blessing and curse. And they have chosen, unwittingly, they have chosen the curse, and they don’t even know it.
Nathan Jones: It’s always blown my mind that Israeli society adopts abortion considering they are trying to grow the country, and compete with the Arabs also having children. It reminds me of when Moses got to the Promised Land, probably one of the biggest tragedies in the stories I think in the Bible, is Moses spends all those years, 40 years hearing the Israelites grip and complain. He gets them to the Promise Land, but because of his sin God will not let him into it. And you see the Israelis living in Israel, but they don’t yet have the heart for the Lord. They are in the Promise Land but they haven’t crossed over as Jesus did, provided the way for. As we look at Jesus in the Old Testament, this I think the first we are starting to see in Deuteronomy an example where Moses is a type of Christ, except instead of being kept out of the Promised Land, He takes us into the Promise Land when we put our faith and trust in Him.
Dan Price: Amen.
Tim Moore: Yeah, I think the same thing. Go ahead, Dan.
Dan Price: Go ahead please.
Tim Moore: What Nathan is saying is we also are promised that we will be taken to that ultimate Promise Land in the Rapture itself, something that we point to all the time here at Lamb & Lion Ministries.
Dan Price: Maranatha.
Nathan Jones: What do the Jewish people, being a secular society primarily, looking forward to? I mean we as Christian look forward to the Rapture, like you said. What are they looking forward to? Do they even think they have a future?
Dan Price: You know there is an interesting concept in Judaism called, in Hebrew it is called “Tikkun Olam” which means the repairing of the world. And it is a way of thinking that basically the average Jew is here on earth to repair the world. Now, if you talk to a religious Jew they are here to repair the world to prepare for the Messiah to come. But to the average secular Jew it is just to prepare the world because there is nothing after this. And since most Jews, they might believe that there is a God, but many do not, so there is really nothing that is beyond this world. In fact we have an Israeli friend who was formally religious, but now not religious. She believes in God, but she is now secular, and one of the things that they are taught that there is no afterlife. And so, if there is no afterlife then this world is all you have, and so, in modern Judaism a lot of it is just, well, let’s just repair the world while we are here so we can have a better world. And that means that you end up with all different kinds of false teachings, false religion type things that come into Judaism, and you can see it play out in society.
Meg Price: Well, and not only that but also there is another expression, “Yihyieh Beseder” in Hebrew. And that means it will be okay. And that is the Israeli attitude. No matter what they have gone through. And let me say in the miraculous ways that God has provided through the years, and in more recent times ’67 War, ’73, we see that they talk about the bravery of the people, and the excellent strategies, and they never give credit to God, which is very sad to us, seeing how God has saved His people.
Tim Moore: Yes, we have recently had encouragement that even the new Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has a faith, and has purposed to pray even at official meetings, and so perhaps he will begin to turn the heart of the people in a very positive direction. I also remind folks, even of late, that Abraham who was promised all the land of Israel even today, never realized those promises during his lifetimes. So, sometimes these are slow motion promises, but Abraham was faithful to trust the Lord, even if it took many generations, he knew the Lord would be faithful. I want to turn back again, though to Moses’ last council here at the end of the book of Deuteronomy, and he has words that foreshadow the very admonition that God would end up giving Joshua and that is to be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, or tremble at them, meaning all the peoples living in the land of Canaan at the time, the Canaanites. He said, “For the Lord your God is the One who goes with you, He will not fail or forsake you.” Again, the faithfulness of God regardless of our faithlessness is always evident, and you all have seen that right there in the land.
Meg Price: We have seen that. And we’ve seen it in our own lives. For the past 12 years, we have been praying a paraphrase of Moses’ words to the Lord. And we have said, “Lord, if you are not going with us, then don’t send us.” And the Lord has taken us from Kentucky, to Northern Cyprus, to Israel, to Jordan, and back to Israel. And every step of the way we have said to Him, “Lord, if you are not going with us, don’t send us.” We never want to be outside of His will. But we have also seen His faithfulness over, and over again. Has it always been easy? It hasn’t. But He is always faithful.
Dan Price: Amen.
Nathan Jones: Well, for folks that want to get in touch with your ministry, see your great 3-in-3 videos, and sign up for your newsletter, how can they do that?
Dan Price: You know the easiest way would be to contact us by e-mail. And that e-mail address is:
Meg Price: We will add them to the list. That will get them the monthly newsletter, as well as the weekly 3-in-3 videos.
Tim Moore: How can our viewers, and how can we here at the ministry be praying for you? What is a critical need, or an urgency that you all see in the land that perhaps we in America who are so focused on domestic politics and domestic crisis do not always hear about but you are right there and you can be an eyewitness testimony to how we can be prayerfully lifting you up, and lifting Israel up as well?
Dan Price: Well, I’ll tell you what, one of the main ways that you can support this ministry is by praying for us, as you just said, but especially our Druze partners. Those that have become believers and are partners with us in ministry. One of our main partners he was actually thrown out of his Druze community, about three months ago, for the Gospel, because of the Gospel. And so, he now lives in a community about 25 minutes away. And there is real persecution, even here in Israel, even though it is not illegal to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it is the enemy of our souls who is against it, and he incites the Druze against those who are proclaiming the Gospel. And so, our close ministry partner is now not able to be in that village because of that. So, pray for him, and pray for those who are actually involved in this ministry to be able to be bold, but also to be able to be effective to those who are persecuting, those that are already being thrown out.
Meg Price: And also, in addition to praying for our partner, also praying for the social media ministry. Because primarily right now, because the Druze are living in a closed community, the leaders have a tight control over them, we go in through social media with the Gospel, via social media. And so, that the Lord would bless that. That the people who are ready and open will receive it, will see it and receive it.
Tim Moore: Well, we certainly do keep you all in our prayers here at the ministry. And I’m so glad for the model that both of you are being strong and courageous, of not being afraid to launch out in a whole new direction at a stage of life when many people would be kind of settling in, and you all were bold. I mean you were like Caleb, give me the high country, and you went, not as old as Caleb but with that degree of faithfulness. So, Dan and Meg we are so grateful that you took the time to be with us here today, you are eight hours ahead of us in Israel from where we are in Texas, so it is early morning here but we are so delighted that we were able to connect with you through the miracle of modern technology, and we do wish the Lord’s continued blessing on, and through your ministry there in the Promise Land.
Meg Price: Well, we thank you so much for having us, it’s been a blessing. And we continue to pray for Lamb & Lion Ministries.
Dan Price: Yes, thank you all so much, it has been so wonderful to be with you.
Tim Moore: Well, Godspeed. Thank you.
Part 2- Sign of the Times: A Rise in Lawlessness
Tim Moore: Much of the Torah deals with God’s ordinances of Law. Today, we are witnessing an unprecedented rise in lawlessness. Major American cities have descended into abject chaos as anarchists run roughshod over people simply trying to live their lives. Gangs of murderous thugs carry out acts of violence with impunity. And thieves now roam about in packs, flagrantly stealing from individuals and stores confident that they will not be pursued or prosecuted as long as their crime falls below a certain dollar amount.
Sadly, in certain locations that need jobs and economic activity the most, major corporations are closing stores and relocating, determined to staunch their losses from theft and their costs for security. Meanwhile, leftist elected officials fiddle while their cities figuratively, and sometimes literally burn.
That kind of mindless lawlessness harkens back to the state of the world in the days of Noah, and is part of what Jesus was referring to when He said, “The coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.” But there is an even more insidious threat rising in our society. It is not springing from the dark alleys and hidden places, but from the marble halls of power.
Courts have taken on a legislative role our founders never intended: creating new laws, including new supposed “Constitutional rights” from thin air. The battle over Life, which some tout as “Abortion Rights” springs from a Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion based on a penumbra of the Constitution. In other words, they crafted a monumental and divisive decision based on a shadow of the text itself.
Also troubling, our current President has taken extra-legal audacity to a new level. When the progressive left demanded a presidential ban on foreclosures earlier this year, President Biden expressly stated that the Constitution does not give him that authority. Indeed, it does not. But he acted anyway, telling the Director of the CDC to implement such a ban. In that instance, the courts quickly threw out that illegal order. But the decision of a President to act in a clear and understood violation of the Constitution for political convenience and whim sets a dangerous new precedent. Democratic leaders such as Maxine Waters went so far as to encourage such lawlessness on the part of the CDC, declaring, “Who is going to stop them? Who is going to penalize them?”
With attitudes such as this, we’re quickly losing our status as a nation of laws. I could cite a growing list of laws our leaders simply will not enforce as political expediency and unfettered power have corrupted absolutely. Over the past two years, many of our state governors demonstrated the sad truth that elected leaders are only constrained insofar as they are willing to exercise self-restraint and abide by the law. Otherwise, they simply exercise raw power.
I’m reminded of Joseph Stalin who was warned to tread lightly lest he find himself confronting the Catholic Church. Stalin scoffed and asked, “How many divisions does the Pope have?”
What application does this have to us as Christians? First, make sure that we advocate for and honor legitimate laws. Pray for those tasked with crafting, enacting, and enforcing the legitimate laws of our nation and states. Do not succumb to the temptation to let your love grow cold even as lawlessness multiplies around us. Pray for those who are trapped in the devil’s tangled web of lies, to the point that they advocate for or participate in lawlessness; God loved each of them enough to send His Son to die on their behalf. Instead of driving you to discouragement or despair, the rise in lawlessness should motivate you to yearn for Jesus to reign from Mount Zion all the more.
We will continue to report the Signs of the Times that Scripture says we should discern. They point to the urgency of our task in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, because we are living in the season of His return. Until He comes, may He find us faithful!
Part 3
Nathan Jones: The book of Deuteronomy completes our review of the Torah, all written about 3,400 years ago. And today’s key verse captures the choice offered to the Jewish people in that day and age, and the choice each of us is offered even today: a blessing or a curse.
Tim Moore: That’s right. Deuteronomy 30:19 is our Key Verse, but there are others that we find very important in God’s unfolding revelation in the Old Testament, including Deuteronomy 7:9-10 and 29:29. You can find commentary on all of those on our website.
Nathan Jones: And we are so grateful for the testimony and service of Dan and Meg Price. They really blessed us today!
Tim Moore: They certainly did.
Nathan Jones: They did. And, as we draw toward the end of the year, we want to emphasize the blessing God offers each of you through His Son Jesus Christ.
Tim Moore: Our Key Verse has become a rallying cry for the pro-life movement. Today, we also want to extend a blessing to you, and to the young people in your family. So, we’re offering Dr. Reagan’s book, “Jesus is Coming Again,” for $10 each. This would make a great gift that will make your own children and grandchildren look forward to our soon-returning King. I have a nephew who memorized the entire book as a very little boy and believes with all his heart that Jesus is coming soon.
Nathan Jones: Well, next week we’ll feature another special guest as we move into the book of Joshua. We hope you’re reading in advance and picking out your own Key Verse from each book. The other two verses Tim cited today speak of the Lord as a faithful God who keeps His covenant and has revealed Himself and His plan to us and our children. Well with that in mind, I’m Nathan Jones,
Tim Moore: And I’m Tim Moore, saying, “Look up, be watchful, for the LORD, our faithful God who keeps His covenant and His lovingkindness to the thousandth generation of those who love Him, is drawing near!”
End of Program