Finding Jesus in Jeremiah with J.B. Hixson

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Can Jesus Christ be found in the book of Jeremiah? Find out with guest J.B. Hixson and hosts Tim Moore and Nathan Jones on the television program, Christ in Prophecy!

Air Date: July 10, 2022

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Not By Works Ministries


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Key Verse Commentary

Key Verse

Jeremiah – “God’s Prophet of Doom”

Jeremiah was called to speak the Word of the Lord to Judah during a period of apostasy and tragic straying from God. He was appointed “to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant” (Jeremiah 1:10). The Lord emboldened Jeremiah and assured him that He would deliver him from all the opposition that arose against him.

The kings and priests were dismissive of Jeremiah’s warnings and despised him for calling them out. Believing themselves immune from the judgment of God, they pointed to “the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD”—as if its mere presence in their land was a holy talisman to guarantee their safety and security. Like the Israelites who foolishly trotted the Ark of the Covenant out to ensure their victory over the Philistines, Jeremiah warned that the glory of the Lord was departing Israel because of its flagrant sin (1 Samuel 4).

The book of Jeremiah contains two of the most heartbreaking verses of Scripture in the entire Bible. Twice, Jeremiah is told not to pray for his people. The Lord commanded him, “do not pray for this people, and do not lift up a cry or prayer for them; for I will not listen when they call to Me because of their disaster” (7:16, 11:14). God doubled down on the finality of His judgment about to be poured out on Judah when He said, “Even though Moses and Samuel were to stand before Me, My heart would not be with this people; send them away from My presence and let them go!” (15:1). The utter hopelessness conveyed by these verses is palpable.

And yet Jeremiah also offered a vision of great hope to his people. As our Key Verses demonstrate, God’s ways are above our ways and His plans work all things together for our good and His glory. As Habakkuk would later pray, even in wrath God remembers mercy.

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Key Verse: Jeremiah 18:11 “Thus says the Lord God, ‘Behold, I am fashioning calamity against you and devising a plan against you. Oh turn back, each of you from his evil way, and reform your ways and your deeds.’ “

Explanation: Theologians, philosophers, and pundits have grappled throughout the ages over two vexing questions: the problem of evil and the problem of suffering. The problem of evil posits that if God is good and omnipotent, He would not allow evil to exist; since evil does exist, either God cannot be good or omnipotent—or He does not exist. The problem of suffering is similar in its human logic: If God is good and omnipotent, why does He allow suffering to exist.

Those are simplified expressions of a very refined argument that attempts to logically analyze the reality of evil and suffering relative to the claims of God. But neither argument addresses the basis upon which human reason can describe any action or motive as evil—and where our innate desire for justice comes from. Both views also discount God’s own testimony of two ontological facts: 1) mankind was created in the image of God and given free will, and 2) after the Fall, God placed a curse on creation that will only be lifted when the Messiah comes to reign.

In Jeremiah 18:11, God offers insight into His motives and His ways. Although they are ultimately higher than our minds can aspire to understand, He makes clear that even His judgment and wrath are not poured out without reason. His actions are always justified and righteous. Even when the cup of His wrath is about to run over, He always sends warning. Sometimes those warnings are through our own collective conscience. Paul wrote that “the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men” and that we have adequate evidence to be liable for our own sinfulness. Describing the fate of the world upon whom the wrath of God abides, Paul said, “they are without excuse” (Romans 1:18-20).

Still, God’s great desire is that His most elevated creatures would repent from their evil ways, turn to Him, and be healed. The principle laid out for the Jewish people in 2 Chronicles 7:14 (and cited at every “National Day of Prayer” event in America) is valid for all people. Jeremiah conveyed God’s own heart plea: that all of us would “turn back, each of you from his evil way, and reform your ways and your deeds.”

God’s wrath will soon be kindled against the entire world. The culmination of all of history is before us. Time is short. Will you heed the warning God offers through Jeremiah?

Key Verse: Jeremiah 23:5-6 “Behold, the days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch; and He will reign as king and act wisely and do justice and righteousness in the land. In His days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell securely; and this is His name by which He will be called, ‘The LORD our righteousness.’ “

Explanation: We labeled Jeremiah “God’s prophet of doom” because so much of what he communicated was full of hopelessness and despair. Certainly, for the people contemporary to Jeremiah, the impending doom was closer than any of them realized. God’s righteous anger had been stoked, and He had closed the door on the nation’s collective restoration at that moment in time.

God also offered Jeremiah a glimpse of the Anointed One to come. Reiterating a promise given in Isaiah 11:1, the Lord promised to raise up a “righteous Branch”—or what is called a “netzer” (branch or shoot) in Hebrew. The phrase “for David” indicates that His lineage will track back to Israel’s great king after God’s own heart.

Matthew tells us that Jesus, David’s great descendent, was called a “Nazarene” in fulfillment of what was spoken through the prophets (Matthew 2:23). Scholars struggle to connect this verse with a specific prophecy because the title “Nazarene” is not found in the Old Testament. But Isaiah and Jeremiah’s reference to the Messiah as the righteous Branch—the Netzer—is tied into the Hebrew root word for Nazareth.

It should also be noted that a branch is not typically as grand as the tree it springs from. Likewise, Jesus—who was called a Nazarene (Matthew 2:23)—was also held in contempt for coming from such a humble and backward place as Nazareth (John 1:46).

Once again, even as God was declaring judgment and sending word that His wrath was about to be poured out on His rebellious people, He was also giving Jeremiah a hope-filled glimpse into the future. Like Abraham before, Jeremiah would not live to see the fulfillment of that hopeful promise, but he could take comfort in knowing that in the fullness of time God would orchestrate all human history to assure His own glory and our good. Tellingly, it is immediately after this verse (in Jeremiah 23:7-8) that the Lord promises a regathering of the Jewish people to their own land that will make even the exodus from Egypt pale in comparison. That regathering has been taking place before our eyes for the past 120 years—if we have eyes to see.

Soon, and very soon, Jesus is coming again. He is coming to gather His bride, and then He will return to reign as King from the throne of His father, David. He will “act wisely and do justice and righteousness in the land.” And He will be called “Yahweh (or Jehovah) Tsidkenu”—the LORD Our Righteousness.

You don’t have to wait. Call out to Him today and recognize that only through His righteousness can you be saved.


Tim Moore: Hello again and welcome to Christ in Prophecy. I’m Tim Moore, the Senior Evangelist at Lamb & Lion Ministries.

Nathan Jones: And I’m Nathan Jones, Internet Evangelist at Lamb & Lion.

Tim Moore: Our program today centers on Jeremiah, who had the difficult task of prophesying in Judah from the time of king Josiah to the Babylonian exile. By the time Jeremiah was warning the nation, Judah’s apostacy was irreparable. The first vision the Lord gave him was of a devastating invasion from the north. God told Jeremiah his own people would reject his message and fight against him.

Nathan Jones: Jeremiah’s message was a difficult one. The Jewish people were confident that they would be protected in spite of their wickedness. At one point God quotes their attitude as “the Temple of the Lord, the Temple of the Lord, the Temple of the Lord,” as if the presence of the Temple would ensure their preservation. If anything, God in His holiness was even more offended by their rebellion and wickedness.

Tim Moore: Jeremiah is often considered a “prophet of doom and we’ve even borrowed that phrase as the title of this episode of Christ in Prophecy. At one point, God even commanded Jeremiah, “do not to pray for this people, nor lift up a cry or prayer for them; for I will not listen when they call to Me because of their disaster.” Talk about hopeless, I cannot imagine the despair such a pronouncement would cause.

Nathan Jones: In spite of witnessing horrors that weigh upon our minds even today, Jeremiah was given reason to hope because he foresaw the coming of the Messiah. He also offered the Jewish people a reason to go on living even as they were carried away into exile. Describing events that took place in the 6th and 7th Century BC, about 626 to 566, Jeremiah demonstrated tough faith and persevering hope even as he pronounced and endured a season of doom.

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Part 1

Tim Moore: Our guest today is devoted pastor, author, and prophecy teacher, J.B. Hixson. He is also the founder and director of Not By Works Ministries headquartered just south of Denver, Colorado. We had the privilege of connecting with him at the Pre-Trib Conference here in Dallas last fall and featured him on a Prophetic Perspective. J.B., thanks for joining us today on this episode of Christ in Prophecy via Zoom.

J.B. Hixson: Hey great to be with you. Always a privilege. Thanks for letting me be on the program today. I’m looking forward to our discussion.

Tim Moore: Well, I know that the Lord will be glorified. J.B. as we start out we obviously live in a time when the signs are multiplying all around us that we are headed toward a great calamity both as a nation and as a world. And yet, most people are oblivious of that reality. Amazingly to us even many Christians are resistant to the message that God will not be mocked, He will eventually pour out judgment on individuals and nations that flaunt their wickedness.

J.B. Hixson: Yeah, there is no question about it, Tim you know the amazing thing about Jeremiah’s prophecy, like so many of the Old Testament prophets is that the closer we get to the return of Christ the more of those centuries old messages read like they were snatched from today’s headlines.

In Jeremiah 20 we read that people in his day mocked him. He said, “I am a derision daily, everyone mocks me.” He said, “I heard many mocking me.” And you know to mock God’s Word through His prophets is to mock God Himself. And today when people mock the truth of God’s Word, the Bible, they are mocking God, no question about it. And the fact is God will not be mocked, Galatians 6:7. Eventually in God’s time, He is going to pour out His judgment in the great day of His wrath, that seven years Tribulation Period.

Now, that might sound harsh to some people, but if you understand who God is and understand His grace, and mercy and justice, then really we should be grateful for this coming judgment because if sin was left unpunished then God would be liar and we couldn’t believe anything He says. But God is not a liar. He is a God of justice, yes, but He’s also a God of grace and mercy as well. He is long suffering, not willing that any should perish. And God’s Word tells us that whosoever wills can come drink of the water of life freely.

Tim Moore: Amen.

Nathan Jones: It is interesting in reading the book of Jeremiah how much it resonates with today. Back then they thought that things would keep going on and on the same, and today we look to get back to the normal, or what once was. And one thing that has changed though, that hasn’t been normal is it seems that society, and see if you agree with this or not, has become more and more hostile to Christianity. They are hostile to our faith, our belief systems, and even our very presence. Cancelled culture seems to be pointed towards Christians and people with Judeo Christian values. Would you agree?

J.B. Hixson: Yeah that is so true, Nathan. It is what we call the normalcy bias, you know you become oblivious to how quickly things are changing right in front of us. But as far as cancelling Christians we’ve experienced that here at Not By Works Ministries. I’ve lost count of how many of our videos have been banned from YouTube, I think it is somewhere around 9 or 10. And that is why we quit posting to YouTube we post everything at our website:

But it just shows the hypocrisy of our Woke culture. You know they deny absolute truth, absolute values and yet with the same breath they declare that the Biblical Worldview is absolutely not allowed. And I believe if the Lord tarries His coming Christians in America are going to face horrific persecution, the same way our brothers and sisters in Christ have throughout the Church Age, in all parts of the world, I think it is coming here. In fact, it’s probably already here, slowly we see more and more Christians suffering for their faith here in the United States. But I think it is going to get much worse.

Tim Moore: I agree with you J.B., I know that it will get much worse because God’s Word tells us that as the end draws near the wickedness will multiply on the earth. As Nathan mentioned in our introduction today I think our nation perhaps is even more liable for its rebellion and wickedness because we know better, or at least one time our nation knew better. And so, we know that we were founded as a Christian nation and although never perfect we at least agreed on a definition of right and wrong, good and evil. And now even nominees to our Supreme Court can’t define what the word woman means, even though she is proud to say she is one. And our holy God must be highly offended by our claim of righteousness when we are one of the biggest purveyors of wickedness on this earth.

J.B. Hixson: Yeah, we said it a moment ago, God will not be mocked. And there is a biblical principal Jesus tells us that, “to whom much is given much is required.” And so, we do have a high stewardship here in this country, the greatest country on earth. I’m actually going to be delivering a message at the Mid-America Prophecy Conference in Tulsa later this year and it is entitled, Whose Fingerprints are on the Founding of America? And I’m going to show undeniably that of course God’s fingerprints were all over the beginnings of this country. But I’m also going to show how Satan from the very birth of this nation had his hand in the mix somewhat trying to usher in this Luciferian one world system. But you’re right we are going to have a high price to pay one day for squandering this biblical heritage that we have in our great nation and thumbing our nose at the Creator.

Tim Moore: I love what you say about God’s fingerprints because sometimes even when He is not overtly sighted His fingerprints are all over the weaving of history just as He was in the era of Esther.

Nathan Jones: Well, yeah, we look at Jeremiah how his time period really reflects ours so much. Jeremiah lived in a time period where God’s wrath was definitely coming down upon Israel. I think we live in a time period, you probably agree, that God’s wrath is starting to come. But His blessings are also here too, and Jeremiah prophesied the coming of the Messiah. J.B. could you tell us a little about that from Jeremiah chapter 23?

J.B. Hixson: Oh, indeed it is one of the greatest Messianic prophecies that we see in the Old Testament, certainly on my top ten list, and it gives us and the nation of Israel great hope. And so, I just want to read three verse from Jeremiah 23, where we read, “I will set up shepherds over them who will feed them; and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, nor shall they be lacking,” says the Lord. “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord, “That I will raise to David a Branch of righteousness; A King shall reign and prosper, And execute judgment and righteousness in the earth. In His days Judah will be saved, And Israel will dwell safely; Now this is His name by which He will be called: THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.

You see the fact is a better day is coming, that is the grand metanarrative of Scripture in a nutshell, a better day is coming. The Bible tells a story that goes from Creation, to Fall, to redemption, to recreation and perfect righteousness and justice, and when Christ comes back to take the throne the Bible will have come full circle back to the pre-Fall Edenic State. So, we must hold onto that hope. “Behold the days are coming,” Jeremiah said. Judah and Israel will be delivered into the long awaited global kingdom as promised, and the King of kings and Lord of lords will reign in true peace, righteousness, and justice over the entire world.

You know anyone, Tim and Nathan who suggests that the kingdom of our Lord is already in place now in this present age is reading a different Bible than I am. I don’t mean to be ungracious but I mean the present age is an age of deception, it’s called the Last Days in Scripture because it is the final age before the Kingdom comes. We live in an age where Satan is the prince of the power of the air, Ephesians 2. He’s the god of this age, 2 Corinthians 4. 1 John 5 tells us the whole world is under the sway of the wicked one, but a better day is coming.

Nathan Jones: I love how the LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS is pronounced Yahweh Tsidkenu, which is supposed to be the name that we will be calling Jesus during the Millennial Kingdom. It is kind of a tongue-twister though to say Yahweh Tsidkenu, but hopefully we will be able to pronounce it right.

Tim Moore: I think we’ll have a glorified bodies, and glorified mouths at that point.

Nathan Jones: There you go.

Tim Moore: Well J.B. in an era when anxiety is growing, and it certainly has been even in these last years, and even right now many people have a rising sense of fear and of even terror, of economic hardship, of growing violence, and even of nuclear holocausts, or threats to that nature. And yet, God’s Word offers comfort, not only to His people Israel, but also to all of us who put our hope and our faith in Him.

J.B. Hixson: Yeah, no question about it. I mean obviously in context this is a Messianic prophecy speaking of the future kingdom of Israel. But all Scripture is profitable I mean we can certainly draw applications from it, and God’s Word is both a message of warning to those who reject and mock Him, but at the same time it is a message of comfort to those who know Him by faith.

You know the prophet Isaiah ministered to the southern kingdom of Israel for about 60 years just prior to Jeremiah’s ministry. And Isaiah had a similar message to that of Jeremiah when he wrote those famous words in chapter 40, “Comfort, yes comfort my people.” And God’s Word does give us a message of great hope.

First of all, we can be saved from the penalty of sin by receiving the free gift of eternal life, and anyone who places his or her faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God who died and rose again to pay their personal penalty for sin is born again instantly, you become part of the family of God. You receive the gift of eternal life. And Jesus said, “in that moment of belief you pass from death to life and shall never come into judgment.” And Peter talked about our new life in Christ as a living hope. So, that is the first step, you’ve got to know the Lord in times like these. And if you are listening to the program and you’ve never placed your faith in Christ, man, let me encourage you to do that today.

But for believers, those of us who know the Lord already we too have hope. Paul said, “I consider the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us,” in Romans 8. The troubling things that we see happening all around us, the rumors of war and those types of things are all setting the stage for the return of Christ, so we are looking for that Blessed Hope when we meet the Savior in the air.

Tim Moore: Amen.

Nathan Jones: It is interesting how Jeremiah, he prophesied and ministered during at a time where Nebuchadnezzar was removing the Jews in stages out of Judah and bringing them up to Babylon. So, Jeremiah not only warned about judgment but he also had another great message, maybe you could comment on, he ministered by letters to the people who were already in exile and he had this weird message, you know like you are going to be coming back soon don’t worry, no he said, no you settle there, you be a blessing, you thrive there and you be an example. Is that a strange message to have?

J.B. Hixson: Well, it may seem like that but it is kind of a common theme in Scripture. And once again we see parallels between Jeremiah’s day and our own. Our culture, as we’ve already said, is becoming increasingly pagan and secular, and maybe even hostile to Christianity. In fact, some scholars are referring to this as the post-Christian era. And yet, as we survey history we see that God’s people have always represented their remnant, or the minority if you will in the world. Whether it was Noah, or Abraham, or Moses and the children of Israel, or the Church today in our day, we are called to shine as lights in the midst of this crooked and perverse world, as Paul put it in Philippians 2:15.

Now, I know that is hard to do. But the interesting thing is, and I know you guys know this better than anybody, in most of the passages in the New Testament that refer to the return of the Lord, to rescue His Church from this present evil age, the Rapture, we find a corresponding admonition to preserve. In other words, knowing that a better day is coming, knowing where our hope really lies, knowing that God is in control, that we are going to meet the Lord in the air someday, that is a strong motivation to remain faithful. For example, in 1 Corinthians 15 one of the great Rapture passages in the New Testament we are told that we “must remain steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.”

Tim Moore: Well, I also take great comfort from what Jeremiah said to those exiles because they had lost hope, at least for that season of Israel’s history. And yet this prophet of doom, and we have labeled this entire episode the prophet of doom, but yet he foresaw a great regathering of the Jewish people beyond even their deliverance from captivity in Babylon. We know that 70 years after they were carted off into exile the Jews began to return to Israel from the east in fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy. But Jeremiah foretold a time when the Jews would stream back to the promised land from the north, and even from the remote parts of the earth. Among them, as he said in chapter 31 would be the blind, and the lame, and women with child, and women giving birth. They were in labor even as they were coming back to the Promise Land. And that prophecy has been fulfilled virtually within our lifetimes, or very close to it, when did that regathering take place?

J.B. Hixson: Well, certainly I think the reestablishment of Israel as a nation in 1948 sets the stage for the ultimate fulfillment which will take place at the return of Christ when He inaugurates the Kingdom. We need to remember that God is playing out His plan, setting the stage and preparing for what is going to come. Obviously, you can’t have the Antichrist reigning from Israel if there is no Israel. So, that was clearly one of the great signs that we are living in the last of the Last Days I believe. But I don’t see that as the ultimate fulfillment because the Jews there are not in belief today. And Paul tells us in Romans chapter 9-11 that before the nation of Israel as a whole can cry out, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord,” and be delivered into the Kingdom, they’ve got to first believe the Gospel. In fact, Paul asks this question in Romans 10:14, “How can they,” talking about Israel, “call on Him in whom they have not believed?”

So, I think the ultimate fulfillment of this promise to return to the land will be a supernatural return at the Second Coming. Jesus said, this is Jesus speaking, “And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” So, that is the ultimate fulfillment of all of these promises that begin with the Abrahamic Promise in Genesis 12, and are reiterated again, again in places like Deuteronomy 30:3, Isaiah 27:13, Isaiah 43, and many others.

You know the worldwide scattering that the Jews have experienced for centuries is not going to prevent Christ from fulfilling His promises and giving them a future in the Promise Land. And the return from Babylon in the Babylonian captivity in Jeremiah’s day was not one where they were taken from the four compass points, and it wasn’t the complete fulfillment, but clearly it is setting the stage for what is to come.

I think that one of the things we always point to is in Isaiah 43 where in verses 5-6 he talks about them coming from the east and the west, the north and the south. Of course, in Babylon they only came from the east round about the fertile crescent if you will, but from every direction. And then if you think back even to the regathering that we’ve witnessed in the last 70 years to 100 years there was a time, and this was poignantly beautiful because even as some of the Jewish people down in Africa were brought back to Israel. In one particular instance they stripped out all of the seats of a 747, loaded it up with a record number of human beings and flew them to Israel. And in route to Israel there were women giving birth to children. And your heart thrills to know that prophecy is being fulfilled, and yet it still awaits a final fulfillment.

Nathan Jones: Yeah, look at Ezekiel 36 & 37 they are the dry bones come together and form a nation again. I mean that is just absolutely amazing. Waiting for a Spirit to come in them. Well, J.B. would you say then, maybe Bible prophecy teachers look to Israel becoming a nation again as the greatest sign, the super sign, or look to Israel as God’s prophetic timeclock. Would you agree? Is the regathering of Israel back into a nation the greatest sign that we have that Jesus Christ is coming soon?

Nathan Jones: Oh, most certainly. One of our videos at Not By Works Ministry is on, Are We Living in the Last of the Last Days? And I give top 10 signs of that and the very first one is the reestablishment of Israel in 1948.

Tim Moore: J.B. I think you’ve already beautifully annunciated the Gospel message. We point out to people that you are either are under the grace of God, not by works, but by grace, I love the title of even your ministry, or you are under the wrath of God. And that comes directly from John 3:36 which says, “If you have not put your faith in Christ then the wrath of God abides on you.” So, our message is to flee from the coming wrath and even the Tribulation itself will be an outpouring of judgement, motivating, and God’s purpose partially is to motivate people, to flee from that wrath into the grace and the salvation He offers. So, I appreciate you again, annunciating that message very clearly today.

J.B. Hixson: Yeah, I mean there is an urgency to the Gospel, obviously as we get closer and closer to the Lord’s return. And you are exactly right you are either a child of God by faith, John 1:12, or you are still under the wrath of God. And Jesus said, “I say to you that you will die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins,” John 8:24. So, absolutely this is the time to really examine your heart and make sure there has been a time when you’ve placed your faith in Jesus Christ, the only one who can forgive sin and give you the gift of eternal life.

Nathan Jones: J.B., Jeremiah was called the weeping prophet, as far as I know I’ve never seen you weeping over the times that we are living in, but you are definitely a voice that is calling the people to come back to the Lord. You are seeing the signs of the times. You are seeing this growing spirit of Antichrist spreading around the world. Can you explain what that term means: the spirit of Antichrist rising?

J.B. Hixson: That is a great question, Nathan, and I think God’s Word certainly gives us a great resource for recognizing truth and separating truth from error. You know we are definitely living in the last great days of deception. Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 3:13 that deception is getting worse and worse, and it is going to reach unprecedented levels when the Antichrist takes over the world. And in my new book, Spirit of the Antichrist I refer to this as the gathering cloud of deception. The Bible tells us in 1 John that one Antichrist, capital “A” is coming, but the spirit of the antichrist is already at work in the world today. See the stage is being set for this rise of the Antichrist, and the one world system, politically, economically, and religiously.

So, if as the Bible says the spirit of the antichrist is already at work in the world, then it follows we should see more and more of this spirit as we get closer to the end times. So, in my book, which by the way is a pretty beefy book, 300 pages, it has 38 pages of bibliographic citations, and it’s really the culmination of about 15 years of studying this topic in earnest. But I expose several ways that the spirit of the Antichrist is manifested all around us. And you know it is going to expose readers to somethings maybe that they’ve never heard before, never studied, never examined. And by the way the global elite do not like that we are exposing some of this stuff, that is why I mentioned earlier they’ve banned a bunch of our videos. But that information has found its way into this book, and I would encourage folks to pick it up and read it, study it for themselves of course, don’t take my word for it. But I think we can confidently conclude that the stage is being set for the rise of this future Man of Sin. So, it called, Spirit of the Antichrist: The Gathering Cloud of Deception.

Tim Moore: I think the most important thing any of us can do, and you already indicated this as well J.B., is that we would not only gain insight from what is going on in the world, but we would stay grounded in the Scripture and we would compare everything against the Word of God, just as Paul lauded the Bereans. Well, how can our viewers get in touch with your ministry? I’ve already mentioned the name but what is your website? How can they connect with you?

J.B. Hixson: Yeah, so our website is:, And if they are interested in the book they just need to go to, that is And they can read the preface. They can also see the Table of Contents, see some of the topics that we address in there. And you can purchase it right from that website, so,

Tim Moore: Well, before we close, J.B. I want to give you and opportunity lest we be accused of accentuating the gloomy and the doomy and living up to our episode title of as prophets of doom, what word of encouragement and hope can you offer to close us out today?

J.B. Hixson: I’m so glad you asked that because you do see a lot of this drip feed of dread that is out there, people making money off of fear. But we don’t believe that, as we said with the prophet Jeremiah we believe there is comfort coming, there is a better day coming. So, my word of encouragement would be two things, first of all if you don’t know the Lord trust Christ, that is priority number one. But if you do know the Lord, if you are a believer, be prepared. We need to walk by faith in these times when everything we see could be very and is very alarming. So, we need to focus on what is not seen, not what is seen. And study the Bible. Study what it says about this gathering cloud of deception. And keep your eyes fixed on the Lord. That is what I would say.

Tim Moore: Amen. Well, J.B. I hope that our paths will cross again very soon, either in person or in the air when the trumpet sounds.

J.B. Hixson: Amen. Thank you guys so much, Tim and Nathan. You are always a blessing to me, and of course a great blessing to the body of Christ. Thanks so much.

Tim Moore: Godspeed.


Tim Moore: Jeremiah is often called the weeping prophet because of his tearful lament over Jerusalem. We’ve titled this episode Prophet of Doom to indicate the magnitude of his message of judgment on the wayward nation of Judah.

Nathan Jones: When Judah rejected repeated warnings to turn back to the Lord, God’s wrath was kindled. And in Jeremiah 4:4, God was still calling His people to “circumcise themselves to the LORD, and remove the foreskins of their heart.” But their apostacy and willful rejection of Him sealed their fate.

Tim Moore: Like ancient Judah, God has been calling America to repentance for many years. He has sent prophetic voices to call this nation back to Him. But our willful rebellion continues.

Nathan Jones: It has been said that those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. The Bible proclaims the Truth of God’s eternal plan of salvation and warns us to avoid falling into sin. The question is whether we will embrace His offer of salvation—or follow in the footsteps of others who have fallen under His righteous judgment.

Tim Moore: David Reagan offered a clarion call of warning to our wayward nation in his book, America’s Suicide. Jeremiah’s message is as relevant today as it was 2,700 years ago. God will not be mocked—and claiming a heritage of righteousness is no more effective than crying out, “The Temple, the Temple, the Temple.”

We’ve highlighted several modern prophetic voices who have been faithful to sound an alarm true to the Word of God. But like ancient Judah, our society and the world in general either ignores the warning or heaps scorn on those who urge repentance and obedience to God.

Nathan Jones: Even within the Church a message of impending doom is rejected as off-putting to so-called seekers, instead of true to the prophetic Word of God. But hear us again today—unless we turn back to God as a nation, America is destined for judgment and wrath.

Tim Moore: We believe that God’s righteous indignation will be even more pronounced because we should know better, just as Jesus said it would be worse on the Day of Judgment for Chorazin and Bethsaida and Capernaum than for the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, because they were blessed by the Lord and yet rejected Him.

Nathan Jones: Our first key verse 18:11 captures the impending doom God pronounced on Judah if they did not turn back from their evil ways and reform. But our second key verse 23:5-6 points to God’s promise to send a righteous King to reign over His people. That righteous Branch has come and is returning to reign as King of kings.

Tim Moore: Jesus Christ, the righteous Son of David has already endured the wrath of God on behalf of every one who trusts in Him. Do not wait another hour; put your trust in the Anointed One who offers restoration for all who are exiled in sin.

We’ll return to Jeremiah again on other episodes of Christ in Prophecy, but our time is up for today. So, until next week this is Tim Moore.

Nathan Jones: And Nathan Jones, saying, Look up and be watchful, for the righteous Branch who is coming soon to reign as king is drawing near!

End of Program

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