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How does the Passover point to Jesus Christ? Find out with guest Dr. Baruch Korman on television’s “Christ in Prophecy”!
Air Date: November 14, 2021
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Key Verse Commentary
The book of Exodus tells the account of Israel’s deliverance from bondage in Egypt. That corporate experience shaped the psyche of the people in ways that still resonate down through the centuries. And yet, God had pre-ordained the years of captivity. And at the appointed time He came down and sent a deliverer.
In our previous episode from the book of Exodus we focused on Moses—God’s hand-picked deliverer and intercessor. Moses was a reluctant savior, but he grew to love the children of Israel to the point that he was willing to offer himself as a sacrifice on their behalf. Imperfect in his humanity, Moses still cast a long foreshadow pointing to the ultimate Deliverer to come.
This week we highlighted to provision of God to ensure that the Israelites escaped the wrath He poured out on the house of Egypt. They were required to sacrifice an innocent lamb and then smear its blood over the portals of their homes.
Taken at face value, this strange ordinance had no inherent value. It merely demonstrated obedience to God’s command—and a willingness to trust in Him. The Passover lamb points forward to “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29).
John’s exultant recognition of Jesus conveys the prophetic significance of the Passover, the lamb, and the shed blood. Sadly, most Jews to this day do not realize the significance of the very Seder meal they commemorate on a yearly basis. Many Christians also fail to realize the incredible beauty of God’s revelation, and how His story pointed to Jesus Christ throughout the Old Testament.
To this day, followers of Christ are figuratively washed in the blood of the Lamb. But this is far more than a casual symbol. God told the Hebrews in Egypt, “When I see the blood I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you when to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt” (Exodus 12:13). Likewise, when He sees the blood of Christ on the portals of our heart, His wrath will pass over us—because it has already been poured out on Jesus at the cross of Calvary.
Exodus B — “Jesus as our Passover Lamb”
Key Verse: Exodus 3:7-8a The LORD said, “I have surely seen the affliction of My people who are in Egypt, and I have given heed to their cry.., for I am aware of their sufferings. So I have come down to deliver them…”
Explanation: The false gods of the ancient world were cold, distant deities, who took little notice of the affliction of mere mortals. To this day, pagan gods remain aloof from their worshippers—unknown, unknowable, and eternally unmoved.
Only the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has pierced the darkness of human existence to engage with His most elevated creatures—offering us the blessing of deliverance and relationship. This verse captures the truth that was ultimately manifested in the person of Jesus Christ. God loves us so much that He sent His only begotten son, that whosoever believe in Him will have eternal life (John 3:16).
Peter captured the wonderful compassion and engagement of God when he wrote, “cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.”
Not only can we cast all our anxieties, our fears, and our uncertainties on Him, those who trust in Him have cast all our sins and our sinfulness itself on Him. “He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, and by His scourging we are healed” (Isaiah 53:6) And when Isaiah penned those words, they too pointed prophetically forward to the coming Messiah.
The wrath of God hangs over the rebellious world. Like ancient Egypt under Pharoah, the scoffing world will soon experience a series of plagues. Some will be driven to repentance, but most will shake their fists at heaven and curse the Lord. But for all who accept His free offer of salvation, not only did Christ come down to serve as our perfect Passover Lamb, He is coming again soon to deliver us from the wrath to come (1 Thessalonians 1:10).
Other Important Verses:
Exodus 20:1-17 (The 10 Commandments) Listed in scriptural order, the 10 Commandments are:
- You shall have no other god before Me
- You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness to be worshipped
- You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain
- Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy
- Honor your father and mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land
- You shall not murder
- You shall not commit adultery
- You shall not steal
- You shall not bear false witness
- You shall not covet your neighbor, or his house, or his wife, or anything that belongs to him.
Explanation: The famous Decalogue provides God’s own top ten—laws that prioritize our right relationship of reverence and worship toward Him and right behavior toward our fellow man.
There were many other laws and ordinances handed down in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. But these ten encompass the core that Jesus highlighted. When asked about the greatest commandment, He cited Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18, and replied, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and foremost commandment. The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”
Jesus also elevated the expectation of God’s moral code. He made clear that overt acts were not the only means of violating God’s commandments. The source of our sin is not our hands or our eyes, but our hearts that are prone to straying (Matthew 5:21-45). That is why we all fall short of the glory of God and require a Savior—a Passover Lamb Who can free us from bondage to sin.
Exodus 24:7, 9-10 Then he [Moses] took the book of the covenant and read it in the hearing of the people, and they said, “All that the LORD has spoken we will do, and we will be obedient!” Then Moses went up with Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel, and they saw the God of Israel…
Explanation: This passage seems to offer a capstone to Israel’s covenant relationship with God Almighty. Motivated by all they had experienced and all that God had commanded, they willingly committed themselves to Him. As if to seal the significance of that covenant relationship, the elders of Israel went up on the mountain along with Moses and Aaron and his two sons. And they saw the living God—likely a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus Christ.
But the mountaintop experience did not linger. Just eight chapters later, the children of Israel grew restless as Moses lingered on the mountain. They demanded an idol fashioned of gold, and Aaron himself satisfied their idolatrous desire. Later, Nadab and Abihu would show such contempt for God that they offended Him by offering “strange fire” before His holy Presence (Leviticus 10:1-2).
The early promise of our relationship with Almighty would be hopeless if it depended on our faithfulness. Paul captured the challenge we face in our mortal flesh. “For the good I want, I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not want” (Romans 7:14-23). He proclaims and asks rhetorically, “Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death?” Then, he resounds with praise as he answers his own question: “Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Romans 7:24-25).
The pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus before the gathered elders of Israel pointed forward to a day when He would appear once again, offering blessing and atonement (at-one-ment) and eternal communion with all who trust in Him.
Tim Moore: Welcome to Christ in Prophecy and our series focusing on Jesus in the Old Testament! I’m Tim Moore, the Senior Evangelist at Lamb & Lion Ministries. I’m joined by my co-host, Nathan Jones, our Internet Evangelist.
For the past several weeks, we’ve stepped through Genesis and moved into Exodus, where God sent a deliverer to rescue His chosen people.
Nathan Jones: In our last episode, we focused on Moses, the man sent by God to deliver the Children of Israel from bondage. Moses’ life foreshadowed that of our great Deliverer, Jesus Christ. And, as he learned to love the children of Israel, he acted as a mediator between them and God, just as Jesus does for all of us who have put our trust in Him.
Tim Moore: That’s right, Exodus points us to Jesus, our Great God and Savior, our Deliverer and Intercessor. But Exodus also tells of an outpouring of God’s wrath on those who refused to believe Him and obey Him, and of His provision for deliverance from that wrath. To this day, Jews commemorate the Passover. God commanded them to remember what He did to deliver them from bondage in Egypt, and how the angel of death passed over them on that fateful night.
Nathan Jones: What was required to be delivered from that outpouring of wrath? The blood of an innocent lamb. As we explained last week, we’d place Exodus and the Passover about 3,500 years ago, approximately at 1447 BC.
Part 1 Interview with Dr. Baruch Korman
Tim Moore: With that brief overview, we’re glad to welcome Dr. Baruch Korman of “Love Israel” to our show today.
Dr. Korman began teaching the Bible to Jewish people in Hebrew in 2013. In 2014 he expanded his ministry outreach in English. Dr. Korman, we’re very glad you could join today from Israel. You are touching lives all over the world.
Baruch Korman: It is a pleasure to be with you. Please call me Baruch. We are very pleased to be part of the great work that you do. And as always we want to be people that focus upon God’s Word and giving His truth to those who are seeking.
Tim Moore: Baruch, many of our listeners will notice your American accent. And yet you live and teach in Israel, in Hebrew. I’m very glad we can communicate in English, but just as an introductory lesson in Hebrew, tell our viewers what Baruch mean?
Baruch Korman: Well, it literally means the blessed one, but I can tell you that my wife has some problems with that interpretation. But it comes from a word that means to pull down, and it is related to the knee as well. So, it has to do with God’s blessings coming down to those who are seeking Him and serving Him.
Nathan Jones: Well, let’s jump right into the topic, we know that God called the children of Israel living in Egyptian bondage to obey Him in a very special way. As the plagues of Egypt culminated with the angel of death visiting each home and slaying the firstborn, the Jewish people seemed to be immune from that judgment. If they obeyed God and sacrificed a lamb then smeared the blood all over the doorposts of their houses, the angel of death would pass over them, right?
Baruch Korman: One of the important points about the Exodus from Egypt is that we remember it in a special blessing on the sabbath day and all festivals. So, therefore that Passover experience is foundational in every Jewish person’s mind who has a faith in God. The Exodus from Egypt is a pattern.
For example, in the same way that the children of Israel came out of bondage to Egypt through the blood of the lamb, we all know and believe, and experience that same deliverance through the blood of the Lamb of God, Messiah. And just as God took the people out of bondage into a promised land, one day we are going to come out of this world of darkness, this world that is going to be judged, and also experience the plagues of God, and be brought into a promised land, literally, His Kingdom.
So, Passover, whether you are Jewish or Gentile it gives us much hope. And a great fact is, is that Messiah, Yeshua, Jesus Christ, He was crucified on Passover to show us that indeed it is through His Lamb. And Passover is usually thought of as the festival of redemption. So, it is His blood, that purchased eternal redemption for us.
Tim Moore: Baruch, just as most Westerners celebrate Christmas even if they do not identify as Christians, most Jews celebrate Passover, or at least some aspects of it. But are they just following what Tevye in “Fiddler on the Roof” would have called “tradition?”
Baruch Korman: Unfortunately, there is a lot of truth in that, that people do things out of a ritualistic identity because it is expected of them, or as you mentioned, simply because of tradition. I remember one time we were new here in Israel, and we went to a family’s home for Passover. And the first part of Passover was very traditional, following the Haggadah, the traditional book. But after the meal when really the important part of the Seder begins they didn’t continue. For them it was getting to the food and that’s it.
But we know that Messiah taught, remember He takes the cup after the supper. And it was that last part of the meal that He took when He took that matzo and broke it and gave it to His disciples. So, it is the afterwards of the eating that really is the significant of the Passover Seder, and unfortunately many people skip that.
Nathan Jones: During that time, the annual remembrance of that act of judgment and deliverance has become a core part of Jewish identity. Tell us about the elements of the Seder meal and how they point to the Messiah.
Baruch Korman: Well, as we mentioned, one of the most important parts of the Seder is the matzo, we use it several times throughout it. That matzo, it’s interesting that we take three pieces, but it is the middle piece, just like we speak of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, the Son is the second. We take that second piece of matzo, we show it, and how it’s been pierced, how it has stripes, and it is broken. And this middle piece represents what is going to come after the meal at the conclusions that Afikomen, and that is a Greek word, the only Greek word in the Seder, which means, “I have come.”
It is interesting in Hebrew they sometimes call it the “tsaphan” which is hidden. And when you put those two things together, the fact that Messiah has come unfortunately is hidden to many of our people.
Also, we know that there are four cups for the Passover Seder that is observed throughout that meal. And it is the third cup, that cup after supper that Yeshua took, that He blessed. And this third cup, based upon what we read in the Book of Exodus chapter 6, these four cups are derived from that portion of Scripture, and the third one speaks of redemption. And Messiah says, when He took that cup after the supper, “This is the blood of the new covenant.” And we know that new covenant is a covenant of forgiveness, which relates to redemption, and it’s also it is a cup that speaks about a kingdom covenant.
So, all of this speaks and shows God’s providence in giving the people a tradition, and I say tradition, it is really a biblical commandment because in Exodus 12 it says, “When you do this work, or service.” So, it’s not just a suggestion, God commands us to tell that story, and to do so with some of the elements. And we know that the bitter herbs relates to the suffering, the bitterness of slavery. And the children of Israel found themselves in Egypt because of sin. And sin does indeed leave a bitter taste upon us.
Tim Moore: I’m glad you mentioned the bitter herbs. As our friends, Brock and Bodie Thoene like to say with regarding the Scripture, “Everything means something.” The elements of the Passover Seder meal are very specific. Can you give us an idea of what some of those elements mean, like the roasted egg and even the salt water?
Baruch Korman: Depending upon your tradition, you mentioned the roasted egg, most people who use that use it as a way of remembering the cycles, because an egg is round, it reminds us of the cycles of the festivals that go throughout the year, and then repeat.
We also, you mentioned the salt water, because of the time of slavery, due to sin in Egypt the saltwater represents the tears.
And one of the things that is traditionally done is that we take a parsley, or a leaf of parsley, and we dip it in the saltwater, and it is green. And when we take it out it is still green. And that tells us, reminds us that the suffering of slavery in Egypt did not take away the life, and the hope, and the promises of God. So, we dip it in, and then it comes out and it hasn’t changed. And the Jewish people remain as well without being defeated by the enemy.
Nathan Jones: Now, at the center of this meal ordained by God was the Passover lamb. And this innocent creature, I learned had to live with the family for a time before it was slaughtered and then consumed. How does that point to Jesus Christ, as our Passover Lamb?
Baruch Korman: Oh, we see a few things. Paul says in 1 Corinthians chapter 5, that Messiah, that He is our Passover. He uses that term “pascha” which has to do with a sacrifice. So, not just a lamb, but the sacrifice of Passover. But one of the things I think so significant about this tradition is that the lamb was brought into the home, knowing that it would die, that it was going to be slaughtered, after the family gets to know that lamb. And that’s what Messiah did, He came and dwelt among us, but He came into this world to die.
For example, in the book of Luke we have the second genealogy of Messiah, and it says there, “That approximately at the age of 30.” Now, that number 30 has great significance in Judaism. There is a specific mourning period, most of us know about the “shiva” the seven first days, but there is also 30 days. And that has a biblical origin in the book of Numbers when Miriam died, and Aaron died, those two deaths were mourned for 30 days. So, historically in the Bible we see 30 relating to death. Judas he betrayed our Lord for 30 pieces of silver. So, when it tells us in the genealogy that Messiah begins His ministry at the age of 30, approximately, to tell the reader, to inform the reader, that Messiah came into this world to die. In the same way that that Passover lamb comes into the home with the expectation that he is going to die in 4 ½ more days.
Tim Moore: The Passover Seder paints a beautiful picture, and one I have appreciated even as a Gentile believer, for many years. So, what you are saying, Baruch, is that Yeshua, Jesus fulfills all the symbolic Messianic allusions within the Passover meal itself?
Baruch Korman: He certainly did. And we also see how so much of that Passover meal points to not only His First Coming, but another thing that we do when we speak about the plagues of Egypt, that tradition of taking a finger and dipping it into the wine, or the grape juice, and sprinkling those ten times for the ten plagues of Egypt. But we also do three additional ones, and that is based upon the prophecy of Joel when it speaks about the Last Days, and the return of Messiah. So, we not only think about what the Messiah did the first time, but we also remember what He is going to do when He returns. And as He said, when He ate that special meal with His disciples, and He stops with the third cup and He says, “I am not going to drink again from this fruit of the vine until I drink it anew in the kingdom.” And so, it also tells us to do this tradition, the Lord’s Supper because you also proclaim not only the Lord’s death, but until He comes again.
Nathan Jones: Well, as Tim said, most Jews gather on Pesach to commemorate this meal as a tradition, even though many of them don’t believe in God, much less have a relationship with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Why this contradiction?
Baruch Korman: Well, we know something, and that is there is a tendency in man, all man, Jew and Gentile not to want to submit. And a very important verse of Scripture is found in Psalm 14 where it says, “The fool has said in his heart there is no God,” and if you look at the context it is in order to do sinful things. And therefore, much of the Jewish community, they only embrace this, as you said traditionally, and unfortunately a significant percentage is also secular; not believing in God. And that whole purpose is in order for us to be what we want to be instead of submitting to what God has called us to be.
But I do want to point out that especially in Israel there is a large segment, probably about 50% of the Israeli Jewish community who are observant, who do indeed see Passover with great significance. But one of the problems is this, and Paul points to this in the book of Romans chapter 10, when he says, “they have the zeal for righteousness, but wanting to establish righteousness according to their own knowledge, according to their own way.”
So, what we need, and what our work is about here in Israel is turning people to the Word of God, the significance, and finding that the only way to connect with the God of Israel, the One true God, is through Scripture. This is foundational.
Tim Moore: Speaking of the Exodus that resulted from God’s final outpouring of judgment on Egypt, the Bible says that the regathering of the Jewish people to Israel in the last days will be even more miraculous than their deliverance from Egyptian bondage so long ago. And we’ve witnessed just such a regathering in the past century, and yet most Jews seem oblivious to the prophetic significance of that fact. Do they understand the miraculous nature of what God is doing in our own day and age?
Baruch Korman: Excellent question. Unfortunately, there seems to be a tendency to not put the emphasis as we should upon prophecy. It is so significant that God is bringing back the Jewish people to the land, my family is an example of this. And one of the things that is so frustrating to me, is to see, for example sometimes a very religious Israeli, and he says, “I can tell by your accent you are from America. You are an English speaker.” And he says, “Why would you leave there to come here?” And they are oblivious to what God is up to.
One very quick story. We were in northern Europe conducting a conference and I was sharing about how God is fulfilling prophecy in bringing the people back, despite all the problems here in Israel with terrorism and other things, people are coming back. Building is just thriving in Israel. And when these people in northern Europe heard about what God is doing, and they saw that Scripture. And by the way the Scripture that you were referring to, what appears in several different places, but in Jeremiah chapter 23, it speaks about how no longer will they speak about the days coming out of Egypt, but when God brings the people out of the north country, and also all the countries that He has scattered them. We are seeing the foretaste of that, and it is so sad that so many Israelis and Jewish people in general and the Church, does not realize that God is at work in our days.
Nathan Jones: Baruch, you’re truly a living testimony of God’s regathering. Can you tell us why your family made Aliya and return to Israel?
Baruch Korman: We have been here for 20 years. And really what brought me to faith was reading the Word of God. What convinced me that we should make Aliyah and return to the land of Israel and make our home here is as well prophetic truth. So, prophecy is so important. And Christ in prophecy is really the foundation of everything that is spiritual, everything that is going to lead us into intimacy with God, and to be able to experience His promises, blessings, and to share that Good News with other individuals.
Tim Moore: Baruch, tell us about your own upbringing. Were you raised in an observant Jewish home or a Messianic home? And has the rest of your family come to know the Lord?
More towards an observant home, certainly not a Messianic family. But I’m pleased to say that more and more of family are coming to faith, considering this Gospel, and seeing change is happening in them. And for some of them the time is running out, they are getting older. And so, it is a constant concern, and a matter of prayer to see family and friends who are in spiritual darkness come into the light. And I believe the only way for that to happen is through the power of this Word. Introducing them to the Scripture, the Word of God, so that they might experience truth, that truly transforms and changes them into a kingdom person, with that hope.
Nathan Jones: Well, amen. Baruch, how could our viewers get in touch with your ministry and access all your Bible teaching materials?
Baruch Korman: We have a website. Our heart’s desire is for people to know the Word of God. Our website is: loveisrael, those two words, We also have an app, and that app is called My Bible Study, it is free in the Android and iPhone app stores. So, those are two of the ways. We have a YouTube Channel that is also called: And again, our whole purpose is just to share biblical truth.
Tim Moore: I’m so glad that you do. I of course have been part of a Seder meal that focuses on Yeshua as our Passover Lamb. And that’s why I was so eager for you to come on and explain the prophetic significance of this Jewish ordinance. But Baruch, it has been a delight to have you. I’m sure we’ll have you back on Christ in Prophecy.
Baruch Korman: I would love to be back. I thank you very much, Tim and look forward to being in studio sometime and sharing some fellowship with you.
Signs of the Times: Name of God
Tim Moore: Twice in the pages of Exodus, God reveals Himself by Name to Moses. Moses asked how to respond if he told the sons of Israel that the God of their fathers had sent him to them and they asked, “What is His Name?” God said, “I AM WHO I AM… Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, “I AM has sent me to you.”
Later, in chapter 33 Moses asked the Lord God to show him His glory. God responded that His glory was far too overwhelming for Moses to see face-to-face and live. So, He passed by and allowed Moses to see His back, proclaiming His Name as He did so: “The LORD, the LORD God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth; who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and on the grandchildren to the third and fourth generations.”
In the New Testament, Jesus referred to God as His Father in heaven, and taught us to do the same. His model prayer begins, “Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Your Name.”
In the past few years, though, the world’s sexual revolution has pitched over into moral insanity. Determined to undermine every facet of the Creation order established by God, even gender identity is being turned on its head. Language itself is being abused as people cast off what they think are shackles regarding even the pronouns used to describe individuals. So-called progressives reject words like he and she, or him and her, insisting on being called, zim or ze or the ridiculously confusing they even when speaking of an individual.
But now, the abusers of the English language have turned their sites on Almighty God.
Religion News Service recently reported that the pronoun police are insisting that despite Jesus’ testimony, Father is far too patriarchal and oppressive to describe God. They also demand that God be referred to as They instead of He.
It’s one thing for woke professors in government schools to demand that their students choose a preferred pronoun, or for segments of society to engage in mass confusion regarding genders and words. But to turn Christianity on its head to comply with avant-garde sensibilities makes a mockery of God’s personal revelation of Himself.
God did not tell Moses, “Call me whatever you’d like.” And Jesus did not say, “Find a word for God that makes you feel good and use it.” God revealed His Name to Moses in a moment of holy intimacy, and Jesus revealed yet another aspect of God’s eternal character.
Psalm 2 warns us, “Worship the LORD with reverence and rejoice with trembling. Do homage to the Son, that He not become angry, and you perish in the way, for His wrath may soon be kindled. How blessed are all who take refuge in Him!”
How Then Shall We Live? Teach Your Children Well
Nathan Jones: In 1969, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young sang, “Teach, your children well…”
The exact nature of the lessons they advised left much to be desired, but the admonition to teach our children is found in the wisdom of Scripture. Immediately after proclaiming, “The LORD—Yahweh—is our God, the LORD is one!” God had this to say about His words: “You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.”
In other words, testimony of the living God and His eternal Word should resonate in every aspect of our lives and be actively passed on to our children and grandchildren.
As Baruch Korman explained, part of the significance of the annual Seder meal is its commemoration of the Passover. Not only is this designed to keep God’s miraculous deliverance of the Children of Israel front and center in the collective mind of the Jewish people, but it is also designed to train up the next generation to understand their national roots and providence of God.
Yet Judges records that shortly after Joshua’s death, “there arose another generation after them who did not know the LORD, not yet the work which He had done for Israel. Then the sons of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD…” The nation slid into a cycle of despair as everyone did “what was right in their own eyes.”
With our own society casting itself adrift from its Christian foundations into a vast wasteland of moral confusion, it is more critical than ever that we heed both God’s Word and the purpose of the Seder. Make sure you teach your children well, lest they drift far from the Lord and into spiritual oblivion. Ground them in Jesus Christ and they will grow up to bear much fruit for the Lord.
Tim Moore: Nathan, you really are spot on about teaching our children and grandchildren.
Nathan Jones: And that’s one of the primary reasons behind the Passover Seder.
Tim Moore: It really is. And folks, that is why we wanted to whet your appetite regarding Passover, but we’ve only scratched the surface in teaching the significance of each element of the Seder meal, the beautiful commemoration of God’s providence and protection that is a high point of a Jewish family’s year. And how they pass onto their children their own heritage.
Nathan Jones: Now, while lamb is at the heart of the Passover meal, two of the most important elements of the Seder are the wine and the unleavened bread. Several toasts are offered throughout the meal, with the third cup symbolizing redemption or blessing.
Unleavened matzo bread, striped and pierced all across its surface, is eaten, and the middle peace of matzo is called the Afikomen, literally, “The Coming One.”
And part way through the meal, it is ceremonially broken, and then hidden for three periods of time.
Tim Moore: At the culmination of the meal, the children are told to go and find the Afikomen. They search until they find the hidden matzo and rejoice as it emerges once again. For followers of Yeshua, every aspect of the Seder points to the One who came and was broken, but remains hidden and unseen by so many today.
Nathan Jones: Sadly, although most Jews observe Passover each year, they do so out of a sense of tradition or cultural heritage. And most of them put no prophetic significance in the elements of the meal or the words they recite. And many of them do not worship or even believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Tim Moore: Our sincere prayer is that every Jew would come to know Yeshua. That they would reclaim their own birthright and be in relationship with the great I AM who delivered their ancestors from bondage in Egypt. Our prayer is that you also know Jesus, the Messiah who has come and is coming again.
Nathan Jones: Our “Life in Bible Times” DVD will give you more information on Jewish life and culture in the Old and New Testament eras. It even shows how the Passover was done in the Last Supper. For a donation of only $20 or more, we’d be glad to ship you a copy. Just call the number on the screen or visit our online store.
Tim Moore: Our key verse for this episode is: Exodus 3:7-8a. On our website, we’ve posted an explanation of this key verse, along with some additional important verses. And I hope that you’ve been keeping track of your own key verse from each episode of this series. You’re in for a surprise blessing if you have been.
Nathan Jones: Our next episode of Christ in Prophecy will focus on a book that many people find difficult to be excited about, Leviticus. But, Tim, you find it inspiring and engaging, don’t you?
Tim Moore: I really do. You know once I began looking for Jesus Christ throughout the Word of God, I realized that He is there on every page. And even in the book of Leviticus it resonates with God’s promise of relationship. I’d encourage you to read Leviticus this week. It’s only 27 chapters long. Ask God to illuminate this ancient text and reveal Himself as you study.
Nathan Jones: Well, that’s all the time we have for today. Throughout the Seder meal, Jewish families recite an ancient prayer of blessing on Almighty God. They say, “Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the Universe.” And with that in mind, I’m Nathan Jones.
Tim Moore: And I’m Tim Moore, together we say, “Look up, be watchful, for the Lord, our God, King of the Universe—is drawing near. Godspeed!
End of Program