Todd Hampson on The Non-Prophet’s Guide to the End Times

Can a non-prophet understand Bible prophecy? They sure can! Find out how with guest Todd Hampson on the show Christ in Prophecy.

Air Date: January 27, 2019

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Todd Hampson


Dr. Reagan: A very imaginative, creative and humorous book has recently been published about the fundamentals of Bible prophecy. Stay tuned for an interview with its author.

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Part 1

Dr. Reagan: Greetings in the name of Jesus, our Blessed Hope, and welcome to Christ in Prophecy. My colleague, Nathan Jones, and I have as our special guest today Todd Hampson, a very creative artist and excellent writer who has produced a delightful book about the fundamentals of Bible prophecy. The book is titled, The Non-Prophet’s Guide to the End Times. Welcome to Christ in Prophecy, brother.

Todd Hampson: Thank you. It is a pleasure to be here.

Dr. Reagan: Glad to have you.

Nathan Jones: Good to have you here, Todd.

Todd Hampson: Appreciate it.

Nathan Jones: Hey, you are an animator, a professional illustrator and yet you made a book on Bible prophecy. How did you leap from animation to prophecy?

Todd Hampson: Well, yeah, I always tell people I think God has a sense of humor because He puts odd mixes in people.

Nathan Jones: Okay.

Todd Hampson: So, my background is as an artist, and an illustrator, and an animation producer, but I’ve always had a love for Bible prophecy. And honestly I think it stems from when I was 13 and I first heard about the Lord I had all these questions about how do you know the Bible is true? How do you know Jesus was God? All that kind of stuff. All apologetics in nature, but I didn’t know that at the time. But one of the things that really convinced me that the Bible was from God was fulfilled Bible prophecy.

Nathan Jones: Excellent.

Todd Hampson: So, really since my salvation I’ve had a love for and interest in it. And over the years I’ve just studied it more, and more in depth.

Dr. Reagan: Did you come to the Lord when you were a teenager?

Todd Hampson: I was 13, yes, sir.

Dr. Reagan: Thirteen but you didn’t grow up in a Christian home.

Todd Hampson: I did not. I grew up I believed in evolution. I didn’t believe in God unless I was mad at Him. You know I really didn’t.

Dr. Reagan: Well, how did you come to the Lord then?

Todd Hampson: Well, it is funny God really tracked me down. Some friends of ours invited me to a camp and little did I know it was a Christian camp. I just heard about all the fun things they had. So it was a two week Christian camp, and it was the first time I ever clearly heard the Gospel presented. And when I left the camp I wasn’t saved, but my camp counselor said–asked me if I was saved. And I said, “No.” I said, “No, I still got a lot of questions. This is all new to me.” And he said, “I’m going to be praying that God puts people in your path and that you become saved.” Well, long story short two years later I wound up in a private school and my art teacher was a Christian, was also my Bible teacher in that school. And he really answered a lot more of my questions. And it was through that, in the eighth grade was when I became a Christian.

Dr. Reagan: Well, praise the Lord! That is great.

Nathan Jones: And have you always wanted to be an illustrator, and animator?

Todd Hampson: You know even as a kid I was always drawing and stuff.

Nathan Jones: You were the kid doodling in the back of the class?

Todd Hampson: I was the kid doodling.

Dr. Reagan: Did you draw cartoons?

Todd Hampson: Drew cartoons. I loved you know just character design. But I never thought I could do it as a career. You know I just thought it was something I was good at and I never thought about doing it as a living. But once I was in high school it was really the only thing I was good enough at to go to college for. So, I went to college for art. And it kind of just snowballed from there.

Dr. Reagan: So, where did you get your art training?

Todd Hampson: I went to the Corcoran College of Art & Design in D.C., and then finished up at University of Maryland.

Dr. Reagan: Do you have a family?

Todd Hampson: I do. I’ve got my wife Tracy. And I’ve got three kids, Daniel, Natalie and Luke. I’ve got one who’s in college, go Bulldogs, he is at the University of Georgia. One who is in high school, and one in middle school.

Dr. Reagan: Oh, my, wow.

Todd Hampson: We’re busy.

Dr. Reagan: And you live in Georgia?

Todd Hampson: We live in Augusta, Georgia, yes, sir.

Nathan Jones: Has your animation always been in the Christian realm? Or did you do other secular type of work first?

Todd Hampson: Well, since I launched Timbuktoons the primary client has always been faith based and family friendly entertainment, children ministry. But also we have pitched shows to Disney, Cartoon Network, The Hub you know really just trying to be salt and light in the animation industry.

Nathan Jones: And you’ve worked with Phil Vischer of VeggieTale fame right?

Todd Hampson: We do. We’ve produced a lot of things for him over the years. We’re working on a few things for him right now. Yeah, that has been a blessing. He’s a really creative guy, and you know animation is his thing.

Nathan Jones: Well, how in the world did you learn Bible prophecy?

Todd Hampson: You know it is kind of a process. The first thing I did–like I said I always had an interest. But when I was in my early 20’s I did a few inductive studies to just figure out Revelation on my own because it was kind of confusing to me. And then later I took a couple audit courses at a local Bible college. And my pastor at the time he was very knowledgeable and really solid on prophecy.

Dr. Reagan: Very unusual.

Todd Hampson: Yeah. Yeah, exactly.

Dr. Reagan: Unusual to find pastors that know anything about Bible prophecy.

Todd Hampson: It is. I was blessed. And that was the first church I was a member of.

Dr. Reagan: I think the Lord had a plan for your life.

Todd Hampson: That seems to be the case. I swear His hand is on my life for whatever reason because despite me He’s doing some fun things through me.

Dr. Reagan: Now the title of your book is, “The Non-Prophet’s Guide to the End Times.” What do you mean by non-prophet?

Todd Hampson: So, this character right here.

Nathan Jones: Yeah, spelled differently isn’t it?

Todd Hampson: Yeah.

Dr. Reagan: He’s the non-prophet?

Todd Hampson: And–

Dr. Reagan: He actually is a guy who thinks he’s a prophet but he doesn’t have a clue.

Todd Hampson: Exactly. He is clueless. He gets prophecy wrong. And he is a terrible business man. So he’s a non-prophet on two levels.

Dr. Reagan: So he is a non-prophet on two levels. Well, the subtitle of your book is, “Bible Prophecy for Everyone.” So what does that mean?

Todd Hampson: Yes. You know when I talk to other believers a lot of them are either not interested in Bible prophecy or scared by it, or think it is too complex for them to understand. And I’m kind of a non-prophet myself. I’ve never been to seminary. I’ve never worked full-time at a church or anything like that. I’m just a lay leader at a church. But I wanted people to see if I could figure this out, you can figure this out. So, it really is for everyone, and even non-Christians who have never studied Bible prophecy before I think they could pick this book up.

Dr. Reagan: Well, I think you’re absolutely on target there that the average person thinks that Bible prophecy is just too complicated to get involved in. And even pastors, you know they will often say, “Well, I’m not Amillennial, Pre-Millennial, Post-Millennial, I’m just Pan-Millennial I believe it will all pan out in the end.” And I want to say, “You are too lazy to study.” Because if you study it, you can figure it out.

Todd Hampson: Right.

Dr. Reagan: It is really scary to people. And particularly the book of Revelation, I have people tell me, “That is just scary.” But hey, it only has good news for Believers.

Todd Hampson: Exactly right. What I found is that when I study it I get more hope, and more joy.

Dr. Reagan: There you go.

Todd Hampson: But I think that’s the enemy. He’s done a great job of getting people’s eyes off of it even like you mentioned Revelation, it is the only book in scripture that says you will be blessed by reading this book.

Nathan Jones: Revelation 1:3, right.

Dr. Reagan: Yes.

Todd Hampson: And people stay away from it.

Dr. Reagan: Well, hey, let’s read it.

Nathan Jones: I like how your prophet helps us get through the book. And you’ve got this illustration on the front of it there that labels the different parts about what makes a prophet. Because you know you always have these pictures from childhood of a prophet with this long flowing beard and robe. And you’ve got his eyebrows and says, “Thick eyebrows suitable for compassion or condemnation.”

Todd Hampson: Yeah.

Nathan Jones: And fall leather sandals.

Todd Hampson: Yeah, faux leather sandals.

Nathan Jones: Oh, faux excuse me. Yeah, I’m the Non-Prophet. And it’s great because he walks you through the book. And I think we connect to him because you know if you don’t know Bible prophecy you have all these preconceptions like this guy looks like. You have this preconception of what a prophet looks like. But we have preconceptions of Bible prophecy. So, as soon as I saw this guy on the cover, man, I’m like I’ve got to read this book.

Dr. Reagan: Yeah, it draws you into it.

Todd Hampson: Gotcha.

Dr. Reagan: I love the illustrations all the way. I mentioned to you earlier when we were talking privately about one of the illustrations I liked in particular is one that where you are talking about Daniel, the book of Daniel, the Olivet Discourse of Jesus, and the book of Revelation. And you give three illustrations. And the illustration of Daniel is the picture of a big forest from a distance. The picture of the Olivet Discourse you’ve moved in and you see about five trees. In Revelation you are right up to the tree trunk. Because one is giving you the overview. One is giving you more information. And then Revelation gives you the detail. And that is beautiful illustration.

Todd Hampson: Thank you. Yeah, throughout the book I tried really hard to think through like how can this concept, how can I convey this concept in a visual way that makes sense? That draws people in. And also I think most people part of the reason they get confused by Revelation is because they don’t have that background of Daniel and the Olivet Discourse. You know, Nathan you and I were talking about this that there are tons of stuff in the Old Testament you know the Prophets, the Major and Minor Prophets, and even the Psalms that have prophet stuff. But with this book I was like what is the simplest way I can give them just the basics of what they need. And most people don’t realize that Daniel is kind of the framework that Revelation sits in. So, I really wanted to highlight that.

Nathan Jones: And you set off the statistics, which I like. They are not buried in. If you want to know how much of Bible prophecy, in big orange it is 27-33%. I learned how many verses in the Bible. I think I would have known that from Bible college, 31,102 out of 10,000 it really brings it. And you do charts. Here you know lots of times charts are so dull to read and you kind of I don’t want to steal VeggieTales, but veggize them as they call it because you make them all colorful and easy to read. And then these quick facts. I did not know the Navy Seals stand for sea, air and land. So you learn more than just Bible prophecy in there.

Dr. Reagan: You know when I first started studying Bible prophecy in detail of course I was reading it in the Bible. But then I began to pray, “Lord, lead me to a book that will help me to better understand things.” And I prayed that very specifically. And the first book, I don’t even remember how I ran across it was a book similar to this it was a book titled, “Revelation Illustrated and Made Plain,” by Tim LaHaye. And it was beautifully illustrated from beginning to end. And I really appreciated it. Then the next book I ran across was the book that was published in 1921, what was his name?

Nathan Jones: Clarence Larkin.

Dr. Reagan: Clarence Larkin.

Nathan Jones: Oh, all his beautiful charts.

Dr. Reagan: Clarence Larkin was a person who was trained as a draftsman. He tried to be a pastor didn’t do too well. And he kept saying, “Lord I know you called me. What am I supposed to do?” And the Lord said you know use the talent you have. So, he sits down and he starts illustrating every book of the Bible in these magnificent illustrations. And that book is still in print today. I remember when I found that I was just captivated by it. Hour after hour looking through it.

Nathan Jones: I still access that.

Dr. Reagan: Those were the things that helped me to get deep into Bible prophecy was illustrations.

Nathan Jones: Do you have a target audience? Are you trying to target youth or kids?

Todd Hampson: For the book concept itself I had to present a target audience so I picked Millennials. Just because they are visually driven. They are not typically going to pick up a thick book that has a lot of heavy words and stuff like that. And that is just a generalization. But I wanted something that I could present to them that was visually driven. But what we found is that really that is why they put the title, “Bible Prophecy for Everyone.” Because we found that all age groups, even my middle schooler he just got finished reading it and I was blown away. Without out me even making him do it.

Dr. Reagan: Yeah, we discovered the same thing. For example, Nathan is very, very anxious to reach out to young people, particularly the Millennials, and even teenagers. And he has found that they have a very, very small attention span, and they are mainly attracted to visual things. So he’s putting out a series of videos called, “InBox Videos” because these are questions that come into his inbox and he is addressing those questions in videos that run about five minutes.

Todd Hampson: Yeah, those are fantastic I’ve seen a few of those.

Nathan Jones: Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

Todd Hampson: They’re really good.

Dr. Reagan: And they are very creative and often very humorous. And so, this is just wonderful the way you’ve used this to draw people into the book. And then the book is down to earth and easy to read, and easy to understand.

Nathan Jones: Yeah, very easy to understand.

Todd Hampson: Awesome. Thank you.

Dr. Reagan: So, not only do you have the illustrations but your writing is done very, very well.

Todd Hampson: I worked hard at that because you know in Christian circles we often use Christianese. You know? We’ll throw out big words and not really think about it, and not mean to throw people off. But because of my background that I didn’t grow up in church I know what it feels like to come into something that is totally foreign, with a language that is different than anything you’ve ever heard.

Dr. Reagan: Yes.

Todd Hampson: So, I really worked hard at trying to write it in a way that anybody could pick it up and make sense of it.

Dr. Reagan: Well, when you start talking about Chiliast and Anti-Chiliast, and Premillennial and Postmillennial and Amillennial people think you’re speaking in tongues.

Todd Hampson: Yeah.

Dr. Reagan: And so, you have to be careful about that. It’s like when I invite theologians to write articles for our magazine and I tell them this is a magazine for the general public. I still have to rewrite the article because of all of the technical language like hermeneutics. And the average person is going to look at that and say, “Hermon who?” So, I compliment you on the way you have made this understandable to the average person. It is a real breakthrough and it is wonderful.

Todd Hampson: Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

Dr. Reagan: Well, folks we are going to take a brief break and when we come back we are going to talk about the content of Todd’s book.

Part 2

Nathan Jones: Welcome back to Christ in Prophecy and our discussion with illustrator, cartoonists, and animator Todd Hampson. We are talking with Todd about his new book, “The Non-Prophet’s Guide to the End Times.” Well, let’s get into content here. Tell us how you laid it out. Like if you are trying to introduce Bible prophecy to everyone what is the best way to lay it out? Which I assume is what you did in your book.

Todd Hampson: Absolutely. Yeah. I intentional made the book as systematic as I could without letting them know it was systematic. But I start with just the basic question: What is Bible prophecy? You know not assuming they know anything about it. And then I go a few questions deeper. And then in part two I go into a little bit more specifics like what some of the terms are. What the interpretation methods are. That kind of thing. So, all along I’m trying to lay the ground work so that they can slowly but surely build confidence in the content and form their own convictions. And slowly realize too like oh, I can understand this. I can figure this out. And then I get, as you get further into it then I present all the different views. And then I actually have a whole chapter on why I hold to the Pre-Trib view and the strengths of that view. And then the whole second half of the book really is the categories of the signs of the times. And then it ends with a chapter on how to receive Christ.

Nathan Jones: I love that. I love when books end like that. Dr. Reagan all his books end with the Gospel message.

Todd Hampson: Do they really? Yeah. So, I’m in great company then. Because I really do want people–and I shared with you all in the devotional time this morning there are two specific people right now that I know of that are reading it that are far from the Lord that I am praying He’ll use it. And then the last chapter is what we talked about a little bit in the last segment is just how to live with peace, and hope, encouraged in this time. And how to let Bible prophecy, you know, foster that within us.

Nathan Jones: Okay. Well, you started off by asking: What is Bible prophecy? Tell us, and throw some of those wonderfully animated statistics that you gave.

Todd Hampson: You bet. So Bible prophecy is basically God telling history in advance. And the Bible is the only book that claims to be the Word of God. And it is the only book that has predictive prophecy to prove that it is the Word of God.

Dr. Reagan: Which lead you to the Lord.

Todd Hampson: Which lead me to the Lord.

Dr. Reagan: It is also the only book that has fulfilled prophecies.

Todd Hampson: Yes, that’s right. Exactly. And very specific, not vague, they are not general.

Dr. Reagan: And not just about the Messiah, about cities, towns, nations, empires, individuals like Cyrus and others.

Todd Hampson: That’s it. That is exactly right.

Nathan Jones: How much of the Bible is prophecy?

Todd Hampson: So, a third of the Bible is prophecy.

Nathan Jones: A third, okay.

Todd Hampson: So, if people are disregarding prophecy they are throwing out a third of the Bible. And in my opinion it’s the–I call it the central nervous system of the Bible. Every key story, every key piece of theology, and every key person all links back to Bible prophecy somehow. So, if we throw that out we’re really doing ourselves and others a disservice.

Nathan Jones: Amen. Amen.

Dr. Reagan: Well, let me ask you something, one of the most controversial things in all of Bible prophecy is whether or not the Lord is going to come back and reign on this earth for a 1,000 years. I grew up in a church that said absolutely not. In fact we were taught there is not one verse in the Bible that says He’ll ever put His foot on the earth again. You can imagine how shocked I was when I ran across Zechariah 14.

Todd Hampson: That’s right.

Dr. Reagan: But anyway they said that. And that is the predominant viewpoint in all of Christendom today. Most people don’t know that. Most people think that the Pre-millennial view is the denominate but it’s not. The Catholic Church is Amillennial. Most denominations are Amillennial. What is your position on that?

Todd Hampson: My position is that it is a literal 1,000 year reign after the Tribulation period. And the main reason for that is I’m willing to let the Bible guide me to wherever truth leads. And all the Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled literally, or all the prophecies that have been fulfilled were fulfilled literally.

Dr. Reagan: Yes.

Todd Hampson: So, God is not suddenly going to switch gears and then fulfill it symbolically. You know?

Dr. Reagan: Doesn’t he say in Revelation 20 what six times, a 1,000 years, a 1,000 years? So, your interpretation of the Bible is literal?

Todd Hampson: It is a literal futurist interpretation. And in my opinion it is the only consistent way to interpret Scripture from cover to cover.

Dr. Reagan: Well, again another thing too is that most Christians don’t read the Old Testament. Don’t study the Old Testament. Don’t know anything about the Old Testament. They think the only place in the Bible where there is a mention of the 1,000 year reign of Jesus is Revelation. But if you want to find out about the reign of Jesus you’ve got to read the book of Isaiah which is all about the end time reign. Revelation is primarily about the Tribulation.

Todd Hampson: Yeah, that’s right.

Dr. Reagan: But I had a guy tell me one time. He said, “I don’t believe in that Pre-Millennial nonsense because it’s only mentioned one time in the book of Revelation.” And I said, “Well, if even if it were only mentioned one time that should be sufficient for you to believe it. This is the Word of God.”

Todd Hampson: Exactly.

Nathan Jones: Jabez was what one or two verse? Yet they wrote whole books on Jabez.

Todd Hampson: And sold a lot of those too, yeah. Exactly.

Dr. Reagan: Oh, boy.

Todd Hampson: Yeah, I mean when I talk to people I’ll be upfront and tell them especially if they come to me and they are saying, you know I am confused by the different views. And how do you really know Pre-Mill, Pre-Trib, Pre-Mill is really the one? And I’ll say, okay there is no chart in the Bible that lays out every single order for us. But when you do the work and use logic and compare scripture with scripture you can put together a concrete overview of the basic order of events. I mean we don’t know every single detail how it all takes place. But you can be confident that you can know we get raptured before the Tribulation. And the 1,000 year reign is a literal 1,000 year reign.

Dr. Reagan: Well, one of the things you point out in the book is that there are no particular signs for the Rapture, while there are signs for the Second Coming. And it seems that even though there are not any particular signs nonetheless as we look at the world today we can see signs of the approaching Tribulation and the Second Coming. And therefore the Rapture must be around the corner.

Todd Hampson: That’s right.

Dr. Reagan: And I’ve noticed that there are intense attacks on the Pre-Trib Rapture concept today, more and more. I think Satan wants to completely discredit the concept of a Pre-Trib Rapture. He wants people to live in constant fear.

Todd Hampson: That’s right.

Dr. Reagan: And so why do you come down on the side of a Pre-Trib Rapture?

Todd Hampson: Well, it is funny you say that, mainly because I let Scripture speak for itself. And as I mentioned I wanted to make sure I was firm in my convictions before I taught it in a book. And I mean I read Tim LaHaye’s Left Behind Series in the 90’s. And from my first pastor that I mentioned to you he was a solid Pre-Trib guy. And so that was kind of in me already, but I had never done a deep dive for myself to where I could really say confidently, this is the order until I did those inductive Bible studies and really studied it for myself. And just to be honest I mean you can adopt somebody else’s view but until you really study it for yourself and say, “God lead me to truth wherever it leads.” You know, let me put all my predispositions aside and let just truth of God’s Word guide me, you’ll come to that conclusion.

Dr. Reagan: Well, one of the I guess major points that people make when they attack the Pre-Trib Rapture is they always say it is too new to be true. Came up in the 19th Century just out of nowhere. And it is just too new to be true. I thought it was very interesting that when Martin Luther came up with the concept that true salvation is by grace through faith and not by works as the Roman Catholic Church was teaching. That the fundamental argument that the Church offered against him when they brought him up for trial, too new to be true. None of the popes ever taught this. None of the church fathers ever taught this. And his response was very interesting. He said, “Well, it depends on what church fathers you are talking about. If you are talking about Jesus and John, and Peter, and Paul they taught it.”

Todd Hampson: Exactly. That is exactly right. And when I wrote the book I actually wrote a whole chapter on all of the different views, and then in that chapter I explain the basic reasons why I hold to the Pre-Trib view. But that wasn’t enough. I ended up adding a chapter listing the five key things that to me are among the most convincing that the Pre-Trib is throughout Scripture clear as a bell.

Dr. Reagan: Well, you know one of the things that people don’t realize is that when they say it is too new to be true is that fact that for 1,000’s of years people did not have access to the Bible.

Todd Hampson: That’s right.

Dr. Reagan: And even if they had they couldn’t read it because the average person in the Middle Ages could not read or write. And so you only had priests and they had the Scriptures. And the Church said to the general public, “You can’t really understand it so you’ve got to go by what we say.” And so for 1,500 years the Roman Catholic Church said, “Hey, Jesus is never coming back to reign. There is not going to be any of that stuff. He is just going to come back and we are going to go to Heaven that’s it.” And then when people finally got the Scriptures in their own language and they could afford to get a Bible then suddenly people began to say, “Hey the Bible says this. The Bible says that.” And so forth.

Todd Hampson: And I have a chart in there that I spent a lot of time on it is probably the most complex chart in the book but it shows that in visual form how in the first and second century Pre-Trib was there. I mean not just in Scripture but also in some extra-biblical writings. And then during the Dark Ages it was just dark, nobody, it was kept hidden.

Nathan Jones: Well, you have a cartoon that goes along with that on page 93, the Non-Prophet is there at the movie theater and he is analyzing what he is seeing. And he is getting all this symbolism. I got to figure it is a dream within a dream. The guys says, “Hey that is just the production company logo.” And that seems that is what the Middle Ages did. They took everything in the Bible since Augustine and spiritualized it into nonsenses.

Dr. Reagan: Oh, yeah the true meaning was always beneath the surface, not on the surface.

Todd Hampson: Right, right. And isn’t it interesting that after the Reformation when people had the Word of God again slowly over the next couple of hundred years after that the Pre-Trib started to kind of come more to light the closer we got to Israel becoming a nation again. And to me that also links up with the prophecy in the book of Daniel that says, “In the end time knowledge shall increase, people will run to and fro.”

Dr. Reagan: Yes, another thing that began to develop once people got the Bible in their own language is they began to say, “Hey, the Bible says in the end times God is going to regather the Jewish people back into their land and this nation is going to be re-established.” The Puritans were saying that. And people said, “You’re crazy! That will never happen.”

Todd Hampson: And then it happened.

Dr. Reagan: Then it happened.

Nathan Jones: Well, now that we’ve got Israel coming back in the land let’s talk about the Tribulation because that comes after the Rapture.

Todd Hampson: Sure.

Nathan Jones: What then do you think is the purpose of the Tribulation?

Todd Hampson: I believe, and I believe Scripture teaches this thoroughly is that the main reason for the Tribulation is to win the people of Israel back to Christ. You know the focus will shift from the Church to the nation of Israel. And if anybody questions that or thinks that God is done with Israel and the Jewish people read Romans 9, 10, and 11. I mean it is point. If you read that I don’t see how you could say that God is done with the people of Israel.

Dr. Reagan: In Old Testament times whenever the Jewish people got into trouble they would always run to Egypt for help, or Assyria for help or whoever they could find that would help them. And today they run to the United States. But during the Tribulation there will be nobody for them to turn to. And when they finally realize there is no one they are going to turn to God right at the end. And they are going to look upon Him whom they’ve pierced and weep, and wail, and mourn. And they are going to repent and a great remnant is going to be saved. What a glorious day that is going to be.

Todd Hampson: Amen. Absolutely.

Dr. Reagan: Wow! I can hardly wait. Well, do you believe we are living in the season of the Lord’s return, and if so why?

Todd Hampson: I do. And in the book I talk about several sign categories. And yesterday Nathan and I were having a conversation, and I shared with him that when I first–this is a long answer to your short question by the way. That as I was studying and getting ready for this book one of the reasons was I was looking around in the world and just seeing, okay, something has shifted. It has gotten even worse. Things are crazy. The Mideast is going nuts. And I started looking for solid theologians that I respected and to see if they were saying they were seeing signs of the end times. And that is how I first learned about you Dr. Reagan I came across a video of yours where you were unpacking that. So, I talk about that in the book. And I think I even have a quote from you in there somewhere. But anyway, so I believe number one Israel is in the land, so that is the super sign right there. That lets us know we are entering the end times.

Dr. Reagan: That is the cornerstone end time prophecy.

Todd Hampson: Exactly. Nothing else really significant could happen without that being in place.

Dr. Reagan: But then you bring up the chapter on convergence.

Todd Hampson: Convergence. Yeah, convergence.

Dr. Reagan: What do you mean by convergence?

Todd Hampson: So, every sign, in every sign category, and every stage setting event is all converging in our day. I mean literally everything is at play right now at this moment. And to me that is mind boggling.

Dr. Reagan: Well, it certainly is. And it certainly should be convincing. Well, let me ask you this, would you just take a moment to look right into that camera in front of you and tell people how they can get in touch with you, okay?

Todd Hampson: Sure thing if you go to you can find information about my book, and about me and about my ministry.

Dr. Reagan: Okay. Great. Well, we really appreciate you being here today. It’s a blessing to us to have you in the studio.

Todd Hampson: Likewise.

Dr. Reagan: It is a blessing to us to emphasize this book because we want as many people as possible, as quickly as possible to understand Bible prophecy, and understand we are living in the season of the Lord’s return. I had a fella the other day said, “Wouldn’t it have been exciting to live in Bible times.” I said, “Brother, you are living in Bible times.”

Todd Hampson: That’s right. This is it.

Dr. Reagan: Well, folks, that is our program for this week. I want to invite you to back with us next week. And until then this is Dave Reagan speaking for Lamb and Lion Ministries saying, “Look up, be watchful, for our redemption is drawing near.”

End of Program

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