Bible Prophecy
Advanced Level Questions

a. The Saints will reign with Him2. What end time viewpoint is illustrated in the drawing below?
b. The plant and animal kingdoms will be redeemed
c. The New Jerusalem will be on the earth
d. A&B
e. All of the above

a. Historic Premillennial3. Paul says a crown of righteousness will be given as a reward to each person who:
b. Amillennial
c. Postmillennial
d. Modern Premillennial
e. None of the above
a. Serves as an Elder4. Paul says that in the end times society will disintegrate to the point that people will love only:
b. Loves the Lord’s appearing
c. Preaches the Word
d. Serves as a soul winner
e. Lives separate from the world
a. Money5. The Rapture is an event that is best described as:
b. Self
c. Pleasure
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
a. The Second Coming of Jesus6. Which of the following prophets foretold the virgin birth of the Messiah?
b. The removal of the Church to the New Earth
c. The removal of the Church to Heaven
d. The purifying of the Church
e. The hiding of the Church
a. Daniel7. Which of the following New Testament books would be considered primarily prophetic in nature?
b. Ezekiel
c. Isaiah
d. Micah
e. Zechariah
a. I & II Thessalonians8. Sometimes God asked prophets to act out prophecies. Which prophet did God order to marry a prostitute to illustrate Israel’s unfaithfulness?
b. II Peter
c. Revelation
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
a. Isaiah9. Oral prophets were prophets who only spoke. They did not write books of the Bible. Which of the following were oral prophets?
b. Daniel
c. Hosea
d. Habakkuk
e. None of the above
a. Elijah10. Who was the greatest prophet who ever lived?
b. Nathan
c. Agabus
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
a. Moses11. The term, Amillennial, means “no millennium.” Amillennialists believe that:
b. Isaiah
c. Jeremiah
d. John
e. None of the above
a. Satan is bound now12. In I Thessalonians 1:10, Paul says Jesus is coming to deliver His Saints from:
b. We are in the Millennium now
c. The Redeemed will live eternally in Heaven
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
a. The oppression of Satan13. The so-called “Minor Prophets” would include:
b. The wrath of God
c. The persecution of the world
d. The suffering of the flesh
e. The bondage of sin
a. Isaiah14. The term, Postmillennial, means “after the thousand years.” What event is it referring to that will happen after the thousand years?
b. Daniel
c. Zechariah
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
a. The period of the Tribulation15. What Old Testament Patriarch spoke these words: “I know that my Redeemer lives, and in the last days He will stand upon the earth.”
b. The binding of Satan
c. The return of Jesus for His Church
d. The provision of a New Jerusalem
e. None of the above
a. Moses16. In Luke’s recording of the Olivet Discourse, Jesus says the times of the Gentiles will come to an end when:
b. Enoch
c. Adam
d. Job
e. Abraham
a. The Jews reoccupy the city of Jerusalem17. The Old Testament prophets are divided into two groups — the Major & Minor Prophets. Which of the following would be considered Major Prophets?
b. The apostasy of the Church occurs
c. A world government is established
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
a. Zechariah18. Historic Premillennialism was the end time viewpoint of the early Church until the year 400. This view believes:
b. Jonah
c. Enoch
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
a. Satan’s binding is future19. What is the most frequently repeated prophecy in the Old Testament?
b. The Millennium is future
c. The Rapture precedes the Tribulation
d. A&B
e. All of the above
a. The virgin birth of the Messiah20. Which of the following prophets gives us the most detailed description of the Rapture?
b. The crucifixion of the Messiah
c. The resurrection of the Messiah
d. The regathering of the Jews to Israel
e. The Rapture of the Church
a. Jesus21. According to the book of Revelation, the Redeemed will live forever:
b. Isaiah
c. Paul
d. John
e. Zechariah
a. In Heaven22. Which of the following prophets is known as the prophet of the Anti-Christ?
b. In Paradise
c. On a New Earth
d. In Abraham’s Bosom
e. In the Promise Land
a. Malachi23. Which of the following prophets wrote a detailed prophecy about the Millennial Temple?
b. Daniel
c. Jeremiah
d. Zechariah
e. None of the above
a. Ezekiel24. What end time viewpoint is illustrated in the drawing below?
b. Jeremiah
c. Isaiah
d. Zechariah
e. Haggai

a. Historic Premillennial25. What New Testament book contains the most prophetic quotations from the Old Testament?
b. Amillennial
c. Postmillennial
d. Modern Premillennial
e. None of the above
a. Matthew26. In His Olivet Discourse, Jesus said He would return “when the fig tree blossoms.” What event does this imagery refer to?
b. John
c. Hebrews
d. Romans
e. Revelation
a. The rebirth of the state of Israel27. Which of the following covenants gave the Jews an everlasting title of the land of Canaan?
b. The reclamation of the land of Israel
c. The reoccupation of Jerusalem by the Jews
d. The revival of the Hebrew language
e. None of the above
a. Adamic28. In II Peter 1:19 we are told to pay attention to prophecy because it is like:
b. Noahic
c. Abrahamic
d. Mosaic
e. Davidic
a. A roadmap to the future29. Modern Premillennialism is the newest of all end time viewpoints. This view believes:
b. Peeking through a keyhole
c. An unveiling of mysteries
d. A lamp shining in a dark place
e. None of the above
a. Satan’s binding is future30. Ezekiel’s prophecy of Gog and Magog concerns:
b. The Rapture precedes the Tribulation
c. The Redeemed will spend eternity on a New Earth
d. A & B
e. All of the above
a. The battle of Gog & Magog at the end of the Millennium31. What end time viewpoint is illustrated below?
b. The two Tribulation witnesses of God
c. A Russian invasion of Israel
d. The battle of Armageddon
e. None of the above

a. Historic Premillennial32. Where in the Bible is it prophesied that Jesus would have His hands and feet pierced by crucifixion?
b. Amillennial
c. Postmillennial
d. Modern Premillennial
e. None of the above
a. The Law of Moses33. In Matthew 24 Jesus says that as the time approaches for His return, society will disintegrate until it becomes like the society in the time of:
b. The Major Prophets
c. The Minor Prophets
e. The Abrahamic Covenant
a. Nebuchadnezzar34. In Peter’s first sermon on Pentecost, he quoted which of the following prophets?
b. Abraham & Lot
c. Noah
d. Manasseh
e. Ahab
a. Joel35. The “Minor Prophets” were so named because:
b. Isaiah
c. David
d. A & C
e. All of the above
a. Their books are considered insignificant36. Which of the following convenants promised the establishment of an everlasting throne?
b. They resided in Asia Minor
c. Their books are short compared to the Major Prophets
d. They lived in obscure places
e. They did not prophesy about the Messiah
a. Adamic37. Daniel’s prophecy of the 70 weeks of years concerns:
b. Noahic
c. Abrahamic
d. Mosaic
e. Davidic
a. The crucifixion of the Messiah38. The Canaan Land Convenant of Deuteronomy 28-30:
b. The redemption of the Jews
c. The rebuilding of Jerusalem
d. The revelation of the Anti-Christ
e. All of the above
a. Lists blessings for obedience to God39. Which of the following covenants contained the promise, “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you”?
b. Lists curses for disobedience to God
c. Prophesies that the Jews will be exiled from the land
d. Warns Israel of a worldwide dispersion and persecution
e. All of the above
a. Adamic40. Which of the following events are not prophesied in the Old Testament?
b. Noahic
c. Abrahamic
d. Mosaic
e. Davidic
a. The triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem41. Which of the following Old Testament characters are types of Christ because events in their lives are prophetic in nature?
b. Peter’s denial of Jesus
c. The scourging of Jesus
d. The piercing of Jesus’ side
e. B & D
a. Moses42. What is the subject matter of the first prophecy in the Bible?
b. David
c. Joseph
d. B & C
e. All of the above
a. The Babylonian exile43. The term, Premillennial, means “before the thousand years.” What event is it referring to that will happen before the thousand years?
b. The virgin birth
c. The crucifixion
d. The resurrection of Jesus
e. The resurrection of the Saints
a. The Rapture of the Church44. Which prophet wrote a lament over the destruction of Jerusalem?
b. The binding of Satan
c. The return of Jesus to the earth
d. The provision of the New Jerusalem
e. None of the above
a. Isaiah45. In II Thessalonians 2, Paul says the day of the Lord can not come until:
b. Jeremiah
c. Ezekiel
d. Daniel
e. Zechariah
a. The apostasy occurs46. Ezekiel’s prophecy of the Valley of the Dry Bones concerns:
b. The Anti-Christ is revealed
c. The temple is rebuilt
d. A & B
e. All of the above
a. The regathering of the Jews to Israel in the end times47. What prophet wrote: “Now it will come about that in the last days… the law will go forth from Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.”
b. The revival of the Church in the end times
c. The resurrection of the Saints
d. The Rapture of the Church
e. None of the above
a. Isaiah48. The pre-Tribulation concept of the Rapture places the Rapture at:
b. Jeremiah
c. Micah
d. A & C
e. None of the above
a. The end of the Millennium49. What end time viewpoint is illustrated in the drawing?
b. The state of the Millennium
c. The beginning of the Tribulation
d. The end of the Tribulation
e. The middle of the Tribulation

a. Historic Premillennial50. Prophetic literature consistutes approximately what percent of the total Bible?
b. Amillennial
c. Postmillennial
d. Modern Premillennial
e. None of the above
a. 75%
b. 50%
c. 30%
d. 10%
e. 5%
1. d. A&B
2. b. Amillennial
3. b. Loves the Lord’s appearing 4. d. All of the above 5. c. The removal of the Church to Heaven 6. c. Isaiah 7. d. All of the above 8. c. Hosea 9. d. All of the above 10. e. None of the above 11. d. All of the above 12. b. The wrath of God 13. c. Zechariah 14. c. The return of Jesus for His Church 15. d. Job 16. a. The Jews reoccupy the city of Jerusalem 17. e. None of the above 18. d. A&B 19. d. The regathering of the Jews to Israel 20. c. Paul 21. c. On a New Earth 22. b. Daniel 23. a. Ezekiel 24. d. Modern Premillennial 25. e. Revelation 26. a. The rebirth of the state of Israel 27. c. Abrahamic 28. d. A lamp shining in a dark place 29. e. All of the above 30. c. A Russian invasion of Israel 31. a. Historic Premillennial 32. a. Historic Premillennial 33. c. Noah 34. d. A & C 35. c. Their books are short compared to the Major Prophets 36. e. Davidic 37. e. All of the above 38. e. All of the above 39. c. Abrahamic 40. b. Peter’s denial of Jesus 41. e. All of the above 42. b. The virgin birth 43. c. The return of Jesus to the earth 44. b. Jeremiah 45. e. All of the above 46. a. The regathering of the Jews to Israel in the end times 47. d. A & C 48. c. The beginning of the Tribulation 49. c. Postmillennial 50. c. 30%
2. b. Amillennial
3. b. Loves the Lord’s appearing 4. d. All of the above 5. c. The removal of the Church to Heaven 6. c. Isaiah 7. d. All of the above 8. c. Hosea 9. d. All of the above 10. e. None of the above 11. d. All of the above 12. b. The wrath of God 13. c. Zechariah 14. c. The return of Jesus for His Church 15. d. Job 16. a. The Jews reoccupy the city of Jerusalem 17. e. None of the above 18. d. A&B 19. d. The regathering of the Jews to Israel 20. c. Paul 21. c. On a New Earth 22. b. Daniel 23. a. Ezekiel 24. d. Modern Premillennial 25. e. Revelation 26. a. The rebirth of the state of Israel 27. c. Abrahamic 28. d. A lamp shining in a dark place 29. e. All of the above 30. c. A Russian invasion of Israel 31. a. Historic Premillennial 32. a. Historic Premillennial 33. c. Noah 34. d. A & C 35. c. Their books are short compared to the Major Prophets 36. e. Davidic 37. e. All of the above 38. e. All of the above 39. c. Abrahamic 40. b. Peter’s denial of Jesus 41. e. All of the above 42. b. The virgin birth 43. c. The return of Jesus to the earth 44. b. Jeremiah 45. e. All of the above 46. a. The regathering of the Jews to Israel in the end times 47. d. A & C 48. c. The beginning of the Tribulation 49. c. Postmillennial 50. c. 30%