Intermediate Level Questions

This is a general test on the book of Revelation that I prepared for the students of Ecola Bible School in Cannon Beach, Oregon. The course was taught at a freshman level.
1. In chapters 8 and 9, a series of Tribulation judgments called the Trumpet Judgments are presented. Included in these judgments are the following events: (Sorry, but every exam has to have one tough question!)a. A great earthquake b. A plague of locusts c. An extended period of total darkness d. All of the above2. In chapter 19 when Jesus breaks from the heavens to return to earth, He is accompanied by “the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.” Who are these people?
a. Angels b. The Church c. Old Testament Saints d. The Tribulation Martyrs3. In chapters 2 & 3, thirteen promises are made to overcomers. Those promises include:
a. A new name b. Immunity from the second death c. A white garment d. Some of the hidden manna e. All of the above f. None of the above4. Complete these words of Jesus taken from Revelation 1:17-18: “Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, and the living One; and I was dead, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys to death and __________.”
a. Hades b. Heaven c. Hell d. Taxes e. Punishment5. In chapter 5, John notices a scroll or book in the right hand of God. The book contains:
a. The Ten Commandments b. The title deed to the earth c. The contents of Revelation d. The names of the saved e. None of the above6. Chapter 11 presents two witnesses of God who preach for 3 1/2 years and then are killed by the Antichrist. They are not identified, but they are most likely:
a. Peter and Paul b. Amos and Andy c. Elijah and Elisha d. Elijah and Enoch e. The Smothers Brothers7. In Revelation 4 and 5, the scene shifts from earth to heaven. John finds himself in God’s throne room. He sees:
a. The prophet Elijah b. The patriarch Job c. A bloody lion d. Twenty-four elders e. All of the above8. Chapter 22 reveals that the redeemed residing inside the New Jerusalem will see something very special. What is it?
a. The Ark of the Covenant b. The Tablets of Stone c. The Temple of God d. The Face of God9. Chapter 21 portrays the eternal state and reveals where the redeemed will live eternally. Where will that be?
a. Heaven b. Nirvana c. A new earth d. In the clouds e. Texas10. Chapter 19 begins with all of Heaven shouting “Hallelujah!” Why is the “multitude in heaven” shouting this praise?
a. Because God is avenging the blood of His bond-servants b. Because Babylon has been destroyed c. Because the time has come for the marriage feast of the Lamb d. All of the above e. None of the above11. In chapter 7, 144,000 persons are portrayed as “bond-servants of God”, who have been “sealed” and who are immune to the judgments of the Tribulation. Who are these 144,000?
a. The Jehovah’s Witnesses b. The Church c. A special host of angels d. The Tribulation martyrs e. None of the above12. Chapter 13 speaks of a mark of the beast and identifies it as the number 666. What is this mark?
a. A tattoo the Antichrist will wear on his right hand b. The lottery number that will win the Tribulation jackpot c. The number of apostate church leaders who will endorse the Antichrist d. The number of demons who will be used by the Antichrist to enforce his orders e. None of the above13. Chapter 12 presents a rationale for the cosmic battle between God and Satan. Many symbols are used in this explanation. One of them is “a woman clothed with the sun” who gives birth to a “male child.” Who is this woman?
a. Mary, the mother of Jesus b. The Church c. Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist d. Israel e. None of the above14. Chapter 12 also introduces the reader to “a dragon.” Who is this dragon?
a. Satan b. The Antichrist c. The False Prophet d. The Loch Ness Monster e. Judas Iscariot15. Chapter 14 states that the Gospel will be preached to every person on earth right before the final pouring out of God’s wrath at the end of the Tribulation. Who will do this preaching?
a. The 144,000 b. the 666 c. A special angel d. The two witnesses e. The Church f. None of the above16. Chapters 15 and 16 describe the final outpouring of God’s wrath at the end of the Tribulation. This series of judgments is referred to as:
a. The Bowl Judgments b. The Seal Judgments c. The Thunder Judgments d. The Babylon Judgments17. Chapter 17 introduces a woman sitting on a scarlet beast clothed in purple and scarlet and adorned with gold and precious stones. Who is this woman?
a. Jezebel b. Hillary Clinton c. The apostate church of the Antichrist d. Imelda Marcos e. The wife of the Antichrist18. Chapter 10 presents a flash-forward to the end of the Tribulation. It portrays a “mighty angel” coming to earth. The angel stands with one foot in the sea and the other on the land and roars like a lion to deliver a message of God. Who is this angel?
a. Gabriel b. Michael c. Jesus, as the Angel of the Lord d. Lucifer e. Elvis19. The overcomers mentioned in chapters 2 and 3 are defined in 1 John 5:1-5 as persons who:
a. overcome sin b. overcome death c. place their faith in Jesus as the Son of God d. remain faithful to the end20. Chapter 18 presents God’s destruction of Babylon. Based on clues in the text of chapters 17 and 18, this Babylon is most likely:
a. Modern day Babylon b. Modern day Rome c. The United States d. Woodstock e. Jerusalem21. In chapter 20, who reigns with Jesus over the earth?
a. Old Testament Saints b. The Apostles c. Church Age Saints d. Tribulation Martyrs e. All of the above22. Chapter 20 presents “the great white throne judgment.” Who is judged?
a. All of humanity b. Old Testament Saints c. The lost d. The saved e. Tribulation Martyrs23. Chapter 13 reveals a “beast out of the earth.” Who is this beast?
a. Satan b. The Antichrist c. The False Prophet d. Ross Perot e. Judas Iscariot24. In chapter 6, a person is portrayed riding forth on a white horse. This person is:
a. The Antichrist b. Jesus Christ c. The prophet Elijah d. Paul Revere e. The archangel Michael25. In Revelation 1, the theme of the book is stated to be:
a. The need for repentance in the Church b. The return of Jesus c. The fall of Babylon d. The defeat of Satan e. None of the above
1. b. A plague of locusts
2. b. The Church
3. e. All of the above
4. a. Hades
5. b. The title deed to the earth
6. d. Elijah and Enoch
7. d. Twenty-four elders
8. d. The Face of God
9. c. A new earth
10. d. All of the above
11. e. None of the above
12. e. None of the above
13. d. Israel
14. a. Satan
15. c. A special angel
16. a. The Bowl Judgments
17. c. The apostate church of the Antichrist
18. c. Jesus, as the Angel of the Lord
19. c. place their faith in Jesus as the Son of God
20. b. Modern day Rome
21. e. All of the above
22. c. The lost
23. c. The False Prophet
24. a. The Antichrist
25. b. The return of Jesus