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Applying the Science of Probability to the Scriptures
Do statistics prove the Bible’s supernatural origin?
The Challenge of the Scientific Viewpoint
Can the Bible pass the test?
The Bible Code
Is it for real, and if so, does it provide new evidence of the supernatural origin of the Bible?
The King James Bible Code
The King James translators contrived a Bible code that is a needless anachronism.
The Queen James Bible
Apostasy Gone to Seed!
The Beginning and the Ending
Should the Bible be spiritualized?
The Bible’s Strangest Book
Why is Ecclesiastes so negative?
Bookends of the Bible
Jesus from the Garden to the Gate
All Things New
New and Improved
The Bible Version Controversy
Is the King James Version the only perfect translation of the Bible?
The King James Bible
Celebrating 400 Years
Christian Living
The Holy Spirit in the End Times
The nature and role of the Holy Spirit in preparation for the return of Jesus.
Living for Christ in the End Times
A challenge to prepare for His soon return.
The Message of Psalm 2
Are you sweating the end times?
What is Your Christian Hope?
Can you put it into words?
Finding Hope in the Midst of Crisis
Can Bible prophecy give us hope?
Living with an Eternal Perspective
Are you in love with the world?
Giving in the Season of the Lord’s Return
How Now Should We Give?
Joy Comes in the Morning
Understanding the Difference Between Happiness and Joy
How to Discern
The Deception of the Cults
Do you know how to recognize a cult?
The Danger of False Prophets
How to recognize a false prophet.
Do Not Be Deceived
Discerning Demonic Deception
Jehovah’s Witnesses
The Jehovah’s Witnesses
False prophecy gone to seed.
Why I Left the Jehovah’s Witnesses
A personal testimony by a person born into the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Irrefutable Proof that Joseph Smith Was a Fraud
Why Mormonism is Not Christian
The Tangled Web of Mormonism
The characteristics of the world’s largest cult.
Three Irrefutable Reasons
Why Joseph Smith Was a Fraud
New Age
Dancing with the Devil
Have the Ancient Gods Returned?
Changing Jesus Calling
Damage Control for a False Christ
I Was A Teen Age New Ager
A testimony of deliverance from the New Age Movement.
The Celestine Prophecy
Is this book a heavenly insight or a New Age fraud?
Other Cults
The Maze of Masonry
Should a Christian be a Mason?
The Beguiling Cult of Freemasonry
Teaching All Roads Lead to Heaven
The cult of the elite.
The Seventh-Day Adventists
Christian or cultic in nature?
Seventh-Day Adventist Eschatology
Compounding an Error
The Cult of the Flat Earthers
Avoiding Falling Down the Rabbit Hole
New Apostolic Reformation
A Mountain of Misleading
False Prophets
Todd Bentley
An Evaluation of the Florida Healing Outpouring.
Harold Camping
The Madness of Date-Setting
Edgar Cayce
The sleeping prophet.
William Miller
The sincerely deceived prophet.
Prophet or Charlatan?
Joseph Smith
The ego-maniacal prophet.
Those “Boring Begats”
Why did God bother to include all those boring begats in the Bible?
C.S. Lewis — His Conversion
One Man’s Road to Jesus
A Contrast in Tombs
Tombs Can Tell a Story
A Thought about Abortion
Would you consider abortion in the following four situations?
A Passionate Prayer for America
A Prayer by Joe Wright
From Communism to Christianity
A Remarkable Story of Change
My Most Meaningful Christmas
A Christmas Memory
Moving Mountains
Acting on Faith
Not Just Looking Back
Angels & Demons
The Ministry of Angels
Past, Present, and Future
The Angel of the Lord
His Identity, Manifestations, and Roles
Satan’s Story
Past, Present and Future
Counting Angels
How Many Are There?
The Angel of the Lord Revealed
The Prophetic Jesus
The Bible
Is it Man’s search for God or God’s revelation to Man?
Absolute Truth
Does it exist?
The Deity of Jesus
Is it a myth or a reality?
The Resurrection of Jesus
Its Reality and Essentiality
The Reality of the Resurrection
The Evidence and Significance
What Must I do to Be Saved?
Is just believing really enough?
Are There Many Roads to God?
One way or many?
Do Christians, Muslims and Jews Worship the Same God?
Comparing Gods
“Jesus Died for Your Sins”
What does this mean?
The Judgment of God
The Inevitability of Judgment
The Gospel
A Plan or a Man?
The Lord’s Supper
A Reflection & Preview of Good News
What Happens When You Die?
Soul sleep or conscious existence?
Resurrections and Judgments
How many and when?
Mortality Reset
Misconceptions About Death
Resurrection in Hebrew Scripture
The Afterlife
The Meaning of Heaven
An ethereal spirit world or a tangible new earth?
The Greatest Mystery of Bible Prophecy
The Eternal State
Heavenly Rewards
The Types / Their Basis / Their Permanence
And the Difference They Should Make in Your Life
The Nature of Hell
An eternal punishment or eternal torment?
When the Unsaved Die
What happens to the unsaved when they die?
Frequent Questions about Bible Prophecy
What do you think would be the most frequently asked questions?
The Plague of Biblical Illiteracy
Is your Bible knowledge up to date?
What type of Christian are you?
Cultural? Born Again? Evangelical?
General Prophecy
Beginner Level Questions
Intermediate Level Questions
Bible Prophecy
Advanced Level Questions
Fascinating Statistics
A joint poll by the American Bible Society and the Barna Group
How much of what you know about the Nativity is based on Scripture?
A Christmas Quiz
First Coming
The Truth of the Virgin Birth
Is it Essential to the Christian Faith?
The Virgin Birth
Its validity and essentiality to the faith.
The Bethlehem Miracle
Jesus’ birth as a testimony of God’s faithfulness.
Mysteries of the Star of Bethlehem
Solving a Puzzle
When Was Jesus Born?
Was it really on December 25th?
Prophetic Facts About the Nativity
Prophecies fulfilled when Jesus was born.
The Address of the Messiah
Written in Bible prophecy long before Jesus was born.
Was the Bethlehem Innkeeper a Schmuck?
The Inn of Jesus’ Birth
Honoring Mary
Rediscovering Mary
The Wonder of Christmas
Celebrating Christmas
Probing the First Advent
Lessons for Today from the Incarnation
Dwelling in the Presence of the Almighty
God with Us
Awaiting Our Messiah
Looking Forward
Light in the Darkness
The Tragic Background to the Prophecies Surrounding Jesus’ Birth
The Passion in Prophecy
The message of Psalm 22.
Prophecy in the Psalms
A Major Repository of Messianic Prophecies
The Forgotten Promises of Christmas
Promises the Church has spiritualized out of existence.
The Forgotten Man of Christmas
Rediscovering Joseph
The Triumphal Entry
The Second Coming
The Resurrection in Prophecy
An event clearly foreseen by both Jesus and the Hebrew prophets.
A Bible Prophecy Problem Concerning the Resurrection
Did the Resurrection fulfill the prophecy of Jonah?
The Centrality of the Resurrection
Is it the essence of the Gospel?
The Miracle of the Incarnation
The Most Unique Miracle
The Importance of Bible Prophecy
Is it a playground for fanatics or green pastures for disciples?
The Abuse of Prophecy
Does it deserve the contempt it receives?
The Interpretation of Prophecy
An exercise in imagination or the application of plain sense?
Types of Prophecy and Prophecy in Types
Have you ever stopped to think about the marvelous variety of Bible prophecy?
10 Reasons Why Bible Prophecy Exists
God’s Plan for the Ages
The Primacy of Prophecy
We Have the Prophetic Word Made More Sure
A Dozen of the Bible’s Most Important Prophecies
Messianic Prophecies
Prophetic Craziness
The Playground of the Sensationalists
The Gate to Prophecy
Why is the Eastern Gate to the Old City of Jerusalem closed, and what does it have to do with Bible prophecy?
His End Time Prophecies
Daniel on the Timely Understanding of Prophecy
How to Recognize the Times
Recommended Books on Bible Prophecy
Are there certain books that are essential?
Why Kids Love Bible Prophecy
And why adults fail to teach it.
The Truth About Islam
Do we all worship the same God?
ISIS: What’s It All About?
Where did ISIS come from? What motivates it? What are its methods? What are its purposes? What will be its fate? What does the Bible have to say about it?
The Left & Islam
Why Do They Love Each Other?
Islamic Eschatology
What are the end-time prophecies of Islam?
The Fate of Islam in Bible Prophecy
Will Islam be the religion of the Antichrist?
The Fate of the Muslims
Does God provide any hope?
The Antichrist
Will he be a Muslim?
The Muslim Antichrist Theory
An Evaluation
Does the Rise of ISIS Point to a Muslim Antichrist?
A Doctrinal Analysis
The Mysterious Role of Islam in the End Times
Significance to Prophecy
Witnessing to Muslims
In Light of Islamic Eschatology
How to Share Jesus With a Muslim
Keys to Witnessing
Nothing New Under the Sun
Islam’s Challenge
Jewish Life
What is it? Where is it in the Bible? How does it relate to Christianity?
The Jewish Calendar
What year is it, and does it really matter?
Its Roots and Perseverance
Is Dispensationalism Anti-Semitic in Nature?
The Evil of Replacement Theology
The Historical Abuse of the Jews by the Church
The Gospel and Tisha B’Av
A Date That Lives in Infamy
The Salvation of the Jews
Do the Jews need Jesus, or is He the Gentile Savior?
The Law of Moses
Does it apply to Christians today?
Evangelical Apostasy!
The error of embracing Dual Covenant Theology
Christian Zionism
What is it? Is it biblical? Is it dangerous? Does it matter?
Jerusalem in History and Prophecy
A Background Study
Thank You, Mr. President
For recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital
The Jerusalem Song
Jerusalem in Music
Israel as Proof of God’s Existence
Israel in Bible Prophecy
The Land of Israel
To whom does it belong?
The Reclamation of the Land
Israel in Bible Prophecy
The Resurgence of the Israeli Military
Israel in Bible Prophecy
The Revival of the Hebrew Language
Israel in Bible Prophecy
The Story Behind Israel’s Flag
Prophetic Symbol of Israel
The Feasts of Israel
Do they have prophetic significance?
The Rebirth of the Sanhedrin
What is its prophetic significance?
Israel’s 60th Anniversary
Understanding God’s Prophetic Timeclock
Israel’s 70th Anniversary
Understanding God’s Prophetic Timeclock
Will Modern Day Israel Survive?
Fate of Israel
Myths About Israel
The Major Political and Theological Myths
Should Christians Support Israel?
Busting Myths About the Nation of Israel
Dry Bones Rising
Israel in Old Testament Prophecy
The Withered Fig Tree Is Blooming
Israel in New Testament Prophecy
Sign of Israel
A Long-Awaited Promise
The Rage of My Adversaries
Exposing Antisemitism
The Jews in Prophecy
Have they been cast aside, or are they destined for glory?
God and the Jews
Why does God seem to be so obsessed with the Jews?
The Jews in End Time Bible Prophecy
A Summary
The Regathering of the Jewish People
The Most Important Prophetic Development of the 20th Century
Messianic Judaism
Its Meaning and Significance
The Dispersion of the Jews
Israel in Bible Prophecy
The Preservation of the Jewish People
A Great Miracle
Holy Cow?!
A Moooving Experience
Jewish Preparations for the Messiah
Signs of the Times
The Third Temple
When will it be built?
The Jewish Temples
Where were they located?
Temple Denial
Divorcing the Jewish People From Their Historic Capital City
Middle East Politics
Are they victims of Jewish oppression or pawns in an Arab conspiracy?
Yitzhak Rabin
Was he a visionary statesman or a devious politician?
Yasser Arafat
Was he a man of peace or an international thug?
Is the Battle Between Israel and Hamas a Prophetic War?
Comparing Two Prophetic Wars
Deceptive Slogans
In the Propaganda War Against Israel
The Dead Deal
Middle East Realities
The Middle East Peace Process
Is it a path to peace or a road to war?
US-Israel Relations in History and Prophecy
The Gaza Blunder
What is motivating Israel?
U.S. Policy Toward Israel: Hypocrisy Gone to Seed
The inconsistency of U.S. policy regarding terrorism.
The Iraq Study Report
A blueprint for victory or surrender?
Evangelical Confusion!
Is a two-state “solution” the answer for peace?
The World’s Hatred of Israel
Prophecy Fulfilled
Obama’s Shame
The insanity of his last days in office
The Yom Kippur War
God’s Miraculous Delivery from Near Disaster
Rumors of Peace
The Elusive Hope of Man
Will Israel Survive?
Dark Days Ahead
The Destiny of the Middle East
Why has God regathered the Jews to their homeland? What is the likely future of Israel? What does it all mean to the Church?
The Middle East Crisis in Biblical Perspective
What are the spiritual roots of the Arab-Israeli conflict? Can the conflict be solved politically?
Turmoil in Egypt
Is it Prophetic?
Is the Church the Kingdom?
Does the Church represent the full expression of God’s kingdom?
The Error of Replacement Theology
Has the Church replaced Israel?
Why a Millennium?
Does Jesus really need to return to earth to reign?
The Millennium in the Old Testament
Can it be found there?
The Prophecy of the Week of Millenniums
The Millennial Day Theory
Animals Will Be at Peace with Mankind
Nature Finally at Peace
Going Up to Yahweh Shammah
The Jerusalem of the Kingdom
End Time Viewpoints
Why are there so many? How do they differ? Does it matter?
Amillennial Problems
Are we really in the Millennium now?
Postmillennial Problems
Will the Church convert the world?
The Fallacy of Preterism
Were the Second Coming Prophecies fulfilled in the First Century?
The Error of Postmillennialism
Prophecy Commentary
Prophetic Issues
Ark of the Covenant
The Ark of the Covenant
Its origin, purpose and destiny
The Ark of the Covenant in Ethiopia
Has it been found?
The Search for the Ark of the Covenant
Will the Ark of the Covenant be found?
“Mystery Babylon”
New York, Rome, or Babylon?
The Olivet Discourse
Past History or Future Prophecy?
Matthew 24
Is it history or prophecy?
Zechariah 14
Fact or fiction?
In Prophecy
The Gentiles in Prophecy
Spent glory or future empire?
The Arabs in Prophecy
Fated for hope or despair?
The Church in Prophecy
Past, Present and Future
The Earth in Prophecy
Eternal Restoration or Fiery Finish?
Today’s Technology
Foretold in the Bible
The Prophecy of Elam
A Prophecy About Modern-Day Iran?
Does the Church represent the full expression of God’s kingdom?
Scripture Study
Prophetic Voices
Meeting the Minor Prophets
Scripture Discovery
Why Read the Minor Prophets?
God’s Messengers of Faith
Jonathan Cahn
In Defense of a Prophetic Voice
Pastor Robert Jeffress
The Implosion of America
Is America’s collapse inevitable?
Erwin Lutzer
Hitler’s Nightmare
Could it happen here in America?
Franklin Graham
A Modern Day Daniel In the Lion’s Den
David Wilkerson
America’s Prophet of Destruction
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
The Danger of Forgetting God
Francis Schaeffer
God’s Spokesman for a Christian Worldview
Donald Wildmon
A Voice Crying for Decency
Jan Markell
A Voice Denouncing Apostasy
Billy Graham
In Memoriam
Jesus is Coming Soon!
We are living on borrowed time.
Jesus Is Coming Back Very Soon
Now is the season!
The Rapture
What is it? Who will it affect? When is it most likely to take place?
Rapture New?
Get a Clue!
The Rapture Under Attack
Prophecy Study
Left Behind
Jesus Came
What’s Next?
Pre-Tribulation Rapture
The Origin of the Concept of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture
From Man or the Bible?
Why I Believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture
11 reasons why Jesus will come back before the Tribulation
2 Thessalonians 2:3
Can the Rapture be found in this passage?
The Pre-Wrath Rapture
Is there any validity to this concept?
In Defense of the Pre–Tribulation Rapture
Left behind or led astray?
An Update on the Origin of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture
The Research of Dr. William C. Watson
Pre-Trib in My Inbox
Answering an Important Bible Prophecy Question
Rapture Conflict
Book Review
Why Do I Believe In A Pre-Trib Rapture?
10 Reasons
Is The Pre-Trib Rapture Too New To Be True?
The Origin of Pre-Trib Viewpoint
Religious Issues
The Jesus Ossuary
Has the family tomb of Jesus been found?
The New Egyptian Chronology
A revised Egyptian chronology results in startling new archeological discoveries which authenticate Old Testament histories.
Catholics and Protestants
How big are the differences?
Roman Catholicism
Is it the “Whore of Babylon”?
Observations on the Woman of Revelation 17
Is the Harlot the Catholic Church?
The Last Pope?
The Malachy Prophecy
Creating False Saints
Catholic Apostasy
The Pope Gets It Wrong Again!
The Pope’s Newest Revelation
You Say You Want a Revival?
A Reason for Celebration and Hope
Laughter, Swoonings, and Other Strange Things
How should Christians react?
Holy Spirit Baptism
What is it? When does it occur? How is it manifested?
Prayer, Revival and the Holy Spirit
Why don’t Christians pray?
Christian Walk
The Mystery of Suffering
Why do the righteous suffer?
The Power of Prayer
Do you have a two-bit prayer life?
Eternal Security
Do believers have it? How does it relate to prophecy?
Do pets go to Heaven?
Some thought-provoking answers to the age-old question.
Christians Celebrating Christmas
Is it okay?
When God Seems So Distant
Understanding the Heart of Our Heavenly Father
Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?
A Biblical Question
Creation or Evolution?
Does it really make any difference?
Our Young Earth
It’s About Time: Why I Believe in a Young Earth
Alpha and Omega
The Author of Creation and Our Soon-Returning King
“Science Proves the Existence of God!”
Science & Faith
Apostasy on Steroids
The Church
Another Gospel
The dangers of the “seeker-sensitive,” man-centered Gospel.
Racism and the Church
Still a need for healing.
Zephaniah Stops the Youth Exodus
Prophecy Study
Last Days
The Spiritual Environment of the Last Days
Apostasy or revival?
When the Cup is Full
Why does God delay His wrath?
The Law of Decay
Is there an antidote?
The New Age Church
The World’s Largest Church
The Bibles of the Reformation
A History of the English Translations of the Bible
October 31, 2017
Celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation
A Failure of the Reformation
Scriptural Interpretation
Martin Luther
A Captive to God’s Word
The Abandonment of the Reformation
The Vatican’s Strategy to Reverse the Reformation
The Nature of the Book
Is Revelation prophecy or history?
The Interpretation of the Book
Is it symbolic or literal in nature?
The Date of the Book
Was Revelation written before or after the fall of Jerusalem?
The Antichrist
Will he be killed and then resurrected from the dead?
The World Government
Where will the headquarters of the Antichrist be located?
The 666 Symbol
Why is the number 666 used as a symbol of the Antichrist?
The Letters to the Seven Churches
Do they have any prophetic significance?
The New Earth
Are the Redeemed going to spend eternity on a new earth or in Heaven?
The Ultimate Mystery
Who are the mysterious nations outside the New Jerusalem?
The Mysterious 144,000
Who are the 144,000 in Revelation and what is their purpose?
The Mysterious Angel
Who is the “mighty angel” of Revelation 10?
The Two Witnesses
Who are the two witnesses who will preach in Jerusalem?
The Gospel Angel
Prophecy Study
Millennial Kingdom
The Thousand Years
The 1,000 years of Revelation 20 — are they literal or symbolic?
The Mysterious Woman
Who is the “woman clothed with the sun” in chapter 12. Is this Mary, the mother of Jesus?
The Great Prostitute of Revelation 17
Who or what will she be?
The Jews
Why does God seem to be obsessed with the Jews in Revelation?
The Wretched Reprobate of Revelation
Questions Raised by the Imagery
Who Are the 24 Elders of Revelation 4?
Prophecy Sleuthing
The Angels of Revelation
An Interview with Nathan Jones
The Mystery of the Rapture
Why isn’t the Rapture mentioned in the book of Revelation?
The Two Resurrections
Revelation speaks of two resurrections. But doesn’t the Bible make it clear that there will be more than two?
The Nature and Purpose of the Tribulation
Why is God going to pour out His wrath during the Tribulation?
The Tribulation Judgments
Are they sequential and are they natural or supernatural?
The Issue of Preterism
Doesn’t the book infer that its prophecies were to be fulfilled in the time it was written?
The Left Behind Series
Fact or fiction? Does this series of books represent an accurate interpretation of Revelation?
Second Coming
Jesus is Coming Soon!
Audio Version
The Biblical Evidence that Jesus is Returning to Reign
Is it solely based on Revelation 20?
Six Reasons Why All Christians Should Desire the Soon Return of Jesus
Are you yearning or yawning?
The Certainty of the Lord’s Return
The Biblical Evidence
The Return of the Messiah
The certainty of the Lord’s Coming Reign
The Promise of Victory
We Are Going to Win in the End!
What is Jesus Looking Forward To?
The Jewish Wedding
The Nature of the Lord’s Return
Is the Lord returning in love or in wrath?
The Certainty of Judgment
An overview of what the Bible says about resurrection and judgment.
The Spiritual Discernment of Signs and Seasons
Looking Forward to The Blessed Hope
An Overview of the Signs of the Times
What are the great variety of signs that point to the Lord’s soon return?
Modern Day Signs of the Times
A review of signs unique to our day and time.
50 Reasons
Why we are living in the end times.
Recognizing Signs of the Times
What are the specific signs that point to the Lord’s soon return?
The Exponential Curve
Is it a sign that Jesus is returning soon?
The Future Has Arrived!
The Fulfillment of Prophecy in Our Day and Time
Christian Labels
The Origin of Fundamentalism
“Alas! What Shall We Do?”
Prophetic Hope
The Time is Near
The Urgency of Our Core Message
Longing for the King
Praying For the Kingdom
The Great Convergence Fizzle
A Look After September 2015
The Folly of Date Setting
Why won’t this scourge go away?
The Blood Moon Mania
Legitimate Sign or Hype?
The end of the world?
Extreme Weather in Prophecy
God’s Uses for Extreme Weather
Natural Signs of Jesus’ Soon Return
Crucial Questions
Nature and Nature’s God
Discerning the Signs of the Times
Acts of Nature Or Nuclear Weapons?
A Questionable Sign
Living on the Brink of Eternity
Christian Security in the Face of Viral Fear
The New Factor
The Signs of Nature
Does God Still Speak Through Signs of Nature?
The End Time Signs of Nature
The Coronavirus Pandemic
What is God Saying?
Tough Faith in a Time of Anxiety
The Pandemic
Dealing with the Coronavirus Crisis
A Biblical Perspective
Hurricane Katrina
The Prophetic Significance
Earthquake in Haiti
Why, God, all the devastation?
The Kingdom of The World
Signs in World Politics
The Statue and The Stone
The End of Failed Human Government
The One World Religion
How it is coming together and how it relates to the return of Jesus.
Europe in Prophecy
The end time revival of the Roman Empire.
Great Britain Withdraws From the European Union
The End of World Politics
Have we reached the final alignment?
America, We Have a Problem
Caught In a Raging Storm
Strategy for Reclaiming the Christian Culture
What can I do to reclaim the Christian culture?
America’s Suicidal Trajectory
The Point of No Return
Spiritual Signs Abounding
Positive and Negative Signs
Undeniable Spiritual Signs
Give It to Me Straight
Worship in Prophecy
Is the revival of Davidic praise worship a sign of the end times?
What was the Greatest Event of the 20th Century?
The Relationship to Bible Prophecy
Is An Increase in Racism A Sign of the End-Times?
Nathan Jones interviews Don Perkins
The Origins of Knowledge
The Source, Keeper, and Provider
The Gospel Information Superhighway
A Second Revolution
Technology and Eschatology
On a Supernatural High-Speed Collision Course
Social Issues
Choose This Day
How a Society Drifts Away from the Lord
The Decay of Society
Sad Days
Spiritual Crisis in the Arts
Do the Arts shape society or only reflect it?
The Infamous “N-word”
Observations on vocabulary in a politically correct age.
School Shootings
The Reasons Behind the Tragedies
The Immorality of Socialism
The Need for Common Sense
What Christians Are Facing
The Culture War
12 Stones
Reflections on My Years as a Legislator
Revival or Revolution
Is There Another Option?
Countering the Cancel Culture
Societal Chaos
Worldview: The Lens We Look Through
What’s in Your Worldview?
Your Worldview:
Pagan or Christian?
Are Christians homophobic?
Why Homosexuality is a Unique Sin Today
From Shame to Celebration
America’s Self–Destruction
The Supreme Court’s Decision on Gay Marriage
Marriage Insanity
Social Depravity
The Abomination of Abortion
Are we courting the wrath of God?
The Virtue that Threatens America and the Church
How a popular virtue has been twisted in meaning to become a curse instead of a blessing.
The Most Dangerous Doctrine in Christianity Today
What Christian doctrine that has been ignored by American churches has been outlawed by the Chinese?
The New Millennium
Is there any hope? Three Viewpoints
The Georgia Guidestones
Do they contain the Ten Commandments of the Antichrist?
Do You Know Roe?
A Reflection on the Meaning of Life
Youth in Despair
People Without A Purpose
George Washington Carver
Life Lessons from a Christian Examplar
The Double-Edged Sword
How Technology is Keeping the Biblical Worldview from a New Generation
The Resort to Violence
Can it ever be justified in behalf of righteousness?
Why, O Lord?
Observations on the Oklahoma City Disaster
The Real Reason for School Violence
A Radical Cultural Shift
An Era of Insanity
Defunding the Police
The Great Tribulation
What is it? When will it occur? What is its purpose?
The Wrath of God
Is it a myth or a reality?
Daniel’s 70 Weeks of Years
When did it start? Has it ended, or is there a gap in it?
The Marriage Feast of the Lamb
In Heaven or on Earth?
The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist
Is he alive today? And other questions.
The Antichrist
(in Islam section) Will he be a Muslim?
Is the Pope the Antichrist?
The Pope in Prophecy
The Wars of the End Times
How many and when will they happen?
Timing Gog and Magog
When will the Ezekiel 38-39 war be fulfilled?
Nuclear Weapons in the End Times
Does the Bible predict a nuclear holocaust?
Another Thousand Years Before Gog?
A Prophetic Interpretation
Judgment in Jehoshaphat
The Wrath of God
United States
The United States in Bible Prophecy
America the Beautiful?
Is it too late for America?
Has America passed the point of no return?
America’s Final Years
The Death of a Nation
Why are the Nations in an Uproar?
Prophecy Commentary
The Glory is Departing
Is There Any Hope for America?
Book Review
Revival vs. Revolution
Which Will It Be?
The Economic Meltdown
Is it a judgment on America?
The Politics of Greed
The Political Scene
The Pandemic:
Long-Range Economic Consequences
America’s Christian Heritage
Is America based on Christian principles?
A Perspective on 50 Years
Has America ceased to be a Christian nation?
The Tribal Theory of God
Does History Support It?
The Free Exercise of Religion
First Amendment Bedrock
What the American Presidential Campaign Means to a Student of Bible Prophecy
Our Drift Toward Secularism
What America Desperately Needs
The Call for Repentance
The Impeachment Debacle
Manufacturing Charges
How COVID-19 Has Become A Constitutional Crisis
The Pandemic
“Systemic Racism”
The BIG Lie
Erasing History
Societal Chaos
Remedial Judgments
What is America’s Destiny?
Repentance or Judgment?
Satan’s Five-Part Plan to Destroy America
America’s Future
America in the Balance
Are We Past the Point of No Return?
Viral Threats to Religious Liberty
Beware of Power That Corrupts Absolutely
Why “Progressives” Are Not Progressive
What The Movement Stands For
Why Progressives Love Crises
The Pandemic
Have We Become A Nation of Sheep?
The Pandemic
The Perfect Storm
Our Society in Chaos
We Were Warned!
Societal Chaos
The 9/11 Attack on America
What Were the Causes?